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Everything posted by johnnyt

  1. Yikes. Yes, I'd really like to be able to do it but would want to think it's very likely to work. Starting over would definitely be an ordeal. Alternatively, can I do this independent of ISY using the Aoetec Zwave stick I have, which takes me back to the question that started this discussion - would I need to exclude from ISY in order to link it to zwave stick for the OTA process? The ZEN20 I want to upgrade is only in about 4 programs so not that big a deal if I have to take it out and put it back in after. That said, I have or will have other zwave devices I may like to OTA upgrade that have more tentacles so being able to do this process without impacting ISY's link to the device is what I'd really like. Thanks for your help with this.
  2. @simplextechI've installed the PC Controller software but can't find instructions on how to set up secondary controller to the ISY. I found UDI wiki guide on changing primary controller in ISY (which apparently no longer applies in 5.2) but nothing about setting up any secondary controllers. Can you please elaborate on what I'd need to do?
  3. yeah, I guess technically the phantom nodes issue could have been fixed in 5.3. I'm on 5.2 and am planning to wait for 5.3.1 or later after reading in release notes that there are "no functional changes in (5.3) build when compared to 5.2", and that "As part of Z-Wave Plus certification, some incompatible changes were made that may cause issues when migrating from older versions of the ISY. We are looking at mitigating these issues in future builds. If you have a stable working system, you may want to wait before migrating."
  4. bookmarked the new link. great stuff. I don't know if it's easy to add, or if it's an issue that's expected to go away with time, but it would be interesting to know if it's the kind of device that keeps adding new nodes, as a number of devices do. All things being equal between 2 similar devices I would pick the one that doesn't keep adding new nodes periodically. I periodically have to move a new phantom nodes to a "Not Used" folder to get them out of the way. Deleting them doesn't last and Freeze Node doesn't work in a number of cases. For my worst offender, a Zooz ZEN 20 power bar, there are almost as many phantom nodes as real ones, and I expect the numbers to be the same before the end of this year ?.
  5. Does anyone have either good or bad experience using the following zwave outlets and getting power usage info from them (I have a 500-series ISY 994ZW w/firmware version 5.2)? https://www.domeha.com/z-wave-plug-on-off-switch https://aeotec.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/6000056905-smart-switch-6-user-guide- https://www.getzooz.com/zooz-zen06-smart-plug.html https://www.getzooz.com/zooz-zen15-power-switch.html https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0781XZYWR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Any other ones?
  6. I downloaded the silicon labs "PC Controller" and got the firmware update from vendor. Do I need to exclude the device from ISY before I do the upgrade or is it possible to just add it to 2nd controller (then delete it after) without messing with the ISY association?
  7. Is there a way to tell if a device is Zwave Plus if one doesn't have the original box for it anymore? Can one deduce it from the node info, e.g. ---------------------------------------------- Tue 09/01/2020 03:56:05 PM : [ZW-SHOW ] Fan High Tue 09/01/2020 03:56:05 PM : [ZW-SHOW ] ZW029_1 uid=29 security=None type=4.16.1 mid=21076 tid=32768 pid=2 Tue 09/01/2020 03:56:05 PM : [ZW-SHOW ] Association Group ID 1 Tue 09/01/2020 03:56:05 PM : [ZW-SHOW ] - x20 V1 BASIC Tue 09/01/2020 03:56:05 PM : [ZW-SHOW ] - x25 V1 SWITCH_BINARY Tue 09/01/2020 03:56:05 PM : [ZW-SHOW ] - x27 V1 SWITCH_ALL Tue 09/01/2020 03:56:05 PM : [ZW-SHOW ] - x72 V1 MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC Tue 09/01/2020 03:56:05 PM : [ZW-SHOW ] - x86 V1 VERSION Tue 09/01/2020 03:56:05 PM : [ZW-SHOW ] - x70 V1 CONFIGURATION Tue 09/01/2020 03:56:05 PM : [ZW-SHOW ] - x85 V2 ASSOCIATION Tue 09/01/2020 03:56:05 PM : [ZW-SHOW ] - Secure Tue 09/01/2020 03:56:05 PM : [ZW-SHOW ] Tue 09/01/2020 03:56:05 PM : [ZW-SHOW ] ----------------------------------------------
  8. and can ISY do OTA firmware updates of those? if so, how?
  9. Would like to know this too. In my case there's a fw update for a ZooZ device I have. I'm sure I'll have more in the future. I have a 1-yr old 500-series ISY 994ZW Pro in case that matters.
  10. To ease my migration from 4.x to 5.x and take the step into zwave I bought a new 500 ZW series ISY and ended up with an unused 300-series ISY that I converted to what can only be described as a self contained sophisticated timer that controls two outlets (using two old X10 Appliance modules) and emails periodic reports. I put everything in a box and made the whole thing portable by using this ethernet to wifi adapter , which acts like a bridge and gets a local LAN address from the router (no double NAT'ing). Since I want to make this outlet-controller-in-a-box usable away from my router and because I made the timer configurable in real time using REST commands, to do that I need to know the IP address the ISY has been given when it's not connected to my router. Although my short term inspiration/intended use for it is in my home (to alternate between two car block heaters this winter), and practically speaking it may well be in a place where I have (or can get) access to the router to query what address it got, I hoped to be able to make it one level more portable by having it email me it's IP address at startup for those times when/if I didn't have direct access to the router where I'm using it. Perhaps I could make the ISY internet accessible but I've so far avoided doing that at all with ISY (I leverage my VPN router if I want to access it remotely) so I don't really know what that takes and how portable it would be in the end. I think I would need to pay for UDI portal access (is that right?) and I didn't want to spend anymore money than I already did by buying the wifi adapter.
