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Everything posted by Sub-Routine

  1. PowerHome does polling, the ISY does not, so these figures will probably not be as useful from the ISY. I guess you could do a Query every so often, but... Michel has promised a Copy Scene, AFAIR. Using a PLC and my Group Commander program it was not a problem to create links between another PLC and other devices. The ISY PLM has no problems communicating with the PLM in my EZIO with the limited testing I have done. I hope you find the ISY to be as useful as I do to program your Insteon devices, I think it is a fantastic Insteon tool! Thank you, Rand
  2. I can't wait to see the new schedules/triggers! You did mention mid-October in another thread, didn't you? I have almost forgotten about my ISY-26 since I have everything programmed (for now). I love that! Thank you, Rand
  3. Bummerlinc Goodnewslinc! Thank you, Rand
  4. I know you have been working frantically on the ISY firmware, but I was wondering if there has been any news on UDMobile? Any updates to the J9VM? Any luck with Slooplinc's contacts? Thank you, Rand
  5. You only need to do the Air Gap to set the Local level and Local ramp rate, not for any other scenes. Effectively this is removing and restoring the power, so if a power loss causes a memory loss this would not work. A switch can be reset by holding the air-gap (or the set button) in while reapplying power. Perhaps your brother has others in his home who accidentally change settings on some of his devices. We have very few outages here, but I have three LampLincs that I regularly remove power from, sometimes for weeks at a time, and they have always retained their settings. I use them to control low-voltage lighting on my model railroad and they are plugged into a power strip that I am sure to turn off whenever I leave the man-cave. Rand
  6. Each device does indeed have a micro-controller. Each device maintains a data-base of scenes. While the ISY can set the local level and ramp rate they will not take affect on any device other than a KPL until power is removed and restored (the switch is reset). This can be done by pulling the set button on switches for a few seconds. I don't believe the ISY checks devices for valid databases. You would have to use Restore Device if one of your modules loses it's mind. I haven't seen this yet. Power failures do not cause any lose of data. Schedules will not fire if the time is past when power resumes. You could use the Repeat function in your schedules if you need to be certain of specific states, otherwise Insteon devices are supposed to recall their previous state when power is restored. Rand
  7. I don't often use the MyInsteonISY, but I believe it references the firmware on your ISY. I am not sure of this. This I am sure of: Any scenes that have a local controller (SwitchLinc, KPL, ControLinc, etc.) has the links written to the devices. The ISY is not used when these local controllers are used to control scenes. My hallway lights will still work from any of the three switches if the ISY is disconnected. Schedules and Triggers are stored in the ISY and will not function if the ISY or PLM are MIA. Plan B: I still have a PLC that I will load timers into if my ISY goes down. Rand
  8. Thank you for the update, it sounds great! Thank you, Rand
  9. A bit contrary to your thought, but, in fact, I rely on the scheduler to dim the lights when the party should end. I use the longest ramp rate available and the change is very subtle. I call it a Midnight Scene, the lamps dim to a very low level, only enough light to allow one to navigate. It's a pretty good hint that people should at least quiet down if they are not yet ready to crash Since we can pretty much party any night here I have it scheduled for earlier times on weekdays and later times on the weekends. It reads as if this is what your 9PM scene is like, so all you really want to do is change that to a later time when you party. I have to believe the upcoming triggers will allow you to press a button to do this. As of now, calling the Party Scene again if the lights begin too dim to early (9PM) for you should keep them on until your Morning Scene is called. If you use long ramp rates you may be the only person to notice the 9PM dimming in time to hit the Party Scene again. I would suggest that you call your 9PM scene twice every night, once at 9PM, and if you override that (or not) again at the end of Party Time, which will make absolutely no difference if it was already implemented at 9PM. Rand
  10. Michel, Yes, my fears are alleviated. I was confused concerning the # of links in the PLM. Some of the PLM descriptions noted 256 links, others specified 417. Thank you, Rand
