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Everything posted by ELA

  1. Interesting request as I had thought about wanting the same remote DVM capability for a short term data collection. But never got serious about it. One possibility might be hacking the MSII. Connect into the circuit where the photocell measures luminance levels. Limited resolution of <=255 but may be good enough? Depending upon how much time you want to invest? A lot of low power battery devices need a trigger to wake them up so they can sleep and conserve the battery. You can query an MSII that is powered via the USB cable input any time you want. The downside is that you are not battery powered. You could consider powering with a larger external battery into the USB input via a custom cable. You would have to look at how long the battery might last if this is a long term need. Then you can poll the MSII at intervals of your choosing via a program in the ISY and load the Luminance value ( your hacked analog value) into a variable that you can operate on. Here is some info I collected on the MSII... if it might interest you to look into that idea. https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/26579-the-mysterious-motion-sensor-ii/
  2. Hello Brian, This made me think... I know you can use any PLM for an EZIOCOMM ( as used with the separate 8SA module) and that was because the 8SA module writes the Category and sub-Cat. to the PLM when attached serially. I do not know where the Category and sub. Cat. values get stored in memory, do you? The Links are stored in EEProm on the daughterbrd. I wonder if Category and sub Cat are there also or in the Micro-Controller memory space?
  3. Triacs definitely do have a minimum current - it is called "minimum holding current". Typical max. value for a 12A ( like used in Switchlinc) triac is 30 -50ma. LED lamps draw current in a very non linear fashion that messes with dimmers. OPs LED lamps are 4.8W each - but non-linear current demand. As mentioned try a incandescent in Parallel with the LEDs. A 4W night light load = 33ma
  4. Search for "mysterious motion sensor II" I had detailed my experience there. Running on USB power is most important when experimenting to learn about it.
  5. MSII Battery node &nbsp;test As posted earlier is my experience with the node
  6. Michel, Would you kindly support that statement with just a little more detail? Jlob, Here is some limited information: https://forum.universal-devices.com/uploads/monthly_2019_06/Report5.JPG.0bffdcba5aa49eb54b6ea2b377b21c66.JPG Sorry it has been a while since I tried to link to a older post. This is just a portion of it.
  7. Hi Brian, I looked at their site and saw they sell for $125 but I did not know they had gone back to the 2412 main board. I do like the dual band aspect and so am now extra happy with the $3 fix. My grass is happy too!
  8. EZ-Flora Resurrected Replaced C7 & C13 and back working again. Many thanks to the pioneers of this issue.
  9. Some more technical info on the MSII for those interested.
  10. Did you experiment with the unit using usb power? While usb connected run the device links report and post.
  11. What are your Motion settings as set at in the ISY configuration? Are you initiating motion during the time conditions at which the sensor is set to detect motion? As a test set the MS II to detect motion "always" and retest. Keep in mind that you will need to wake up the MSII to get it to accept your new settings . (which could be difficult if is not currently reporting motion ) I would recommend temporarily powering one of your devices from USB power while you debug your issue.
  12. Very helpful ... Do you own a MS II? I do not expect UDI to make Smarthome hardware work any different than it does. Simply to explain what the settings in ISY software do or do not do.
  13. Getting a little overdue for some information on this sensor! Several people have asked where is the wiki and I have yet to see a response from ISY folks? Please forgive if I have just missed it. I understand it was not intended to read temperature ... but what about light sensitivity settings? A higher number is more light required to see it as day? Why is there both a day and night setting? Is there some grey area inbetween? I would prefer not to have to experiment with adjusting values and then tripping the sensor to activate a write updates program too many times over several nights.
  14. Hello Frank, Interesting problem. Have you checked your logs to be sure you are not getting unexpected activations.... since it is a float sw. How warm do you think the battery is getting? High temp. can reduce battery life. I would not use a 1.2V battery. Beyond that it may be difficult to troubleshoot without measuring the current drain.
  15. I looked up the number of your device and it is a triggerlinc ( the old name) which they appear to have changed the name. I was thinking you might have been talking about the hidden door sensor. There is some problem with your device or setup that you should investigate. Do you have a program that lets you know if you ever miss a heartbeat ( I had said watchdog, which is another name for heartbeat). You say the sensor is never activated? Did you test activating it to see if you receive the activation's? Check it in the level 3 viewer to see how reliable it is. Do you have a program that runs when the switch is activated? Is there any chance the device is activating too often and you did not know it? It is in a waterproof box ( plastic?) and also waterproofed??. (Can you explain in more detail)? What activates the device? Do you have wires to a remote sw. connected to the device? Something appears to be going wrong with your setup or the device itself. I have 3 of these devices and the batteries last a very long time. Always greater than 1-2 years. They last so long I have not tracked when I replaced the batteries ( but I do with 9V MS sensors since they get changed at a 1-2 yr max interval).
  16. You need to solve why the batteries are draining so fast. Do you have a program monitoring the watchdog? Are they ever not received? What is your communications reliability with that device?
  17. Here is the current demand for a triggerlinc. I would expect it to be similar for the door open/close. As was pointed out you will not have good luck with a 1.2V cell. As I decreased the voltage to the device that can cause it to go into a state where it stays awake for 11 seconds ( while failing to communicate). That will drain the battery much faster.
  18. Dont be surprised if your communications reliability goes down as you add more of those shunts. Especially the -047! While they may help your flicker issue they are also signal suckers. Every one you add sucks insteon signal when the switch is on. Yes they are cheaper but to properly solve the issue you also need to isolate the cap. from the network with an inductor. That is what Filterlincs do.
  19. How many dual band devices do you have? Any other RF-only devices like triggerlincs and do they work? A stuck transmitter on any RF equipped device can screw up a large portion of the RF portion of the network. I know this because I located an On/Off module with a stuck transmitter using an RF signal strength monitor. Resetting that stuck device fixed the issue. Symptoms previous were similar lack of RF-only device operation. Just one other possibility. I was spoiled having a monitor, much more difficult to troubleshoot without.
  20. Dont forget the fan to cool that 10Watt Resistor :) Maybe a 4W nightlight might be a better choice.
  21. Larry, I spent a lot of time on this a long time ago and forget most of the details. Here is a link about that effort; With Lee Gs help I was eventually able to make special scenes that did work but it was a lot of work and not very maintainable. I had created a request for the ISY to support the EZIO8SA using direct commands to support all 256 combinations but it never was implemented as best I know. Maybe some one from UDI can update us?
  22. 256 will not work with the EZIO8. The ISY does not support the scenes required to do combinations for the EZIO8. You can do 8 outputs though.
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