  11. I'd like to be able to email the IP address my ISY has been given by router and, ideally, if the email send fails, I'd like it to retry later Is there a way for ISY to email it's IP address? Is there a way for a program to know if sending an email has succeeded? I think I know the answer but thought I would ask since I've many times thought I knew the answer to things I didn't... LOL
  12. Good point. In fact I was just recently reading about a zwave stat that did have 2nd stage cooling compressor protection but I can't for the life of me remember which one. I only have one stage cooling so not something I need but mention it here to point out that they exist. I would also mention that I had to set my T7900 to 2 stages of cooling (even though I don't have 2 stages) for calls to the 2 stages of heating I have to work properly (one of the many "other" glitches). I once read a post that said "don't buy HVAC products from software companies - buy them from HVAC companies". I'm going to be leaning that way for my next stat.
  13. @jgcharlotte Thanks. Is there not a setting for deadband adjustment? Is there a setting for MRT/MOT (min run time / min off time)? I mean within stat - not expecting that in zwave options. Assuming your AC isn't oversized, I'm guessing it's a 1 deg deadband given the 5 and 6 min cycles your logs show. RE:short cycling. Without my (complex multi program) "minimum run time" mechanism, the stat will start a cycle (heat or AC) and stop after 2-3 minutes because the temp goes back to SP then it starts again 2-3 mins later (5 mins if AC due to compressor protection delay). This can happen repeatedly until the stat's max cycles per hour kicks in to implement a "minimum off time", which has the effect of implementing a 2 deg deadband during summer/winter peaks as the house heats up / cools down waiting for system to run. It also kills the efficiency of my system since for the first several cycles in an hour, it barely has a chance to start before it stops until the last cycle in an hour. At first I thought I had a unit with a particularly sensitive temp sensor but as I've had to change the unit 3 times now (over couple of years), once because of wifi connection (and other) problems with unit, once because of a move from T5900 to T7900, and once as a goodwill gesture from Venstar for other glitches, including spontaneous reboots that haven't completely gone away (other reason for wanting a change), they've all had the same short cycling problem if left on their own.
  14. @jgcharlotte, what data do you get in ISY from the Honeywell stat? if possible, can you post screenshot(s)? I want to change my Venstar for a zwave stat because the venstar needs to be polled for updates and it causes intermittent problems, mostly (though not exclusively) because I've had to program a minimum run time using ISY otherwise the stat frequently short cycles my furnace/AC. Venstar tells me the fix is to have 2 deg deadband but that's too much variation, and not something I've had to have with any of my previous stats. I want real time "push" updates from the stat. (I presume that's what you mean by "response is immediate".) Thanks
  15. how are you using it with programs? can you provide a couple of examples, please? Thanks.
  16. I just unpacked my bulb today and can't figure out how to do anything but turn it ON (to default warm white) and OFF with ISY. For example, what is this screen supposed to allow me to do? It doesn't do anything right now. Also, while I was able to change the ramp rate parameter 0x10 (16 decimal) from default 10 secs (0x14) to 0.2 secs (see below), the light still ramps up/down at default 10 secs. What am I missing? For reference, here's link to engineering specs for this bulb https://aeotec.freshdesk.com/helpdesk/attachments/6072848203 Any info would be appreciated.
  17. Found this https://aeotec.com/z-wave-gateways/, which lists this bulb as supported by ISY as well as with many other devices.
  18. Does latest 5-series ISY ZW running 5.0.15A support the Aeotec ZWA002 LED Multicolour Smart Bulb? It's not mentioned specifically at my usual shopping site as one of the controllers that supports it but then again I unfortunately rarely come across ISY mentioned as a supported controller even when it does support something quiite well https://www.aartech.ca/aeotec-zwa002-led-bulb
  19. Thanks, Paul. To be clear I'm asking about the ability to prevent some log entries from being posted to the log. I used to get well over a week's worth of log entries and it's now down to a few days. There are things that happen infrequently and being able to compare what happened over a longer period of time is helpful.
  20. Recently moved to 5.x and added the NodeLink node server for DSC alarm, Venstar thermostat, and Rain Machine controls. I was trying to troubleshoot something unrelated and noticed that my ISY logs were polluted with heartbeat updates from NodeLink. It makes it harder to find things and really shortens how far back I can see things in my log. Is there a way to filter what gets logged from node servers (or elsewhere)? If not, wouldn't this be a high value feature that people would want? Are others running into this? Does anyone have a workaround? Attached is my current log file to give an idea of the problem UDReport.xlsx
  21. johnnyt

