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Everything posted by bmercier

  1. Hello Everyone, A maintenance is planned this friday March 30th, 5am PST. This will last up to 2 hours, with intermittent downtimes. The purpose of the maintenance is to upgrade the node.js version on all servers. No other changes are planned. Thanks, Benoit Mercier
  2. ISY Portal Accounts have the spokens ISY Portal Accounts can have one or several users in it. GH links to a an ISY Portal user (Which is in an account, which gives access to the spokens of that account). When you want multiple GH with their own set of spokens, then you need to create sub-accounts for each. In the sub-account for GH A, you create the spokens and user in that sub-account, and use that ISY Portal user when linking your GH. Repeat for you GH B, C, D, etc. In order to understand linking, it's really a GH accounts that links to an ISY Portal user, not the opposite. ISY Portal does NOT link to a Google Account. When you link your Google account to an ISY Portal user (and incidently the related ISY Portal account), a unique ID is sent to GH. Later on, when sending spokens to GH, that unique ID is sent. When there is an error sending spokens, it is because Google does not recognize and process the unique ID correctly. If it is not linked, it would be normal that the ID is not recognized. The other cases I've seen this is when multiple Google account has been used to link to a single ISY Portal user. In that case, Google seems to be mixed up. Removing additional ISY Portal accounts/users won't help. You need to start fresh on the Google side. First, make sure you are using only one Google account on the Google Assistant app, and try to link again. If worst comes to worst, try deleting the mobile app and reinstall it, log in with your google account and link. If you are using multiple mobile devices with Google Assistant, do the same for the others. Benoit
  3. My apologies, this is fixed now. Benoit
  4. Please try the web access from ISY Portal. Is it working? Benoit
  5. You have to create a new user profile. Log in to ISY portal with the current email address. Click on the Users tab In the sub account selector, choose [Main Account] Click Add user Enter the user informations: email address, password, Preferred ISY, Click Account admin You will receive a verification email to the new email address. Once completed, you can use this new user profile instead. You can optionally delete the older user profile. Benoit
  6. First, can you try: "google, sync my devices", see if tha works. To fix the issue, I would suggest to proceed with another synchronization from the proper account. Actually, you may want to delete the app once more, reinstall, login with the correct google account, then link with ISY Portal. Somehow, it looks like GH is confused when trying to initiate a Sync request. Benoit
  7. I have opened a case with Google. In the mean time, would it be possible that you would have used more than a google account with the Google Home app? If so, it can do funny things. I would suggest to remove the app and reinstall before relinking, see if that helps. Benoit
  8. The linking is only from GH to ISY Portal. That is what I'm suggesting to retry. FYI, when we link, GH then syncs the devices with ISY Portal. In that payload, we ISY Portal passes Google a unique ID. Later on, when we do a sync request from ISY Portal, we are passing that same unique ID. The error message we see is due to GH not recognizing the unique ID. Benoit
  9. What you see after "Google home API returned:" is precisely the error message returned by Google when trying to initiate a sync request. Could you try to unlink and relink? Benoit
  10. From Alexa's perspective, a dimmable device or a scene exposed as a light is identical. When the brightness request is sent to ISY Portal, it knows if this is an ISY device or ISY scene. Also, there is 2 cases to brightness setting. Relative (Example: Alexa, brighten kitchen) This works on both ISY devices and ISY scenes, but slightly differently in the way it is handled. Absolute (Example: Alexa, turn on kitchen to 80%) This works on both devices and scenes, but it the case of a scene, the percentage is ignored. If it is > 0%, then the scene is turned on. This is a recent change which allows to add scenes exposed as lights used in Alexa routines. In that case, Alexa always sens a brightness command (absolute), which normally would not work with ISY scenes. Benoit
  11. It is not down. Please login to my.isy.io, and see if your ISY is online. Benoit
  12. Sean, I'm glad to see it is working. Unfortunately, nothing has changed, so I guess this will remain a mystery for now... Benoit
  13. This is not a bug. Scenes do not have a status. So when you have only scenes in a group, the app does not show you the on/off buttons which also acts as a status. But whenever there is a device in the scene, the button will pick up the status of that device. Benoit
