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Currently in Home Automation Hell over here. First a little history. I was having an issue with one particular SL relay, it seemed to be hosting ghost links that would for some reason only occured every 3rd to 5th cycle of the switch. Unfortunately the relay is damaged and I'm unable to perform an air gap factory reset (nothing happens when you pull the 'button') Then, unassociated to this issue, I added a circuit to my homes wiring, and since I recently upgraded my service, I thought it might be a good time to try and identify some of the circuits I think this was a bad idea) I cycled through circuits of the panel, repeatedly switching breakers on and off while my wire tole me what was going on and off. I fear this may have compromised my modem, while it certianly does still function, my isy 99 'cannot communicate' with devices sporidacally. Then I made an even bigger mistake. I tried to restore my ISY, w/o exporting my programs. I had a file from 6 months ago, and haven't done too much programming recently, so that aspect isn't so catastrophic, and I have multiple back-up from different stages of my networks growth, so all should be OK on that front, right? But it appears not. Now device links are missing, not al device ramp rates and on levels are not what they were. Does anyone have any insight to any of my multiple issues? I plan on replacing the SL relay, removing it from the isy then relinking it while removing existing links offered no relief from the ghost links, but I don't even know where to begin to try resolving my remaining issues.
Release 2.6.13 beta is now available
Zellarman replied to Michel Kohanim's topic in Previous Releases
Do I need to do this upgrade in 3 steps? Do I first need to upgrade to 2.6.5, then 2.6.9 before finally 2.6.13? I'm presently having a host of issues which I'll address in more appropriate areas of this forum. I'm hoping the upgrade will at least get me headed in the correct direction. -
The energy saving was what triggered my ISY purchase, while I had wanted one for a while I had to somehow justify it's purchase as practical and not just getting another toy. After repeatedly coming home to outdoor lights on during daylight hours I finally picked one up. My ISY now shuts off all exterior lights during the day. I also use it to dim any lights above 90%. It also fades up low on-level lights during the day. While lower on-levels at a switch do save energy, technically it's not the ISY that does this, BUT through use of programs that fade up during the day, it DOES allow the use of even lower on levels that remain unchanged during nighttime hours.
It's the older signalincs that I have, though I imaggine it would've been the same w/ the newer accesspoints. Basically (as far as I know) my network was broken into two halves w/o the signalincs connecting the two.
No problems here, at least anymore, they're all fixed now. While I'm still a bit of a novice compared to others in this forum, I thought I'd share this just in case someone else is upgraqding their power service. After having my service upped to 200 amps (from 100) My ISY was giving all kinds of errors, ie: time out exceptions, socket open, no such session, and a host of others. Originally I thought the surge of power turning back on had fried my ISY, well after a little while it had occured to me that perhaps the signalincs were no longer on different legs of service, and they weren't. I went through the relatively easy set up of my signalincs once again and presto, everything is working as it should.
Yes, that's the scenario exactly, and your suggestion worked perfectly! Thanks for the help Darrell. All I had to do was add And ( Control 'BB Switch' is not switched On Or Control 'BB Switch' is not switched Fast On ) To the IF condition of the program controlling the exhaust fan
Well, first off, let me start by saying I'm guilty of trying to fix the un-broke. I had a program working to my satisfaction, and then only b/c I concerned myself with the 'what if' my ISY goes down (for any reason). So instead of using programs to control an exhaust fan, I put it in a scene controlled by a switch. Works fine, only I want it to stay on for a period of time after someone leaves the room, which was what the original programs did. Now I'm running a program that turns the fan on when the bathroom switch is shut off, waits a period of time then shuts the fan off. Only glitch is if someone returns to the bathroom within that period of time, the fan shuts off while the lights are still on. I was thinking of writing a secondary program to actually shut the fan off, and use the new BETA programming line run(if) in the main program to reference it. My problem would be to figure out how to make this secondary program run ONLY if directed by the main program, and not just wnen the if condition is met.
