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Everything posted by Scottmichaelj

  1. I have Mobilinc on my iPhone via iOS and I am fully aware that if I subscribe to their "connect cloud service" I can create a widget on the today screen to active a program. However I don't need the other features. I just need one item that runs an enable/disable command for one device. I already own Moblinc and the UD ISY Network Resource Module. Does anyone know how I can do this? I was looking at the "Launcher" app on iTunes for the iPhone as it will add today screen widgets, which got me thinking that maybe I can setup a network resource command through the internet using it? Or maybe using IFTTT/DO buttons? Any thoughts or help are appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  2. To chime in on the subject regarding my own experiences, I started using Home Automation back with the X10 from Smarthome, which as others know back then it was definitely a huge "hobby" and pain to get working right. Then when Smarthome released the "Insteon" products things became so much better, at least in my pea brain thats what I though because of how horrible X10 was. In 2006 I made the change after buying my a new home to dump all X10 (instead of using both mixed in) and go all Insteon, and thats when I almost quit. I purchased and installed at least 30 or more Insteon Switchlinc 2476D Dimmer switches and long story short the batch of firmware installed on the 2476Ds had issues. Im not sure the specific firmware or how many people were effected but needless to say after spending countless hours programming and installing them I was not to pleased with having to remove them all and doing it all over again and "maybe" things would be better. I came SO close to calling it quits. After giving myself time to calm down and reassess the situation I ended up giving in and switching out all my devices to new ones as advised. I probably would have quit but it all hinged on two people, Michel and a Smarthome rep (who was higher up the food chain but unfortunately forget his name). The customer service from both of them was amazing. You could tell both cared about their customer and wanted to better the product. Granted of course a case can be made they needed to so they could keep customers. However at that time instead of making excuses both dug in and helped me resolve things. I am and still am very thankful to them both. I had other connections with people whom worked at Levitron with RadioRA however the product at the time didn't have half the stuff of Smarthomes Insteon product and nothing was comparable to the UD ISY. At the time my friends and family would ask "why?" - "Why do you need that?" - "why do you spend so much time on that?" "whats the use?" - Now all of them in some way or another use a Home Automation product and haven't even realized it. Is HA a pain? Yes and I agree very much with Teken says about fragmentation etc. However it is the future and will only get better, easier to use and more stable. Players like Apple (either love em or hate em) will move things forward. The new Smarthome Hub Pro looks like a great product and with being able to use Apple Watch will make more people look at it. Hell I may even switch. Sure I would feel like a traitor to Michel and may loose some features to gain others but its only going to get better. Im excited to see what the future holds. Hopefully you will stick it out and one day the light bulb goes on like it did for me where HA made your life that much easier. For me it happened gradually but now I can't think of not having it!
  3. I would also buy a module based on the Honeywell API. What I am specifically interested in is knowing is does the API allow for the "Ventilation" control and boost timer? The Honeywell iPhone app or website doesnt support this and I have a TrueFresh system. To use the "boost" feature I have to have these small 20-40-60 minute remotes in areas just to use it or go to the "main" thermostat to adjust the time. Not all the thermostats installed can access it. The time goes all the way to 180 minutes, which the remote doesn't so that would be a plus too. A cross sell opportunity would be also on the remote control side. I have an RTI remote and I know the guys over on that forum have also been interested in this API/Functionality. Could get more ISY unit sales.
  4. DELETED - Found supporting threads. Post can be deleted.
  5. I have a small humidor for a few of my cuban cigars. I rarely smoke, so I always forget to add water to my humidor. It would be nice to have a small humidity sensor report to the isy so when the variable reached under my specified target I get a notification. Anyone else do something this? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. I would like to see this working along with control for truefresh ventilation. Unfortunately truefresh cant be controlled in the Honeywell Redlink app either, but only going to the thermostat under ventilation then doing a timed boost up to 180mins. Major fail as that means you have to buy a separate simple Honeywell remote just to turn it on and max setting is 60mins.
  7. My issues are also the same as Xathros. I dont like to have my info sent openly and also hate that the UBI light is always on. Which I hear is worse since I got the white one version and the light seeps through supposedly more than the black. Maybe we should see if there they have an open API and find a developer to make something where we can "hack" the UBI to run internally on our own internal networks so it doesnt rely/bypasses theirs. Maybe running a UBI server on a rPi. Hmm what do you guys think about that? Am I on to something? I have to add my comments about Michel, the ISY, forum members here and support team - all who are AMAZING! The customer service and support are incredible. Michel is always here helping and keeping is up to date on things, he is simply the best. All business owners big and small should look at what he does customer service wise and model their company after Universal Devices. [sorry end rant here, just cant say enough good things about UD & Michel]
  8. Any updates for those of you that have a Ubi? Anyone do anything cool? Hows is it working overall with the ISY? Still have mine sitting in the drawer.
  9. Thanks for all your work on this to help this move forward. Do you have a breakdown of the list of commands? I know its early but have you been able to activate scenes?
  10. Agreed. In fact, I don't think UDI needs to be involved at all in terms of voice integration. All we need is a network friendly voice interface and we can "roll our own". -Xathros Exactly. Now we need to figure out what that solution is.
  11. I agree with you as your post mimics my thoughts. My Nexus 7 makes a nice remote etc all though its a bit too big. Even a cheap android cell phone is cheaper and more useful than the Ubi. Seems like Ubi over promised and under delivered. I'm still hoping for a true iOS voice experience with my ISY. But who am I kidding, based on the actual reliability of the voice recognition I probably would just go back to mobilinc. Voice use it more just a showoff feature. I think there is better priorities for the ISY team to spend their time on vs this. This is just my honest opinion.