    Next Stop 5.0?

    to close on this, the problem was that I didn't hit "save" because I thought I would lose the list of programs I have to fix but you have to hit save for the conversion to complete. Then you see what's left to fix. Mention it because I don't remember seeing that in the instructions (and still didn't see it in the quick scan I just did) but there are lots of them so easy to miss.
  22. Is there an alternative to brute force programming for putting ISY climate module data in variables? Right now It looks like I have to build a series of programs like the one below for each condition possible? Set Current Day High 28 - [ID 00BB][Parent 0330][Not Enabled] If Module 'Climate' 24h High Temperature >= 28 °C Then $iForecastDay1High = 28 Else Run Program 'Set Current Day High 27' (If) called by Set Current Day High 29 One of my goals, now that I'm on 5.x and can use decimals, is to calculate heat index using the formula found in this wikipedia article but need the data for temperature and humidity in variables to do that.
  23. johnnyt

    Next Stop 5.0?

    Upgraded to 5.0.15A and there are now over 480 programs that are "not saved" - about 20 more? Sent backup created using 15A to support email address.
  24. johnnyt

    Next Stop 5.0?

    @Michel Kohanim I'm using the UI that the ISY Launcher launched. The firmware loaded is the one I downloaded for use without a PLM so it has OADR in its name - do I need to find a way to load a OADR version of UI too? If so, how do I do that? A quick scan of several 'not saved' programs have no comments that I didn't put in so I guess this confirms there are no problems with those? Did you mean to say you "can't" save one at a time? If not, can you please tell me how to save one at a time? Thanks
  25. johnnyt

    Next Stop 5.0?

    Looking into the programs that ended up "Not Saved" after an upgrade from 4.7.3 to 5.0.13D I can't tell what the problem is for a great many of them, including very simple ones like turning a (Insteon) device off/on at a certain time, like this one: 1-Scheduled - Heated Mat OFF - [ID 02AB][Parent 01E4] If Time is 1:30:00AM on 2017/01/01 Then Set '1-MISC (Non Lighting) / Heated Mat / Heated Mat' Off Wait 10 seconds Set '1-MISC (Non Lighting) / Heated Mat / Heated Mat' Query Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Could it be because the device was not found at boot up as a result of running without a PLM (using the no PLM version of the firmware)? Also, is there a way - like a CLI command or holding a key down - to save just one or a few specific program(s) at a time? The Save button saves them all and I'd like to only save them as I fix them and leave the others I haven't fixed in their easy-to-find "Not Saved" status. If not, is there an alternative to making a list of every one of them on a piece of paper (over 460 in my case) to be able to keep track of what's done and what's left? Any info would be appreciated.
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