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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by oskrypuch

  1. Actually, in more critical applications, it would be better to run it electrically NO. Otherwise, if the relay should fail, you wouldn't know until you actually needed it. I set up my water shutoff valve along the same way, the main supply solenoid/valve is normally flow closed, it needs to be powered to allow flow. Odd about the terminology, that an electrical NO = a plumbing NC. * Orest
  2. midrar, that is actually a very good idea. Brian - a good heads up, I do have some program logic (driven by a time delay relay) that will detect and correct critical insteon units/relays after a power loss. The ISY itself has a UPS to keep it alive. * Orest
  3. Do you ship to Canada? * Orest
  4. Thanks, found the manual. Very tempting, and yes a very good price. The device is defined in ISY, right? * Orest
  5. That unit may indeed be perfect. A shame it was discontinued, and is only available reconditioned "as is". * Orest
  6. Not an ISY question per see, but a lot of experienced folks here. Q. I need a 110v insteon device that will handle up to 20amp for switching a dishwasher. Any suggestions?? Why would I want that, if interested here is the story ... I'm setting up protection against water leaks. Have Waterbug sensors set up in multiple locations in the basement, and water being sensed will deactivate a solenoid that keeps the water supply flowing. All good. Have sensors at the clothes washer and dishwasher, but this will NOT stop a leak from the discharge hoses. I want to be able to kill the power to both of these devices as well in the event of a discharge leak, killing the power kills the pump and stops the leak. There is a 220v 30amp relay for insteon so the clothes washer can be handled. * Orest
  7. With the discovery and recovery programs I'm using now, the Venstar lockup is essentially a non-issue. I am running three Venstars. That said, I do look forward to it being properly fixed. (firmware) * Orest
  8. I have set up some routines that will allow the system to survive/restore on a power outage, having to reset EZIO relays and appliance modules, and so on. The ISY is power backed up, it will not go down. The PLM of course is not, and it will power cycle. Is there some way for the ISY (user) to detect a power cycling of the PLM, while the ISY remains powered up? I use a time delay relay on the sense for a 2450, as well monitoring the status of a 2450 relay that is normally set ON, but having something more programatically "direct" would be cool. Also, I've observed that the ISY seems to do a full My Lighting query when the PLM is power cycled and comes back on, although it is not consistent. Is this normal? Of course I would want exactly that done in general. * Orest
  9. I was wondering if someone could precisely describe what the Apply Changes To All Devices tick box, and the Copy Scene Atrributes from xxx button do: * Orest
  10. [sound of hand slapping forehead] Oh, I see, it is just a matter of NOT selecting the admin console. Sorry for the silly question. * Orest
  11. When away, I access the ISY by pointing to the forwarded https port, and the java app pops up, no problem. But sometimes you can't use java, so was wondering how to get at least get some access to the system. Will have a look at the config page. * Orest
  12. The following change makes this whole matter relatively carefree. When an error condition is noted, then the flash program is run, which resets the thermostats by killing power to them for 30 seconds. If you have only one thermostat, then you can use a 2450 or EZIO to interrupt the RED power wire to the thermostat, if you have a number of Venstars linked to a zone controller, then you can cut the power to the zone controller with an appliance module. Here is the simple program to add ... program flash tstat power (disabled) If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Wait 5 minutes Set 'basement / Zone Controller / Tstat power' Off Wait 30 seconds Set 'basement / Zone Controller / Tstat power' On Wait 2 seconds Send Notification to 'oskrypuch - GMail' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Then, add the following line ... Run Program 'flash tstat power' (If) to the ELSE statements in the two programs listed above after the error notification, here they are modified with this change ... program check tstat.set (disabled) modified If Status 'master bdrm / MAS - tstat - Main' is Fan Auto Then Set 'master bdrm / MAS - tstat - Main' Fan On Wait 5 seconds Run Program 'check tstat.check' (If) Else Send Notification to 'oskrypuch - GMail' content 'TStat MAS error1' Run Program 'flash tstat power' (If) program check tstat.check (disabled) modified If Status 'master bdrm / MAS - tstat - Main' is Fan On