1) There are no remotelincs in any of the scenes 2) there are no more than 2 controllers in any of the scenes 3) there's no particular pattern of common devices, some of the scenes do have common devices but have the problem w/ other scenes as well 4) I don't know how to make any sense of the event viewer
Running 2.6.4 beta right now, and it takes some time (it did w/ other firmware releases as well) to create/modify scenes, adding and removing devices from scenes etc. and recently, about half of the time my request fails. When tryng to add a device to a scene, I get the system busy progress bar and it goes two or three times taking about 30 seconds each time. While I'm not crazy about the wait, I can easily accept it if it's the norm, but should this be expected?
Running 2.6.4 now. I enabled internet access, and wasn't asked to do anything w/ a certificate, I guess it resolved itself in the latest update. I am now able to access my ISY w/the i-pod touch through the local network (no admin b/c touch doesn't run java, but the other html pages work like a charm) who woulda thunk I'd be able to control my lights w/ an i-pod!
My apologies for not responding for so long, and unfortunately, as of yet I've been unable to try this with a different computer. My budget limit's my available toys, and right now all money goes to primarily Insteon related stuff, and not computers. I will still try and borrow somebody's laptop so I can answer your question.
I successfully deleted the current certificates, (there's actually 2 in the java command console) and reloaded them, they take when I select generate and install, but I'm never prompted to aks where to save them when I select save, and the ISY never reboots. I still get the warning about the default certificate. I've also noticed now that the UDI administrative console hangs up when left unattended for a while. The tab remains on my screen but the window doesn't restore when selected, and I have to use control panel to close the unresponsive program.
Windows XP Nothing happens! I'm gonna bet this is my problem. When I select save, or not, nothing happens. I'm not prompeted to select where to save it or anything. When I select OK, the window just closes. Once, I was asked about the "bouncy castle" certificate, but that's it. since I was unable to successfully save the cert. I can't find it anywhere! NO, my ISY has never rebooted on any of my numerous tries to assign a certificate Despite not having any devices other than my router, laptop, and ISY, I still looked around on my router, to see if I could find anything on 444, this is what I've been going with since reassigning the port. Is that OK?
NO, ISY does not reboot after step 3 HTTP port 80, & HTTPS port 443 Since when trying to access the ISY externally, my computer was imediately dropping the :443 but not 444 or 442, I changed the HTTPS port number using CWP to 444, then tried generating and installing a self signed certificate. Still no reboot, or external access.
When I saw that HTML was being introduced for use w/mobile devices, I got all warm and fuzzy inside, after discovering that despite apple claiming their I-pod Touch runs Java, I was unable to access my ISY's admin console through the local network, I thought this latest release would solve this issue, but it didn't. The universal devices webpage opens, and accepts my user id and password, but then only goes forward to a blank page. Is the HTML to complicated for the i-pod touch? Second, I can't access my isy externally. I've followed Michel's instructions at step 3 when I select generate and install new SSC a new window opens, wheich I've tried two different ways 1) leaving the IP that automatically appears, and 2) by using the DynDNS that was working for me before this beta version "myname.homeip.net" I don't think the problem is so much within the ISY as much as it is me doing something wrong, or missing a step somewhere, but what am I doing wrong or missing? Previously, to access my ISY remotely I'd enter "http://myname.homeip.net:35651/0/x" now what am I supposed to enter? Does http vs. https make a difference to DynDNS? When I try typing "https://myname.homeip.net:443/0/x" and this might be wrong anyway the 443 gets lost. Also after closing my ISY and again accessing it, despite checking the save box in the window that opens when generating and installing a new certificate, I still get the warning about using the default certificate. I can't seem to either assign a certificate, or access remotely.
Wow, is there a special area for dummies in this forum? It must be where I belong. Thanks alot Rand. I thought one only had to worry about not having a static address for internet access, so is there a way to resolve this on my network, like I did for the internet w/ dynDNS?
