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Everything posted by johnnyt

  1. that would defeat the purpose for which i got the ZEN17 - at least the way I'm using one of the sensors. (I'm using the relays for something else.) I should point out that when I did the test there was not an actual power failure. So it's not like anything wasn't working the way it would under normal conditions, i.e. any/all zwave neighbors were up, for what that's worth.
  2. yes, ZEN17, which is a foot away from ISY with its zwave dongle inside, is on UPS just like ISY and all my networking gear, plus a PC doing some server duties. That's not an issue at all. The problem is not that ISY doesn't recognize the change of the ZEN17 sensor to ON when power fails - that works fine. The problem is that ISY doesn't see when the sensor goes OFF (i.e. back to main power) unless I manually query it. And I'm not finding an option to query the sensor in a program. I must of looked up and down the pick list for 20 mins for the device. I can't find it. Can you/someone verify that you/they are able (or not) to query the "windows Alarm 1" node of a Zen17 with param 2/3 set to 7 in a *program*? Thanks.
  3. I have my new ZEN17 configured with param 2/3 -> 7 (open/close alert door sensor) and param 10/11 -> 0 to disable the link from sensor to relay. I use one of the sensors to detect a dry contact feature of my UPS that closes the contact when UPS goes on battery. The contact closing works fine, the ZEN17 detects/reports it and ISY changes the state within a second or two. However when the UPS goes off battery (back to utility power), the sensor doesn't report it. If I query the device manually, it shows that the dry contact from UPS did re-open. I don't know if it's a "feature" of open/close alert door sensor (setting 7 for param 2/3) to not report the "OFF" event, or if there's something else going on (or should I say, not going on). Has anyone else noticed this? One thing I tried as a workaround (not really ideal though) is to try periodic queries of the device in a program when its ON but I can't find the device when I'm trying to pick it to do the query. It's like ISY doesn't see it as an option to do anything to it. Has anyone else seen this? Is it a bug or feature? Using the device list below, I'm using and trying to query "Windows Alarm 1" in a program
  4. See: https://www.support.getzooz.com/kb/article/253-how-to-perform-an-ota-firmware-update-on-zooz-devices/ it's a bit of a process. You need to get a separate zwave hub and you need to download a really bloated multi component software suite, register with the company so you can login when the tool starts, then add a couple of components to it in order to use the "PC Controller" that actually does the work. I check for updates when I first get the device and do it right away because I believe if you've already added it to ISY, you need to exclude it so you can link it to the other hub, which hoses all the programs/config work you've done. I'm hoping there's a better way coming - or if someone knows of one here now they'll chime in.
  5. @oskrypuch, thanks for the post. It was very helpful. FYI, there is an updated firmware 1.10 (unit comes with 1.04), which includes a bug fix for an issue when setting param 2/3 to 7 and params 10/11 to disabled, which is exactly what's needed for the desired behavior. See changelog here: https://www.support.getzooz.com/kb/article/727-zen17-universal-relay-change-log/ I did the upgrade - all is good and am actually also using the new parameters 19/20 updated manual explaining new parameters: https://www.support.getzooz.com/kb/article/698-zen17-universal-relay-advanced-settings/
  6. Can two zwave networks co-exist? If it matters, in my case one is my "production" 500-series ISY994iZW, and the other will be (not done yet) my "development/testing" Zooz 700-series USB dongle on my Polisy with an unconfigured IoP. As I test away, and in particular test things like the ZooZ ZEN17, which needs an exclusion/inclusion performed after some parameter changes, I wonder: 1) How is one supposed to manage changing a parameter that needs an exclusion/inclusion, like with a ZEN17? No big deal when I first get it, I can start over, but what if I have to change something after a bunch of stuff is configured? 2) how to replace a defective device? Is there a way to assign the same device number that was excluded to a new one on inclusion? If no, which is what I think, is that going to change some day? is/will there ever be a way to add a new zwave device and click "replace device with..." (like there is with Insteon) before excluding the device or after the device failed?
