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Everything posted by bmercier

  1. I believe I found out the issue with multiple words. Without going into the details, I believe the issue is with all the devices that ends up with "light" or "lights". Does anyone have devices with multiple words other than ending with "light" which could share their results, positive or negative? I had personnally tested with devices using multiple words successfully, and I'm not using "light" at the end. Thanks, Benoit.
  2. Can you PM me your uuid. I will check the logs and the spoken table coming from the refresh devices. Benoit.
  3. With so many reports of problems with device names with spaces in it, there must be a problem. Can you PM me your uuid along with a device you have tested but did not work? I need the device address and name. I will check the logs and the spoken table coming from the refresh devices. Benoit.
  4. It should work with multiple words. But the longer they are, the more likely Alexa is to not understand it. There needs to be an exact match with what Alexa understands, and the spoken word (or device name if no spoken field is found) Examples: "kitchen lights" and "kitchen light" are 2 different things. Another example: When trying to lock the front door, alexa may hear "from door". Benoit.
  5. Do you still have problem with let's say "media room" now that the discovery has run? Benoit.
  6. In a previous post, you were asking how you could edit the spoken field. Please try this: In the admin console, pick a device, right-click, Notes You will get a popup with 3 fields, one of them is labeled "spoken". Enter a device name of your choosing that you will speak to refer to this device. Let's try "kitchen". Then, say "Alexa, tell izzy to refresh devices" That will bring up your devices + those spoken customizations along. Then try "Alexa, tell izzy to turn on kitchen" Benoit.
  7. Do you mean that you get the "Turn on which device" prompt? Or is in another error message? Benoit.
  8. Hello Jon, That happens when the skill does not receive the device from Alexa. What is the name of the device? I could add this to the list of sample devices; that would help alexa with speech recognition. Also, to facilitate troubleshooting, open the echo app, and in the main section, see what Alexa understood. Benoit.
  9. Good points. That will be fixed. Benoit.
  10. The news are that...We were hoping to get news from Amazon last week, but we didn't. We may be very close to an approval. But with experience, there may very well be more feedback coming from amazon requesting enhancements somewhere. We just don't know yet. Benoit.
  11. That is correct. Benoit.
  12. Please allow me to answer your question. If I understand correctly, you are referring to the Alexa connected home (In the echo app, in Settings/Connected home). Both a skill and a connected home connector are waiting for certification. Also, I'm not sure that I would qualify the connected home connector as superior. This connected home connector, only allows to to turn on/turn off and set a brightness level. It does not offer the level of freedom that is possible with a skill, like lock/unlock doors or set thermostat settings. The only benefit is shorter spoken commands. Benoit.
  13. Unfortunately, it's not possible yet. Every HTTP(S) requests require an authorization headers with basic auth. The maker channel does not allow to specify a user/password. Benoit.
  14. Yes and no. When you issue a complete voice command, it will proceed, give you feedback, and terminate. However, if some information is missing, then it enters conversation mode and asks you for more information, then proceed, give you feedback, and terminate. Here's an example: User: Alexa, ask ISY to change setpoint Alexa: Setpoint for which device? User: second floor Alexa: Setpoint for which mode. Heating or Cooling? User: heating Alexa: What themperature? User: 23 degrees Alexa: second floor heating setpoint is now set to 23 degrees Or you could just say: User: Alexa, tell ISY to set second floor cooling setpoint to 23 degrees Alexa: second floor heating setpoint is now set to 23 degrees NOTE: You may have noticed the "ISY" skill invocation name. Due to certification feedback, we are back to "ISY", but this time spoken as "izzy" (Not I.S.Y.). Benoit.
  15. I can tell you that with the ISY skill, it is far from taking 15 seconds. More in the range of 1-2 seconds at most. Benoit.
  16. Hello, Amazon returned to us again last week with certification results. They had 6 additional points that needed to be fixed/enhanced to pass the certification. They are now completed, and the skill has been submitted for a third round today. Among the changes, we had to change the invocation name to "my home" instead of just "home" Benoit.
  17. @MWareman, cool, so it works through portal then! @Xathros, I looked around in the logs around 11:20 EST and could not find anything unusual.
  18. Hello Xathros, I don't use Mobilinc so I cant' test it myself. If you can provide a date and time, I can investigate the portal logs. Thanks, Benoit.
  19. Hi Robert, Unfortunately, there is no easy way to give access without amazon publishing the skill or the connected home link. Benoit.
  20. I don't think it's possible. I'm not aware of any API allowing this. I have seen hacks where we can have Alexa say something based on an external trigger, but this require to have the Amazon echo remote, and it needs some hardware (like a PI) to generate spoken sentences through the remote. At this point, if you have hardware that speaks, you don't need the echo. You need an amp + speakers. Benoit.
  21. Dimming ISY devices is supported on the Connected home API (And also the skill). In regards to programs, I have struggled to find a natural way of launching programs. All I could come up with is: Alexa, tell home to run ... Alexa, tell home to execute ... The problem with 'Alexa, Turn the xyz on' is that it can/will be confused with devices. FYI, programs do not have a spoken field associated to them. So, the skill will try to do a match with the program name, Benoit.
  22. That's right, your understanding is correct. Benoit
  23. The skill handles that has well. In regards to thermostats, you can: - Get the temp - Get/Set Mode - Get/Set setpoints for cool or heat - Increase/decrease setpoint for cool or heat Getting setpoints is done either for cool or heat, in 2 different calls. But that could be easily enhanced. Good suggestion. Benoit.
  24. Hi Xathros, Thanks for the into. After some quick read, I found out this page which explains well the inner working I was looking for: http://www.makermusings.com/2015/07/13/amazon-echo-and-home-automation/ Thanks, Benoit.
  25. Just curious, what is the "Echo bridge with the emulator" you are referring to? Benoit.
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