After a power failure my ISY is all but dead. It's inaccessible through either internal/external webbrowsers & telnet. It doesn't execute any of it's timed programs, though conditional programs seem to run, and IR functions work intermittently. I've disconnected the ISY from the modem, and upon reconnection the LED on the modem flashes for about a minute, the power LED on my ISY comes on, and the RX & TX LED's flash for about the same minute as the Modem, but nothing changes, still the same deadness (if that's even a word) So....what do I do now? UPDATE So now, a little over 24 hrs. after the power failure, my ISY is responding over the internet. I figured what the hek, and took antother try. Happily to my surprise the GUI came up on my computer at work. Hopefully everything is as it should be, and I'll check the best I can when I get home. What could've happened that made it return to operation? What can I do to protect my ISY going forward? I presently don't have any kind of surge protection on the Modem, but what would that do anyway, it's only low voltage going over a network patch cable? I had read somewhere that the low voltage transformer (which I unfortunately do not have) could be used to power the ISY 99. While I imagine use of the transformer could possibly provide a cleaner and more stable low voltage power supply to my ISY, would it automatically cause a disconnect of power coming from the modem, or is there some sort of setting in the shell, or elsewhere that would let us disconnect the ISY power from the modem? UPDATE #2 I'm hme now, and after checking on things, the only way I can connect to my ISY is through the internet. No local network access or telnet. I feel completely lost. I'm not much of a techie, but thought I was doing OK until now. UPDATE #3 Rand saves the day, well for me at least. While I'm not fully sure why I didn't have internet access earlier in the day (maybe dynDNS just hadn't been updated yet?) it turns out everything seems back to normal now. What I didn't know was that my internal network address could also change in addition to the internet address.
Thanks Royce, I set up an account at DynDNS and it all seems to be working now.
In an effort to simplify things for other people in my house, and try to save buttons on my remote, I've created addressable commands ie: Channel up = ON, Channel down = OFF, Volume up = FADE UP, and Volume down = FADE DOWN, (or close variations of those commands) for any selected device. I did this by assigning number buttons to a device ie: 1=front door, 2=rear soffit etc. etc. The numbered IR commands don't execute an insteon function, they merely run a program for a selected period of time, I chose 7 seconds, which then becomes false, see following example If IR '1' is Pressed Then Wait 7 seconds Run program 'IR address Front Door' (Else Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') then the programs that actually execute the commands fade up, fade down, on or off If IR 'Volume +' is Held And IR 'Volume +' is not Released Then Set 'Front Door' Fade Up Else Set 'Front Door' Fade Stop are in conditional folders Folder Conditions for 'IR Front Door' Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run. If Program 'IR address Front Door' is True Then Allow the programs in this folder to run. I also like this for two reasons 1) because it's similiar to X-10 remote functions which I've become used to and 2) because it saves buttons on the remote (w/o addressing 6 devices times 4 separate commands = 24 buttons, vs. addressing where 6 devices + 4 commands = only 10 buttons
Excuse my french, please substitute tin for the ** if you like. I have Verizon DSL service, but through AOL. After unsucessfully trying to access my ISY through the internet, I realized that my IP address wasn't static. Long story short, AOL doesn't issue static IP addresses "for security reasons" I can't imagine there's any kind of work around, short of changing my provider. But my imagination is a little limited so, if anyone has any ideas, please let them fly. Thanks, Chris
1) Obviously there's more than one genius over there 2) We think your products are the best! 3) Room for improvement? Well, OK maybe a little
Glenn, How important is the condition of 'Guitar room center' being off when you're switching it on? Do you have a different program that runs when 'guitar room center' is on and the switch is pressed. Perhaps the program might work the way you want if you leave out the condition of 'guitar room center' out of the IF conditions?
Thanks, problem solved. I have more fun with this thing each day!
Using the 'Quick IR Tutorial' from the UDI Wiki, I thought I successfully taught IR comands to my ISY, they all showed up when I was programming them, I selected 'leave learning mode' then save. BUT when trying to write a program the tab where the list of IR commands should be is blank. I restored defaults and tried again, but still the same results.
I have a KPL set up w/ six buttons, the two main buttons control the load on the device, the other 4 toggle scenes. The devices controlled in these other four scenes can also be controlled by x-10 which I use an ir remote with the ir543 to control. My issue was, before I got my ISY, and still is that the KPL buttons don't reflect the status of these 4 scenes when controlled via the remote x-10 commands. I expected to get closer to what I wanted with the following programs, but they accomplish nothing. Someone please enlighten me if you can. if status MB hutch is on then set scene MB KP hutch scene on else set scene MB KP hutch scene off I set the opposite on else b/c the KPL button controls only the one device on/off only, and honestly I figured this one particular program would operate the most accurately Does the ISY in fact only monitor insteon traffic, and not truly monitor device statuses?