  11. Michel, I am more worried about the number of links. I now count 205 links. Every time I create a new scene I create more links, correct? If I create a new scene with six responders I have six new links. Am I going to run out of room in the PLM? Thank you, Rand
  12. No mailing list, the updates just appear. Only this forum for news. It actually made the BrokenList (it used to, it is supposed to work) so it should be rectified shortly. See the Requests thread. Rand
  13. I just reported that Saturday. OMG! On the list. Rand
  14. The multiple devices was implemented in 2.3. See my edit in the post above about multiple controllers, your response was too quick for me I hear you on the XML import, isn't that what Restore PLM and Restore Devices is for? Another feature Michel said was on the table. Sorry you missed a week for your ISY... Rand
  15. I believe Michel already stated Copy Group is on the agenda. Something I would like, as well. For now: You can drag-n-drop all the responders at once, then come browse the forum for a few. Setting the levels and rates only takes a few seconds each. Then add the controller and come back to the forum. After the controller is added be sure to select the controller in the scene and click on the Copy Scene Attributes to set all the LLs and RRs you did to the scene earlier to the controlling switch. [edit]Oh, shoot, all that typing and now I realize it may not be the answer you seek. If you are just wanting to have more than one controller for a specific group of devices you can add *** many controllers as you like to a scene and each will have unique LLs & RRs. It's easy to Copy Scene Attributes from a basic setup and then modify specific devices for each controller.[/edit] Personally, I prefer the real-time changes, but an option was requested more than once for my group-creating program so I did implement it. Rand
  16. There is no way to change the load button. It does not change going from 6 to 8 mode, only that links are created when in 6 button mode that are not present in 8 button mode. An option would be to use an InlineLinc for the load you have now and put no load on the KPL. Rand
  17. Doesn't PowerHome do this by making sure the last link written to a scene in the KPL is always the button to load link (if one exists)?
  18. 45 minutes! For real? I know what I thought was a minute only used 12-13 seconds on a stopwatch. That would still be 10-15 minutes real-time for you. UDM starts quicker for me when I use it more often, but some minutes must make the program nearly useless unless you can hide and restore it. UDM starts quicker here if I have recently accessed MyLights from a PC. It's good to know UDM does work with as many nodes as you have, I plan to add a few more before I am done. Rand
  19. I think you have too many nodes for UDM. AFAIK, every group in every controller is a node. SwitchLincs are 1 node, a ControLinc is 5 nodes, a KPL is 5 or 8 nodes, etc... I am up to 48 nodes according to http://your.isy.url:port/web/nodescnf.xml I think it is a limit of J9; Michel could say for sure. Using WiFi, with both devices connected to the same network, UDM should find the ISY on the network, the same as using ISY with any PC on the network. BummerLinc, Rand
  20. This is correct. It will take some time, what seems to be as much as a minute, then the Login window should open. If not, be sure to use the Menu/Close and try again. UDM uses 8-9 MB on my PPC with 48 nodes. How many nodes do you have? I have no luck using a browser on my PPC. I installed a Java (JVM) but still no-go so I uninstalled it. UDM doesn't need Java. Thank you, Rand
  21. Triggers. Have a trigger call a scene. The scene would only have to be in the ISY (no controller). However, I believe the button has to be linked to another device (my spare LampLinc) before it sends the group command that the PLM will see. Rand
  22. No, I have no idea how to fix it. Triggers would be counter-productive. I think a work-around would be to create a new Scene by copying the Responders from another scene. (Copy of ...) Then one could select a new Controller (different button) and set new levels for the Responders. It would be more convenient, if not quicker, than doing it manually. Thank you, Rand
  23. I like this grouping! Is there an error that prevents me from adding more than one button on a KPL or ControLinc to a scene? I was really liking the way I can add several SwitchLincs as controllers to the same scene instead of creating new scenes with the same responders. Ideally, I would like to see the Button Groups available to add to a scene. Thank you, Rand
  24. Pioneer, Scenes were a bit of trouble for me to understand. The ISY scenes are a little different than I was thinking. This is a good thread to read: Scenes 101. Rand
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