  14. Can you turn it on/off using UDAjax or the admin console?
  15. Hi Sean, I'm currently investigating the logs. I see requests for other devices working, including for kitchen table. Do they actually work, or do you still have an issue? If they still don't work, the issue is not with ISY Portal. If so, please try turning it on/off from UDAjax or the admin console. If they don't work, this needs to be fixed. Michel could help. Benoit
  16. Scenes exposed as devices have the capability to be turned on/off (PowerController) and to be brightened/dimmed (BrightnessController). When a device is added to a routine, somehow, Alexa will use the BrightnessController/SetBrightness to the value specified in the mobile app, and use the PowerController/TurnOff if the value is 0. The issue was that BrightnessController/SetBrightness was not implemented for scenes (or scenes exposed as devices). As you know, ISY scenes can be brightened/dimmed, but they can't be set to an absolute level. So the fix was to enable that functionnality. Now if BrightnessController/SetBrightness is called for a scene with an on level > 0%, then the scene is turned on. You can try it by asking, Alexa, turn on <your scene> to 50%. That will turn on the scene if the requested level > 0%. Now, during my testing, I noticed that sometimes, Alexa simply did not make the API call when triggering the routine. No matter what I tried, it would not work. After searching online, the solution was to completely delete the Alexa App, reinstall, and create a new routine. I also had an issue when I created a routine named "bed time". When I triggered manually the routine using the app, it would work, but when asking "Alexa, Bed time", Alexa did not trigger the routine and only responded with "Have a good night, sleep well". Looks like some names can't be used. Hope that helps. Benoit
  17. Hello everyone, The maintenance is completed! Benoit
  18. Hello Sean, I'm currently investigating the logs. It looks like your Alexa requests are coming in today successfully. Are you still experiencing problems? If so, would you have a specific device that you are trying that is not working? Please let me know which one. Also, I notice that you are still using the Alexa V2 skill. I would recommend switching to V3. Thanks, Benoit
  19. Hello everyone, We will have a maintenance this Sunday 02-25-2018 at 5:00 AM PDT which will last 2 hours, with downtime. We recently encountered stability issues with our AWS servers. We have worked with Amazon to identify the issue, and it was due to the instance type that we are using (m5.large) that are running on new hardware. As per Amazon's recommendation, we will be switching all of our servers to another instance type with runs on different hardware. In addition, we will have a fix for Alexa routines using ISY scenes exposed as devices. With kind regards, Benoit
  20. ISY Portal can only run node servers developed specifically to run on ISY Portal. Benoit
  21. The node needs to look like an insteon or ZWave thermostat. Below is an example: Important things are: Type = 4.8.x.x (Or 5.x.x.x for insteon, but I would stay away from that) The properties ST, CLIMD, CLISPC and CLISPH are mandatory. UOMs for C or F are supported Precision is supported. ZWave example: <node flag="128" nodeDefId="UZW0053"> <address>ZW011_1</address> <name>Thermostat RC</name> <family>4</family> <type></type> <enabled>true</enabled> <deviceClass>1</deviceClass> <wattage>1000</wattage> <dcPeriod>60</dcPeriod> <startDelay>0</startDelay> <endDelay>0</endDelay> <pnode>ZW011_1</pnode> <sgid>1</sgid> <devtype> <gen>4.8.6</gen> <mfg>139.21586.21561</mfg> <cat>140</cat> </devtype> <property id="ST" value="234" formatted="23.4°C" uom="4" prec="1"/> <property id="CLIMD" value="1" formatted="Heat" uom="67"/> <property id="CLISPC" value="370" formatted="37.0°C" uom="4" prec="1"/> <property id="CLISPH" value="230" formatted="23.0°C" uom="4" prec="1"/> </node> Benoit
  22. What happened is that in V2, scenes and programs were exposed as a regular Alexa Device. In V3, scenes and programs are exposed as Alexa scenes, by default. However, you can change that in ISY Portal. You have to edit the relevant spokens, and choose to expose them as devices (like it was in V2). Benoit
  23. Both Alexa and GH have been fixed. Please try again! Thanks, Benoit
  24. Maybe one last thing to try before trying V2 again. Try the routine one more time, and take note of the precise time and device address. I will see if I can find something in the logs. I will need to know, the time with timezone, your uuid and device address. Benoit
  25. Hello reisender, Are you able to turn on/off the device that you are using in the Routine, either vocally, or through the alexa mobile app? If so, the routine should be able to turn it on or off too. From the skill perspective, whether this is initiated by a vocal command, the mobile app, or a routine, the process is identical. The skill is not ware if it is called by a routine. If the routine does not trigger the device on/off, then there is an echo problem, or it does not have the correct device. Before calling Amazon for support, I would recommend to double-check that you have the correct device in the routine. I would look in the alexa app, the web version, and I would look under devices AND scenes. One possibility I see is that you may have an ISY device from V2 AND V3, which would mean 2 echo devices related to the same ISY device. Perhaps the routine has the V2 version it it? Benoit
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