  7. Thanks, @MrBillLooks very promising. Just ordered one and may get a couple more later.
  8. I have a UPS that closes a dry contact when utility power goes out that I would like to use to notify ISY that power is out. Is there an equivalent to the IOLinc sense function in a zwave device? I searched "dry contact" but the results have all returned magnets used to detect door/window closure. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  9. does Ecobee need cloud service to work with ISY or can it connect locally? I think I know the answer but just checking I don't mind a cloud service for "value add" stuff, like reporting, etc. and might even pay if it's good stuff but I really don't want to count on a cloud service to use it with ISY.
  10. I don't have short cycling with this stat - I've only had those with Venstar. I do have AC situations where temp = SP and there's still a call for AC for a long time. Doesn't happen with heat calls. I was assuming the temp display rounds up or something compared to the internal temp setting for the purposes of a cooling call. For the record I checked and adjusted, as needed, all the settings to optimized values (researching if I wasn't sure). I left Cycles per Hour (CPH) to 3, the default and generally recommended setting for high efficiency furnace as well as for my furnace. My zwave firmware version is "01-03-00-00" - what's yours @jec6613? I haven't tried to update it since I got the thing and don't know if I even can. (I don't think so. I don't recall it advertising that it supports OTA firmware updates) I may well have a defective unit. For one thing I have to use the remote temp sensor because the one in the stat is about 8 degrees too hot (max temp offset is -3). Hopefully it's using the remote sensor for everything, not just the display. It also doesn't report stage 2 heat call, even though it supports it. I'm thinking it's just a missing zwave feature?
  11. 2 deg gets too hot in summer and too cold in winter. Always used 1 deg and never had problem until I got the Venstar. If they had implemented a min run time and min off time, it would have been fine. I worked around it by having ISY programs implement MRT and MOT. It wasn't foolproof and the stat had other issues, like spontaneous reboots, so I gave up on it.
  12. forgot to mention that I don't want a stat that needs a cloud service to work/control, e.g. Nest, Ecobee (I think), etc. I'm okay if the cloud provides reporting or other optional value add, but don't want to be tied to the whims of a cloud service that might end one day (see Insteon hub, etc.) or demand a monthly ransom.
  13. Looking for up to date Zwave thermostat recommendations. I've had a Venstar and liked a lot of things about it but didn't like the hair trigger cycling that happened when I set the deadband to 1 degree. It would short cycle my heat/AC because it had no minimum run time and when I discussed it with support their suggestion was to set a 2 degree deadband. I've had 1 degree deadbands for 30 years - what's up with that? I'm not loving the Honeywell T6 Pro I have now for 2 reasons, 1. it doesn't respond to ISY program queries. That might be an ISY problem supporting that t-stat - I don't know. (yes, I've reported the issue to UDI - ticket still open a year later - one of the few rare ones I have with no answer.) 2. it's strangely ON (heat/cool call) even when the setpoint has been reached. Clearly it's not reporting on the screen the temp it senses internally but, more interestingly, it can sit at SP=Temp for what seems like a longer time than needed while it's calling for heat/cool (especially cool). I would really like suggestion for a good 700 series stat, if there is one but I'd be fine with a 500 series as long as it worked well with ISY.
  14. I had a look after work at what's needed and understood about 20%, so it's a stretch but I'll see if I can conquer it when I have more time. They show you how to do it with Postman / Insomnia so that's where I'll look first. In another related post JimboAutomates said he would look into a Node server. If that happens before I figure things out (assuming I can) I'll for sure look into it.
  15. Starting new thread on this as the old one is closed for some reason and I don't know how to re-open or get it reopened. Looks like Airthings now offers API's for consumer products https://help.airthings.com/en/articles/4510990-integrations-airthings-api Now I have to see if/how I get this to work with ISY.
