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Everything posted by oskrypuch

  1. Ha. Might be a quick way to move from 2477D/S to Zen72s, at little to no cost. Can you give a hint, what prices did you set compared to what its retail was, a bit ago? * Orest
  2. That seems to generally be the case, with anything Z-Wave. Or perhaps it is just me, learning a new modality. [thread drift] I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how to set a default max illumination and ramp rate on a Zen72. Finally realized I couldn't use the admin page (like for Insteon), but had to use configuration commands. Even then, I'm not able to set a high illumination setting (below 100%) and an up ramp rate, need to use explicit commands in ISY. I can set a default down ramp rate, because it just goes to 0, so no need to set a level. I'm going to have another look at that, and fiddle a bit more, just wanted to get that one switch in as one 2476 had failed. * Orest
  3. Whoops, saw this only just now ... - If you are a geek, ssh and: sudo pkg update && sudo pkg upgrade && sudo service isy restart
  4. Well, I can still hear the beeps, and the unit is in my study. But, it would be nice if we could just SSH in, and have a terminal session that triggers this, and continues to provide updates. * Orest
  5. Yes, it is very comprehensive in its reports if you need them, using trigger levels for power and current, and reporting currrent voltage, current and load. If you don't want the reports, you can turn them all off to reduce traffic. I'm monitoring the voltage. Nice little device! * Orest
  6. @TechmanDid you have to do anything special in the formatting of the .WAV clips? Did you get around the 2GB SD card limitation? * Orest
  7. Aeotec has a somewhat similar device, but it is focused on being a doorbell, has a remote button. Also, it is only 500 series. It is portable (not important for me) and uses a wall wart (less desirable for me). It has preloaded sounds, but does not allow for custom audio clips, and not sure if you can play them without actually using the doorbell. https://aeotec.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/6000202226-doorbell-6-user-guide- IAC, the Aeotec was not a good fit for me. So I went for the Ecolink. Didn't know anything about the company support issues at the time. Hopefully it just keeps on working -- like my old X10 Ding-Donger! Quite pleased with it so far. * Orest
  8. Now that I have access to so many sounds (instead of just the X10 ding-dong), I am finding that sound commands can collide reaching the unit. For example the outside motion sound, and the garage opening sound, commonly do so. So I modified all of my chime programs to wait for any other chime programs that are running to finish, so they only go one at a time. The logic construct is the same for each, below is one example chime program. This one goes chime, chime, "Garage", twice, and is executed when a garage door opens. ding garagex2 - [ID 001E][Parent 0005] If $ding_busy <= 0 Then $ding_busy = 30 Repeat 2 times Set 'inside / ZW 014 Sound Switch' Volume 100% Set 'inside / ZW 014 Sound Switch' On with Tone 12 Wait 3 seconds Set 'inside / ZW 014 Sound Switch' On with Tone 24 Wait 3 seconds Repeat 1 times $ding_busy = 0 Else Wait 1 second $ding_busy -= 1 Run Program 'ding garagex2' (If) $ding_busy is a semaphore/counter that allows a chime program to have exclusive control, but only for a maximum of 30 seconds. (prevents an infinite wait loop in all cases) Each chime program checks for the counter to be 0, and if it is, then takes control of access to the sound device by setting the counter to 30. If a chime program finds the counter not 0, it executes its ELSE clause, and decrements the counter each second. Typically it will be handed control before the 30 sec timeout when some other chime program releases/sets the counter to 0. But in any case, it will be able to take control of the device in no more than 30 seconds. I use <= 0, in case the counter got decremented to -1 or less. The Repeat 1 times statement allows me to add a wait statement at the end of the THEN clause, this is executed after the prior Repeat 2 times loop, and is executed only once. Tidy, and simple. I could add another semaphore to handle a third simultaneous chime request gracefully, but that is very unlikely to happen. * Orest
  9. The latter has been announced for the Polisy unit, when equpped with the soon to be released (new) inboard Z-Wave dongle. * Orest
  10. I LIKE the present tense use there! * Orest
  11. Use the Window Alarm node instead. Works for me correctly. * Orest
  12. oskrypuch


    To me it really appears to be a lot of noise, but little substance, and in future will likely reflect the xkcd cartoon upthread. Notwithstanding the announcements, the big manufacturers (A,A,G) have a lot invested in keeping their own closed and controlled domains, harvesting consumer meta-data, while dangling carrots about future features but only with brand new devices to keep the sales going -- Matter may be useful in the later regard. Google hasn't even fully embraced the older Nest devices, after buying Nest out. And, bottom line, Matter is an application layer that sits on top of IP. Given that these are portable devices, that means wifi. That is a crowded spectrum, and frankly even if segregated on vlans, I would not look forward to dozens of new IoT devices with their sloppy IP stacks and quickly dated firmware polluting my network. It is bad enough as it is now! As far as Insteon and Matter, that is almost certainly a non-starter. There is no one to make the development investment. * Orest (cynic)