  12. Wish I could say you'll love it but ATM it has pretty limited features. So much I been thinking of selling mine. It hasn't lived up to the hype and I feel overall the over promised and have under delivered. Sure you got to give it time to develop, I just don't have the patience. Going through their dash without local access is a bummer too. Having your music interrupted after 2mins limits that. Telling me my room temp and weather is boring, I have a Honeywell app on my phone for that. I use Evernote for my reminders and to do lists. Uhg. Lol - So now that I talked it up so much, Ubi in white for sale! Like new, in my hand, can ship out next day, still has the plastic protection over it. Just cover shipping to you, my pledge amount and paypal fees and its yours! I am getting my iVee soon too. Blah. I am so done with Kickstarter projects!
  13. Voice recognition? Yes, using Tasker, AutoVoice and Mobilinc (I think mobilinc is optional). Pretty simple to set up if you know how to use Tasker already. I was specifically asking about it based on Elvis's comment where he states "or does better than an open platform which is not limited or restricted. IE a raspberry PI and Linux.". Not sure how voice recognition works on the Pi. Thanks for mentioning "tasker" for android though. I have iOS devices that I use for my phones but do own a Nexus7 to try it out on. I think the Ubi would be more convenient than any phone/tablet to have in each room to easily control our home via voice.
  14. How can you use voice recognition with a Raspberry PI? I was not aware that was an option/feature, thats why the Ubi would benefit the ISY. Especially since Siri and iOS7 cant interface with the ISY without a hack or jb, which may be a legal issue too. Side note is there a way via android?
  15. They dont care to support other applications at the moment while they are trying to get their own platform going. The reason I asked about updates is because I was hoping there maybe was some progress getting the /REST commands to work.
  16. Any new updates? My Ubi is here and would love to use it along with my ISY.
  17. Thanks for posting the links. Others maybe interested in them. I am still looking for LED Strips that are small and thin that you could put anywhere in 5000K. I found a site http://www.hitlights.com/ that looks to have what I am looking for. From what I can tell I will need to get a power cord, then their Dimmable 12V LED Driver, then you need a connection from the driver to the SMD LED Strip (which has a 3M sticky backing). The "cool white" there is 6000K which will work fine for me. Off to do more research on this and then Ill probably place an order to try them out. I wish the drivers weren't so pricey and they look big. Too bad there isnt a wall wart direct to LED strip, but I understand it needs to reduce the power from 110V (US) to 12V for the LEDs otherwise it would blow them out.
  18. Do you have any links or product names/numbers for ones that I can look at? Thanks. I looked it up and its just the transformer. I am wondering what is on the end of it for the connection/connector and what strips would be compatible with them? Again 5000K and if you can use a LampLinc to dim it. This is what I am seeing from most sellers. Nondimmable LED strips or they are dimmable but you need to physically touch the dimmer module on them to do so, which defeats the purpose. I would like to be able to control it via remote and scenes.
  19. I am wondering if anyone is using LED strips for under cabinet lighting or to light inside cabinets/displays? I am looking for LED strip lights in daylight 5000K that I can directly control with my Insteon keypads to dim, etc. Everything I have seen so far requires a transformer with its own controls. I have a few areas where these new LED tape lights would be nice to have glow softly on counters and walkways. I was wondering who else may have done this. Thanks in advance for the info. I would hate to go back to halogens!
  20. Yeah good point but that would be a lot of lights in one scene for the whole house. Plus the changes of sending that many commends at once could cause failures where lights dont turn off or go to the level you want. Repeats may help though. Too bad you cant copy a scene like you can programs to make it easier to do as well. Then I could just do an "All Inside" scene, copy it and apply the lighting levels.
  21. Just wondering what the best way is to transition from one scene to another? For example from say sunset scene to a nite-tv scene? I get that you can say "If this" - "Then that" in a program and turn the scene you want on and then turn off the other lights via a program - but what about lights that need to be turned off that were turned on and not included in the sunset scene? Does this make sense? Right now I have a program setup that says if I press a KPL button then a program runs that turns off all the lights I dont want on that were turned on for the sunset scene for the nite off - then run the tv-nite scene but for lights that maybe are still on in a bathroom or something that are not normally on how do I get those to turn off?
  22. I have Honeywell Prestige 2.0 thermostats in my home with Comfort Connect. They are really nice and there is an app out to control them with the Redlink Gateway. I would love to see the API work with the ISY but believe the ISY will only support REST commands.
  23. I tried using 2486D, 2486D-SW and 2486DWH8 - all show as unsupported Revision and the device firmware at v1.65 even though the device firmware sticker shows v7.0 - also to note it will add the device but not the buttons and this is the same for the 2334-222 & 232 devices. I just purchased the 994ir which should be here soon and will solve my problem. However this is a good reason for those people who havent upgraded yet may want to start thinking about doing so before being forced too as new devices are replacing legacy devices.
  24. Does these keypadlinc versions work with the ISY99ir or because its EOL they are not supported? I ask because I had issues with some KPLs that went bad and got these as replacement which are not recognized by my 99ir with firmware 3.3.10
  25. I would like to respond with a dumb question. Wouldn't a self signed ssl cert (or none) be ok if your using a VPN while remotely connecting therefore removing the "man in the middle"? I have been running an ISY for years now, never had a SSL cert, and use a VPN when connecting externally to any of my internal devices without issue. Just another thought?
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