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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by oskrypuch

  1. Yes, thanks, that is the plan. It will be my fourth PLM replacement, in maybe 15 years or so. * Orest
  2. I have had 2413s start to fail with INOPs of various kinds, and have had to replace them a couple of times now, but not seen it where the device was dark. No LED flicker on a power cycle, and the admin console boots up in SAFE mode. But I guess it happens. Ordered a replacement. One comment, and my question, the JAVA admin console shows all the devices and variables, but the programming page is blank and it gives a device error notice. (yes, I have backups) Is that normal in SAFE mode, or will I have to restore the programming from a backup as well? Thanks * Orest
  3. Well, of course I have backups. But in these instances I will also do a full text export, so I can refer to it should that be necessary. And, it looks like it will be necessary. I've observed in the past when a module gets pulled, you get involved statements converted to null references, which hides the logic. Oh well. * Orest
  4. Thanks! @Teken and @DaveStLou. I'm getting squared away. I have a portal account now, and added my ISY's UUID, it remains pending as I haven't installed the portal module. I do need to upgrade from 16B to 16C, first. Then, I need to install the new portal module into my ISY. But, it seems that it will also remove the climate module in the same step. I can't do just one of these. Two practical questions ... Q) When the climate module is uninstalled, what happens to all the climate references in the code? Will they be nulled out, or will they still be recognizable, making it easier to replace them in the code? Q) Installing something like openweather in the portal will get me access to the weather again. But, I presume I will have to rewrite the climate statements, referencing those new sources? Is the syntax similar? * Orest
  5. I just saw the climate module uninstall popup. All news to me, did not get an email. I don't drop by the forums often, unless I have a problem, perhaps my bad. Logged into my account, all the notifications were left unchecked, so obviously why I never got the notice. I created an account on the ISY portal. Does this account get merged with my account logging in the usual way? Once you have an ISY portal account, what do I do next, to restore my climate access? I am noticing now that I get a climate module uninstall, and an ISY portal install message. Don't want to execute that, until I know what I have to do with the ISY Portal to get climate access back. Do I have to rewrite any affected code? Will my ISY still work to do what it has been doing, or do I now have to buy new hardware? Is there a general information page for the ISY Portal? When will my current climate access go INOP? * Orest
  6. Can you suggest good Z-wave repeaters, to make this work? Would you need one in the room with the ISY, and then one in the room with the ding-donger? Found this one: Aeotec Zwave Plug in Range Extender 6 Repeater Gen 5 * Orest
  7. Found the zw.pdf document. * Orest
  8. A simple, and a more complete solution. Thanks. @simplextechI have no Z-wave devices at present, do I just need the ZSE19 with my Z-wave enabled ISY, and then just a software setup? Or, do I need some other hardware. Does the Zooz device also provide a volume appropriate for a chime, rather than a full bore siren sound level? * Orest
  9. Thanks. Sounds encouraging. * Orest
  10. My old X-10 motion gave up the ghost. I had a few of the 2844's, and put one outside. It's operating temp is just down to freezing, and we do get quite a bit colder than that here. BUT, there doesn't appear to be anything else available to use. I put the 2844 under the eaves, so it is fairly sheltered. Anyone else have any long term experience with these units outside? The mount is pretty flimsy, inside probably not that much an issue, but outside I'm concerned that it might be blown around by the wind (to false trigger) or worse to be blown right off and onto the ground. Any better way of mounting these available? * Orest
  11. I have my old X-10 ding-donger, which works fine. I have it chime once for motion, and twice for the garage door opening, but it very limited. Would prefer to be able to have distinct chimes or sounds to announce certain events. There doesn't appear to be any unit out there in Insteon, hopefully the old X-10 will keep going. I do have the Z-Wave capable ISY, but have no experience in Z-Wave thus far. Anyone achieved this, without having it get too complicated? * Orest
  12. BINGO!!!!! Thanks much. Got my colored icons back. It had been somehow set to folders only, which is exactly what it was displaying. \0/ * Orest
  13. I did once. I even jiggled the cords! That said, I'll reboot again, now with the new console installed. Maybe it will twiddle something in java ... No, no joy. I also tried changing the font size, I saw some threads that had issues with some of the text in fields, but only at certain font sizes. Didn't make a difference. * Orest
  14. Here is a quick pic from the second (desktop) computer, where the programs icons are colored correctly, including BTH light_day.do, which is "disabled", but running at that moment.