  13. A pair of appliance lincs were running two sets of curtains. Both units about 12 years old, the one was getting a little flakey and not energizing to command, on occasion. Figured the other might start to go as well. Decided to replace both, and got the SS7 for that. I ordered them from the Aeotec store online (couldn't find the 7 anywhere else), didn't realize that they would ship from Hong Kong! After a couple of weeks, still no units, emailed support, they said they were stuck in Customs and I had to contact DHL. Seems they needed some $ for customs, got that sorted out. Units are very nice and compact, added them with no issues. The usual gazzilion nodes popped up, stored all but one in my unused node folder. Disabled the power reporting data, as I don't need it. Set the auto-off for 17 seconds so I only need to send an ON command, that toggles the curtains open/close state. Tweaked the programming, and they are working great. Also, given their location, will be great repeaters, especially since they are external units. Well, I guess a boring story, usually is when you meet with success! * Orest
  14. @Prana electric Doesn't do anything much useful, but this is what you're asking for. timer initialize could be triggered by something. And presumably, you'd want something to happen when the counter reached zero. $_counter would need to be a state variable. (I( use the underscore to label variables as state variables) * Orest ----------- timer initialize - [ID 01A4][Parent 0054] If [some conditions or action for a trigger] Then Stop program 'timer run' $_counter = 60 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ----------- timer run - [ID 0094][Parent 0054] If 'family rm / FAM - pots' is switched On Then Repeat Every 1 second $_counter -= 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ----------- timer stop - [ID 01B6][Parent 0054] If $_counter <= 0 Then Run Program 'timer initialize' (Then Path) Run [do something here] Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Could also use a while loop for the counter, which is a little more efficient performance. timer run - [ID 0094][Parent 0054] If 'family rm / FAM - pots' is switched On Then Repeat While $counter > 0 $_counter -= 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  15. @Prana electricThe Leviton switches appear to be 500 series (Z-Wave Plus v1) devices, so that is one point against them. * Orest
  16. I don't have one, but I'd do the same thing as I do with KPLs. A Brother label maker, use a clear background tape. On better, with the Brother label program driving the labeler as a printer, you can create anything, including graphics. * Orest
  17. Wouldn't the presence of the 300 series device, downgrade the capabilities of the rest of the mesh as well? * Orest (not that there may be any other choice given hardware availability)
  18. @Michel KohanimIt may already be too late in the process, but if not, please ensure that the antennas have a common (standard) connector, so they can be remoted from the Polisy. Many (myself included) have the Polisy in a nice rack, that is not very antenna friendly, with a lot of metal close by, and perhaps impossible to allow for a more optimal vertical antenna orientation. But, in any case, thanks much for the effort. * Orest
  19. @johnnytReport back. * Orest
  20. I have the early T1700/T1800 units with the v2.2 insteon dongle. Also have the remote sensors. They have been working flawlessly, hope they continue, else... *Orest
  21. @johnnyt Did you do the whole exclude, link to a dongle on a computer, update OTW, etc. thing, then link back in, to update the firmware? *Orest
  22. As I relate upthread my setup experience was a bit flaky as well. But now " In production", it has been working 100%. * Orest
  23. Yes, it is an RF device, but a power spike could possibly affect it. I'm reaching here, but not sure why it shouldn't be working. Taking it to first principles, I would take the Zen17, put it on a regular outlet, and then short and open the sensor input with a pair of alligator clips or a bit of copper wire. If it doesn't work then, something is not set up correctly, or the unit is sick, the former more likely. If it does work, then there is something about the in-use setup that is causing an issue. Can also try excluding the Zen17, factory resetting the Zen17, readding it, and then positively setting the only parameters you want changed (again). * Orest
  24. Take the Zen17 OFF the UPS power. Yes, it is an RF device, but a power spike could possibly affect it. As you have it set up, mine works 100%. * Orest
  25. Are you by any chance powering the Zen17 on the circuit supplied by the UPS? It is of course an RF device, but the surge might be doing something. Did you try to run a program, to see if it would notice the change, even though it isn't shown in the admin console? * Orest
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