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Everything posted by bmercier
We are progressing well. The next iteration of the skill should bring a significant improvement in speech recognition. Given that changes to the skill configuration such as the device list requires a recertification, I'm trying to refine this list before resubmitting to Amazon. This time, the device list will consist of 3 components. They are what I call the predevice, device and postdevice. Any combination of those 3 components will be a valid device name. Each components are not mandatory. Any of those components, filled or not, is a valid device name, as long as it's in the right sequence (left bathroom is valid, bathroom left is not). Some valid examples: upper hallway lights left bedroom lamp kitchen sink light front door master So I'm looking for your feedback to enhance these lists. We can't increase them too much, so I'm looking for only real practical items that would be useful to you and subject to be common. predevice upper lower front side rear right left main master first second third postdevice light lights lamp lamps track light track lights neon neons spot spots flood floods fan fanlight accent device door garage door small garage door porch entry yard garage front exterior exterior decor tree landscape garage master kitchen kitchen window kitchen sink kitchen island kitchen desk kitchen area kitchen table kitchenette bar pantry living living room parlour dining dining room computer computer room media media room game room rec room nook guest room office library music room attic box room locker room cinema cinema hall hallway hallway landing basement basement bedroom cellar utility utility room toilet bathroom washroom floor bathroom basement bathroom basement washroom basement toilet deck awning swimming swimming pool pool lanai upstairs desk desk room island island sink downstairs great room family room entrance yard barn patio driveway walkway stairs steps holiday christmas chrismas tree xmas xmas tree breezeway entry foyer laundry laundry room t. v. theater receiver stereo wall sconce wall sconce fireplace den study study room entertainment entertainment room breakfast table breakfast area sprinkler heater chime door chime chime mode air conditioner thermostat floor zone one zone two zone three zone four zone five zone six zone seven zone eight bedroom guest's room guest's bedroom boy's bedroom girls's bedroom kid's bedroom children's bedroom sally's bedroom andrea's bedroom jess's room mary's room erin's room greg's bedroom katie's bedroom mary's bedroom patricia's bedroom linda's bedroom barbara's bedroom elizabeth's bedroom jennifer's bedroom maria's bedroom james's bedroom john's bedroom robert's bedroom michael's bedroom william's bedroom david's bedroom richard's bedroom charles's bedroom joseph's bedroom For now, I left all those named bedrooms as is, hoping that it helps Alexa recognizing this pattern. That was an Amazon recommendation during the first try for certification. I had tried to put 3000 names in there, but this was simply just too big. Please post your suggestions in this thread. Benoit. Edit: Hold on, I'm running into problems with 3 slots. Theoritically that should work, but testing shows that in this scenario, it is necessary to speak at least 2 words. Example: "kitchen lights" would work (2 words in 2 slots) "first kitchen" would work (2 words in 2 slots) "kitchen" only is not recognized. Interestingly, "living room" and other 2-word slots work well. Long story short, I may have to revert to only 2 slots, a device and postdevice. That worked well. I'm in contact with Amazon on this and I will keep you posted.
Yes. I have incorporated all the suggestions from the forum. In the case of the game room, it's only "game room" though, not "gameroom". Benoit.
From all of those variations, those would work well in the next version: Computer Light Computer Room Light Computer Fan Computer Room Fan Computer Room In other words, not motor, not ceiling. Would you consider it sufficient? Benoit.
Hello PurdueGuy, HAD will be added to portal, it's in the roadmap. It is actually planned to be completed before Christmas. It will work just like on the firmware version, with a setting in UDAjax to swith to HAD, and a setting in HAD to switch back to UDAjax. Thanks, Benoit.
Connected home will provide better speech recognition accuracy, and shorter sentences. However, it will not allow to control lock, thermostats, or programs. This is the reason why we decided to do both a connected home adapter, and a skill. Benoit.
Scenes are supported. However, if you have a device and a scene using the same name... only one of the two will work. When doing a refresh devices, it will tell you if it found duplicate names. Benoit.
Thermostat setting will be solved in the next version. Note, if you want to use bathroom 1 and bathroom 2, you have to write it "bathroom one" and "bathroom two". You can't use numeric characters. All the feedback so far is invaluable. Thanks, Benoit.
In addition to Michel's suggestion, if you have not changed anything on your ISY, you may want to try a reboot. Alternatively, you could try the following. Telnet to your ISY Command SPU will allow you to change your portal URL. Change it to something else, then bring it back to https://my.isy.io/dispatcher Benoit.
Actually, a scene can be dimmed. /rest/nodes/<device>/cmd/BRT and DIM will work on a scene. However, we can't set a scene to an absolute level. /rest/nodes/<device>/cmd/DON/<level> will turn on devices in the scene to their on level, not the level specified in the url. Interestingly, a zwave device in a scene will respond correctly to an absolute level! Thanks for your kind comments, Benoit.
Unfortunately that would not work. Alexa will never come up with a comma or a dot in it's speech recognition.
The main benefit of the skill over the connected home is extra functionnalities like locks and thermostats, as you pointed out. But I don't think that also handling device turn on, turn off, brighten and dim hurts lock or thermostat functionnality. The skill can report the status of a device (no matter what the type is), and the status of a program. Scenes unfortunately don't have a status. For a device: Alexa, ask izzy to get the status of {device} For a program: Alexa, ask izzy to get the status of program {program} There are many variations of those. > In text representing speech, the comma signifies a short pause and the period a long one. Did you notice a place where a change would be appropriate? Thanks, Benoit.
Your ISY with uuid ending in :eb is indeed not online on portal. Benoit.
