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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by oskrypuch

  1. Lots of cool stuff coming is good. Thanks in any case. * Orest
  2. I guess you could just SSH in, and watch it once, to be sure. * Orest
  3. Just discovered the default settings page, for NULL, =0 and POSITIVE colors, wish I had noticed that earlier, would have saved me a bunch of time! But, a request, can you also add a custom default color for value is NEGATIVE. Why? I have defined the value -1 as $xc_True (0 as $xc_False), and use that for all my boolean variable states. -1 comes from the old days when boolean TRUE was always all bits set to 1, so with a signed integer it would be -1. Adding the above should be relatively easy. Perhaps you could also consider adding a custom default color for user defined values too -- although that would need a bit of a UI change. FWIW, I'm in the Beta channel on android. * Orest
  4. ... but that begs the question, what do you then do to power it back up. I guess, you just power cycle it? * Orest
  5. I'm trying to remember, it was a while ago, but I don't think there was anything pointing a finger to anything. The ISY just became unaddessable by network at random intervals, so backup/restores would fail, program updates, and just being able to log in. I'd have to reboot the ISY. As a first measure I put the ISY on its own sub-lan, and mirrored the port to wireshark to snoop. I also had some old direct addressing cameras, and some open ports. I closed up the UDP gate, and the problems stopped. I subsequently closed up the ports altogether as I migrated to a different system. it is a wild world out there on the internet! * Orest
  6. @kyderrDo you have the ISY open to an external port, or any device on the LAN open to the outside, for UDP packets? If so, close those ports if you can, or at least set them to TCP only. Probes on your router that leak UDP packets, can confuse the NIC in the ISY, even though you likely won't see anything much else going wrong. I discovered that as an issue some time ago. * Orest
  7. Done, and worked. And, no issues with the programs using the "real" node. Thanks. * Orest
  8. I was trying to input my station ID in the PG3 dialog, but I wasn't sure which number constituted the station ID. There is a number on the device, the hub, an ST number, and finally a number for reference on the website, the latter is the correct one, and I didn't hit it until the last. Using the other numbers, by trial and error, ended up with the additional random units defined in my grouping under WeatherFlow, on the admin page. So, how do you ungroup the sub-nodes in order to delete them? * Orest
  9. There is a reset button in the admin applet, but not a power down button. If one needs to power down the Polisy, for example to move it, is just pulling the plug tolerated well? * Orest
  10. I was kind of in the same situation. I finally opted to buy a Polisy, with the intention initially to just serve PolyGlot (and eventually migrate over). But, decided to go whole hog when my 994 coincidentally started developing some issues. Clearly this took a bit of a push, and it is a bit of work, but I'm delighted with my setup now, Polisy running IoP, the portal migrated and the UD app repointed with setup preserved. PolyGlot available through PG3, slick. Secured a couple of spare PLMs, but my first Z-Wave stuff is to arrive imminently, including the 700 dongle. Also set up my WeatherFlow Tempest at the same time. Cool beans! If you do make the move, be sure to first read up on the threads in the Polisy section, and read through the wiki as needed. Folks here were ready to help as well. Makes it real smooth. * Orest
  11. If interested... ZW189 Aeotec ZW189 Zwave Plus Plug in Range Extender Repeater 7
  12. I am just getting set up. Ordered a 700 series amplifier repeater, that was recommended here. Larger area, very minimal mesh yet (covered with Insteon now), so why not -- although I understand the newest series 7 devices perform better in this regard. * Orest
  13. So an S2 capable device just falls back to S0? When S2 becomes supported, presume you have to reregister and use the token code. * Orest
  14. I tried deleting the errant nodes in PG3, but I get an error message:
  15. You mean this delete: Only ONE of these station IDs is mine. The rest are what turned out to be just random IDs, matching my attempts to guess what number it was looking for in PG3. If I delete WeatherFlow altogether, won't I lose/scramble all the references in my programming? And, if those other false nodes are still a thing in PG3, won't they just recreate themselves again, anyway? * Orest
  16. I poked around a bit until I discovered the "number" that was needed to identify my Weatherflow Tempest. As a result I ended up with a bunch of (mainly NULL) nodes listed. How do I get rid of the ones I don't want? * Orest
  17. Security is always good, but is S0 really a big issue for a home setting? IOW, should that restrict the devices we pick? Also, does a mixed S0/S2 environment make the S2 devices downgrade to S0? After all, we've been running Insteon for years, which is pretty hackable. Isn't even S0 better than that? * Orest
  18. With Insteon, when a newer device came along it took a bit of time to get included in ISY. Let's assume you are set up with the Polisy/700 dongle, and we are talking 700 series devices ... Is there the same kind of restriction with Z-Wave devices? Or, because they create their own sub-nodes, and you manipulate those directly, does it just work even with brand new devices? * Orest
  19. Hmm, odd (to me) that it doesn't include a PS. * Orest
  20. I am an Insteon old-timer , but brand new to Z-Wave. [disregard] Found the user manual for it. Looks good. * Orest
  21. Yes, that works. The delay is not too bad, but noticeable. I have a large mature setup with hundreds of nodes and programs, it would much more efficient if there were an (items on this) page only download button. Just a thought. * Orest
  22. So I have a few pages defined that logically groups some variable queries and program instances. But these remain uninitiated until I tap on them. For example I have one item that shows the state of the Family room curtain, and it shows as nil for the indication until I tap on it. Then I get the swirly on the next page, and the value is loaded, and shown on the main page. Then that item works or displays as it should. Is this normal? If so, can you add 'force' initiation button on a page? * Orest
  23. Yep, even the Portal migration went just fine, and the UD app favorites ported across 100% - that saves a lot of time! * Orest
  24. Well, just to relate my positive experience. When PGC went down, I needed to get my Polyglot back up, so made the step I had been deferring for a bit, and bought a Polisy. I was initially just going to use it for Polyglot, but then when I started developing some issues with my current ISY994 and the need to include Z-Wave, decided to do the full migration. I have a large Insteon setup with a working serial PLM (and just started adding Z-Wave, 'cause I have to for the future), and was serving some weather services. I just bought a new Tempest, and wanted to get that up and running too. Did a lot of reading, and punched around the various setup screens, and here I am with my entire Insteon setup moved over, the weather services set up, Tempest feeding it, and I'm delighted. Still have to move my ISY Portal license to the Polisy (using the 1mo free one as per the directions), and then will need to repoint my UD app, it appears that should work without the need to set it up again, but we'll see. In any case, one happy customer. The Polisy certainly seems a lot more zippy. The ISY994 was no slouch, but you can't beat faster, more up to date hardware. And good timing, that my Z-Wave leap will now be solely hosted on the Polisy, no need for later migration. * Orest
  25. And the Z-Wave Plus "plain" products, these are the older 500 series units. Z-Wave Plus v2 is only included in the 700. * Orest
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