  16. Wow we're off topic but.. oh well... You want one of these with all your networking gear plug into it in addition to ISY, Polisy, etc. https://dlidirect.com/products/new-pro-switch You can set/up call scripts using ISY network resources to reboot ISY and/or Polisy, as well as you networking gear in proper sequence with delay in between. Can also set up autoping to reboot hung things. Also you can bookmark these in your browser to make stuff happen:,
  17. almost forgot: double clicking (fast on / fast off). adds so many possibilities. I use it a lot.
  18. +2 for 8-button keypadlincs. haven't found anything comparable out there insteon scenes work really well. zwave not even close. (only know about those two) dual band certainly helped with the above, among other things would love to see more speed if that's possible (to add to the talk of expanding capabilities)
  19. I've created a lot of specialized log files using the ISY's web server module and "Dynamic/Custom Page Creation" functionality described here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-994i_Series_INSTEON:Networking#Dynamic.2FCustom_Page_Creation and every now and again I spend 20 minutes or more, downloading/archiving and resetting these custom log files. If I don't do this often enough, they do eventually drop old data to put in new data in so I lose some of the history. I would like to automate the download/reset task. Basically write a script to go through each web server file, download it, append the date to it, save it, then reset the log in ISY. For a few of them I have ISY reset programs that add a header showing when it was reset and, in some cases, putting links to other related log files for ease of navigation. I guess I'm looking for a way to run some sort of batch file able to download HTML and save the file with a name based on current YYMMDD then, in some cases, call an ISY program to do the reset, while in other cases, just delete the file from the ISY web server. Any suggestions?
  20. So how does one factory reset IoP without clobbering or losing anything else, e.g. portal, other Polisy config, existing nodeservers, etc.? I want a fresh IoP that can be found by launcher, portal, etc. without having to restore backup. Just like it was when it was first installed and before I restored a i994 backup to it. I want to do a number of "dry runs", including testing things without doing a restore first, before I do the real thing.
  21. a little while later all traces of i994 went away so I guess it just took a while to fully register
  22. Thanks @bpwwer. Did the delete and no problem in i994. @Michel Kohanim did the add but IoP not getting added. here are screenshot showing IoP in launcher, followed by the add screen to show the data, followed by the About screen in IoP from Launcher (i.e. it's there and userid/password I used is correct), followed by PG3 dashboard, which shows no ISYs but does show "ISY version 5.3.4".
  23. Using SSH did all the upgrades so now have PG3 installed and it's seeing my i994 but not my IoP. Before adding IoP I want to "delete current ISY" as I have no PG3 nodeservers, I'm not ready to migrate my PG2 NS to PG3 until PG3 is at least beta and it's polluting my i994 error log with 100's (maybe 1000 a day?) of "System -170001 [Auth:-10103]>80, Num=3" error messages Problem is I get a message that deleting the ISY will "delete all the existing nodeservers from ISY" and I don't want that to happen. Is it speaking only to PG3 NS's or will it delete my PG2 installed NS's? I only want PG3 seeing the IoP.
  24. so I made a typo in reporting my version of FreeBSD. I was at 13.0 RELEASE p3. I mixed things up with my FreeNAS version, which is 11.3. Oops So by connecting on the same switch (same VLAN 200) as my Polisy I did the upgrade and am now at 13-p6 and can see my polisy and login to IoP from ISY Launcher Also, when I SSH from my main LAN (aka VLAN 1), I get the message in the attached screenshot before the connection is closed. So I think this is what was closing the connection but without saying so. Anyway, I've opened a support ticket with UDI so am getting the great service they provide and expect to get to the bottom of this soon.
  25. yes, I noticed that. will do manual update. I tried pushing the reset button on front of my polisy but I guess I bought one too early because that did nothing. sigh I'm still trying to get SSH to work from my PC so I can do the update from comfort of my big chair instead hacking my laptop into switch with ISY/Polisy on it. I did a packet capture on SSH port 22 and can see that traffic is being forwarded from my PC to polisy and a response is coming back (nothing is "dropped") but I still get' 'connection refused' from polisy. I think I need to log a support ticket, unless someone detects something from the screenshot and packet capture attached. packet-c.pcap
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