It will, and recognition will be just as good. Benoit.
Note taken for next release.
Can you post exactly what she heard? Copy paste please. Thanks, Benoit.
Yes default port 443. It needs to be https. Make sure your host name is "my.isy.io", and remove the trailing path. Benoit.
Having worked with this for a few months already and having access to insights from the Amazon certification team, I will share my understanding. 1 - First step is that Alexa tries to understand what you say. This is what you can see on the echo app. 2 - Then if it finds that you are referring to a skill, it will try to match that with one of the skill's utterances using a fuzzy search. 3 - Then it will invoke the skills, passing it the intent, and the slots. The intent is the first word in the utterance list, and the slots are simply variables. If someone has trouble with what the echo app displays, the first thing to do is follow the voice training. Each person will pronounce slighty differently, and Alexa can learn. Just regular use of Alexa also help. You may be speaking a device name a few times and she does not understand, then she starts to pick up, that's all in the first step. At step 2, it determines where to route the request. If she hears: open <skill invocation name> tell <skill invocation name> to ask <skill invocation name> to ask <skill invocation name> about Then she figures out it's a skill, she will look at the utterances, and attempt to pickup the one closest. An exact match is not required. Each utterances can have slots like {device} or {percent}. Alexa will attempt to fill these slots with what she heards. She first look at the list of samples from that slot type. If she can't find it, she makes a guess by using some sort of weighting. Having a word spoken often will increase the weight. Putting a word in the samples increases the weight. If she thinks something is unlikely to have been spoken on purpose she will simply drop it. This is what happens with "light" and "lights". It's not anywhere in the samples currently and somehow, she thinks she may have not understood well in the first place, so she drops it and the skills receive a device name without "light" at the end. This is different from connected home. Accuracy is better with connected home because Alexa knows about the user's devices. It's in her database, so she can make a fuzzy search against it and find the right device. In the case of a skill, all she has is a list of sample devices. But outside that list, she has to do a guess, and then in the skill, it has to be an exact match with the device name (or the spoken field if present). Benoit.
The skill does not handle it correctly today. It assumes it's NOT in 1/2 degree increments. A fix is required. Benoit.
A new portal version is now live. Changes: 1 - Fix "lock all doors" which was finding more locks than exists 2 - Scenes can now be dimmed/brightened. We cannot set it to a specific level, but we can say "Alexa, tell izzy to brighten <scene>" 3 - Refresh devices now tells you if it found duplicate spoken names. 4 - login names are no more case-sensitive (Thanks MWareman) 5 - Mobilinc support To use Mobilinc, you first need to select your "preferred ISY" in your portal user profile. Then in mobilinc, simply use your portal credentials, along with the host name my.isy.io NOTE: This update does not help with speech recognition yet. Thanks, Benoit.
On that topic, I planned to remove "switch to", as this is too close to "switch on" and "switch off". That will help. Benoit.
I know what you mean. I can tell you that sometimes it does funny things. "Open izzy" is shorter and may have more facility matching to this. Another advice I would have in order to help - open the alexa app. Then say something simple like: "Alexa, tell izzy to turn on" with no device. Make sure that alexa understood that exactly. This should invoke the skill, and the skill prompt you with the device you want. You may also want to try the voice training if you see from the echo app that she did not understand you correctly. Benoit.
Currently, no, but this is coming. Benoit.
When you say it does not work, what does it say exactly? Is this just a beep then it closes? Or does it say something that it could not find ... in ...'s profile? If so, this means the skill is not invoked and unfortunately the next version won't help. If you clearly pronounce the TO. It may be the pronunciation of the skill name, which should be "izzy". Benoit
And this is the list of sample devices. This does not mean that a device outside this list won't work. front door side door rear door garage door small garage door porch front porch front entry front yard garage front exterior tree garage garage neon kitchen kitchen window kitchen sink kitchen island kitchen desk kitchen area kitchen table pantry living living room parlour dining dining room computer room games room guest room office library music room attic box room locker master room cinema front cinema rear cinema hall hallway upper hallway lower hallway guest's hallway landing basement basement's bedroom cellar utility utility room main toilet first floor toilet second floor toilet upper toilet lower toilet basement toilet bathroom main bathroom master's bathroom first floor bathroom second floor bathroom upper bathroom lower bathroom basement bathroom washroom first floor washroom second floor washroom upper washroom lower washroom basement washroom deck swimming swimming pool pool lanai upstairs desk desk room island island sink downstairs great room family room entrance yard barn patio driveway walkway stairs steps holiday christmas breezeway entry foyer laundry laundry room t. v. theater receiver stereo wall sconce wall light wall lights sconce fireplace den den right lamp den left lamp study study room entertainment entertainment room breakfast table breakfast area sprinkler front sprinkler side sprinkler rear sprinkler left sprinkler right sprinkler from door fan heater chime door chime chime mode air conditioner first floor second floor third floor fourth floor fifth floor sixth floor seventh floor eight floor ninth floor tenth floor zone one zone two zone three zone four zone five zone six zone seven zone eight very long device name bedroom guest's room guest's bedroom master's bedroom boy's bedroom girls's bedroom kid's bedroom children's bedroom sally's bedroom andrea's bedroom jess's room, mary's room, erin's room, greg's bedroom, katie's bedroom mary's bedroom patricia's bedroom linda's bedroom barbara's bedroom elizabeth's bedroom jennifer's bedroom maria's bedroom james's bedroom john's bedroom robert's bedroom michael's bedroom william's bedroom david's bedroom richard's bedroom charles's bedroom joseph's bedroom