  15. @Michel Kohanim, With respect, that is not pertinent. Although that program is disabled, it was running by a call from another program, as I note, and that is confirmed by the Summary page. Previously it would show as running with a filled green color. Looking through the entire tree of programs, there is no instance where either the red/green left edge stripe is visible (showing the last true/false instance), nor the filled in icon on the program where it is actually running. It does show correctly for the folders though. This is in marked distinction from before, the change in behavior was quite obvious and just started all of a sudden, it has gone back to the long ago time of not having these handy markers. I installed and ran the admin console on another computer, and I have now updated both the ISY and consoles to 5.0.15A. Curiously, the same errant behavior continues on that initial (laptop) computer (no red/green markings on the program icons), but on the desktop where I just installed it, the program colors are shown as they should be, see the next post. I have already refreshed the admin console, clearing the java cache, on the original computer, anything else I might try to get it to work again?? The java is up to date. Both are running Windows 7. So, why not just use the computer where it works? Well that is a desktop and not very portable, not nearly as handy for debugging things on the go. Appreciate any suggestions. * Orest
  16. These stripes and fills on the program and folder icons in the Admin console are quite nice for debugging. They were there just this morning, as usual, and then they just disappeared. I tried restarting the Admin console, made no difference. Running 5.0.13D. The status chart on the Summary page still shows the programs as running, and all seems to be fine with execution, just the Admin console doesn't show it on the Details page. Here is an example, BTH light_day.do is currently executing, it is disabled to suppress triggering from the states in the IF clause, it was called from BTH motion_day. But, on the details page, there is no filled green notation. Further, the programs that have a status as TRUE, do not show green, and also no red stripe for FALSE. CURIOUSLY, all the folders DO properly show the green or red stripe. I have disabled a number of the folders. I'm in the process of migrating to v5 and cleaning up a lot of the code. Any ideas? * Orest
  17. Very good.
  18. I will be sure to add in WAITs for such sequential requests. * Orest
  19. That is very interesting @larryllix, as you note I do have a lot of emails sent for debugging and monitoring purposes, although for the most part they are just to one address. The alerts go out to many. Will double check the email setups. * Orest
  20. I have been looking through a new v5 firmware install, and see a lot of cools things. But, I have not been following the development at all, up until now -- is there a post or thread that summarizes in "broad brush" manner the major improvements in v5? If not, can anyone offer the same here? Others may be interested. I understand that it remains a moving target. * Orest
  21. Yes, that was the only way to sequester those pseudo "program" variables, from reacting to events. Awkward, but it worked, and it was all we had back then. I first started working with this at least ten years ago, you had to be creative. The more recent bits of the code takes advantage of the newer features. And the ability now to even pull things like thermostat temps and other device states into variables is much appreciated. It is nice to see the maturing of the ISY "language". As I mention upthread, I am going to take this opportunity to gradually bring the system back up in bits, and plan on updating a lot of the code as I go. * Orest
  22. Oh yes, there is a lot of legacy code, that long predates the availability of variables. Used the "program" variable technique back then, like everyone else. As soon as variables appeared, I immediately switched to their use. I have long been wanting to clean all that old stuff out, but it is a matter of setting aside the time, and not wanting to break something that is working. Of course it isn't now! I have factory reset the (new) unit that was now continually rebooting, couldn't get to it with the Admin console, and then restored my config that I has already migrated to v5, that ran just fine for a day or so. I then set all the programs as disabled, and ensured there was nothing running. There isn't now. I will now let that sit for a few days, to ensure all is stable. I often will bring up the summary view to test things, in particular just lately, and there are not oscillating programs. I sat for a while pressing the refresh button to see if I could catch what program(s) ran, before a hang, but was unsuccessful in catching it. Before each reboot, there is typically a period of dead quiet. I also brainstormed as to what program might be starting up at the intervals I noticed the reboots. If the unit stays running, which I expect it will now, I'll starting enabling folder by folder, and perhaps at the same time fixing up the code, getting the more important bits up first. * Orest
  23. Since the fresh restore, it seems to work for a day or so, and then start the reboot cycle, well, here is a new wrinkle ... After working fine for a day, it stopped responding/sending to devices, and I can now no longer access the ISY at all from the admin console, even with the PLM disconnected to get to safe mode. It appears to be rebooting sequentially. The error light is not on, and the memory light and Rx/Tx lights flicker similar to what I remember for a normal reboot, then they stop for a bit, and cycle continues. I am thinking that I'm going to have to factory reset it, to get control of it again. (looked up how to do that) * Orest
  24. I do not have any other CPU devices, just Insteon devices and one X-10 outside motion, and one X-10 ding-donger. Only other thing is of course the PLM. Seems unlikely that would be the issue, but who knows. * Orest
  25. That is one of the first things I tried now. I completely deleted all of the programs having anything to do with thermostat control, made no difference, it did not break the cycle of reboots every 10 to 20 min. I will try deleting other parts of the program set, to see if I can hit on an area where the culprit may be. I am going to try going back in time through the restores, to see if some minor change is causing this, there have been no major changes to the program set in a while. At least the reboots are fairly frequent, making it a little easier to dissect. * Orest
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