Then Set 'master bdrm / MAS - tstat - Main' Fan Auto Send Notification to 'oskrypuch - GMail' content 'TStat MAS responding' Else Send Notification to 'oskrypuch - GMail' content 'TStat MAS error2' Run Program 'flash tstat power' (If) And there you go, until SmartHome fixes the Venstar firmware, this will detect a communication error condition, inform you, then reset/fix the error condition and send a confirmatory email as well. One caution, if you have a power outage, your furnace control will be left OFF after a power failure, as the relay engaged in the 2450s and EZIO and appliance modules will not survive a power cycle. This is not unique to this program set, it will affect any code that relies on engaged insteon relays. Here is the fix to that ... My ISY is UPS protected, so it will not reset on a power outage, a reboot is one way of assuming a power loss. I have another set of programs that monitor for a power outage by querying the status of an unused relay output on an EZIO, that is normally set to ON. If it is found OFF, then an outage is presumed, and various actions are taken. I have a better solution in the works that will pick up the outage immediately with no polling/querying required. Plan to add a delay action relay (OMRON, non-isteon), that will trigger a 2450 input 30 seconds after the power is restored after a power outage. That condition will in turn activate some programs in the ISY to do some clean up work. * Orest
  13. How? * Orest
  14. Nice code. You could also set up two separate scenes, with the same device(s) in them, but with different max/ramp. Then, depending on time, trigger one scene or the other. Your method avoids some duplication of code, and is independent of how the lighting is triggered. * Orest
  15. I got hit by this very issue. Lee's suggestion fixed me right up. * Orest
  16. Having the ISY powered separately is actually an advantage. You can power it with a UPS to prevent it from going down on a power loss. The PLM, of course, should not go through a UPS. * Orest
  17. Yes, it will run on startup. The order is a little complicated, there was a developer post about that here recently. * Orest
  18. Eureka, it works! As you surmised, the flashing analog outs were likely interfering with the setup. This time when I added the device, it took quite a bit longer to set up. The Device links table is now populated with 4 "E2" links, corresponding to 09 thru 0C, together with an EOF. The other potential issue was that I had not added the device explicitly, which you suggested, and I fixed earlier on. Thanks so much. This might be a common setup problem, unless someone knows to silence the analog inputs, pulling them either ON or OFF, when first setting it up out of the box. * Orest
  19. The device links table is "blank": 0FF8: 00 00 00.00.00 00 00 00 * Orest
  20. Ok, tied AN1 and AN2 to +5 with an 8k & 10k resistor (only could find one 10k). The flickering has stopped. The relays are controlled as expected. I have the 5v/I1+ and GND/I1- pairs shorted. ALL of -9 through -C show OFF. I presume from what you were saying , -9 should be ON now. * Orest
  21. Whoops, typo in the table, should be ... 0F88: E2 09 00.00.00 00 IF 09 0FF0: 00 00 00.00.00 FF IF 0A * Orest
  22. OK, deleted the device, and readded it using the New Insteon device dialog, specifying the 2x4. I have the 6 nodes now, the first one blank, the others labeled -2 and -9 thru -C. I renamed the first to -1 The show device links table now shows ... 0F88: E1 09 00.00.00 00 IF 09 0FF0: 00 00 00.00.00 FF IF 0A Relays work. I1 still does not respond with a message with I1+/5v and I1-/GND shorted. -9 thru -C all remain OFF. Looks like the SET light has now started flickering rapidly, and continually. * Orest
  23. Running 3.1.0, although EZIO was installed under 2.8.14 I think. I may not have specified the device explicitly when I added it, that might well be the problem. Show Device Links Table shows only ... OFF8: 00 00 00.00.00 00 00 00 * Orest
  24. This is an EZIO2x4 new out of the box. I do not have, and have not used their setup utility. I was planning on using I1 as a dry contact closure. I confirmed 5v between +5 & the GND. Connected the I1+ to the +5v, and then used the I1- and GND as the dry contact. Shorting these terminals does not result in an insteon message, there is no change in the the ISY "Main" page listing. Same with I2, connected similarly, no activity. I assume that the -9 & -A nodes are the I1 & I2 nodes, and IL3 & IL4 are associated with node -B & -C. Both of the -B & -C nodes are sitting as ON. The relays out seem to work fine, they are shown as the -1 and -2 nodes in ISY. What am I doing wrong? * Orest
  25. Ah, OK, will need to set up a little program then, as I need it both ways. Thanks. * Orest
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