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Everything posted by andyf0

  1. ​It could also be read that what he wants is this: If ( From 5:00:00PM To 11:59:00PM (same day) Or From 5:00:00AM To 7:00:00AM (same day) ) And ( Status 'Dining Room Slider-Opened' is On Or Status 'Family Room Slider-Opened' is On Or Status 'Basement French Door-Opened' is On ) Then Set Scene 'Rear 4-Way' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  2. Garage lights Timer Notify If Status 'Garage Light' is On Then Wait 60 minutes Repeat every 10 minutes Send Notification to 'Ray' content 'Garage Lights ON' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') When the lights are turned off the program will re-evaluate and execute the ELSE clause, thus cancelling program execution.
  3. andyf0

    Schedule issues

    Probably going to need some parenthesis. If From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) And {Status 'Computer Room Door' is On Or Status 'Front Door' is On }
  4. If you add the earlier ISY skill you can "ask izzy" to lock, unlock or tell you the status of the lock. The lock will not be discovered but "izzy" will know about it.
  5. There is a MobiLinc skill for use with the Echo or Dot. Check out the MobiLinc forum on this site. They are currently working on a "Smarthome" skill so you don't have to keep using "Ask MobiLinc" or "Tell MobiLinc". But to answer your questions, if you sign up for the ISY Portal you have to give up your MobiLinc subscription and unload the MobiLinc module. You can use the ISY Portal to access your system remotely. You can use MobiLinc with the ISY Portal but GeoFencing in MobiLinc will no longer work. You have to use an alternative method for GeoFencing as described in the Wiki. I do prefer the ISY Portal implementation but YMMV.
  6. STATUS not SENSE.
  7. No. This is just the UDAjax style interface served up by the Portal. When logged into the Portal, click on Select Tool and the top selection is ISY Web Access. Not sure how using an Amazon skill enters into this. It's easier to check on the state of a device on the portal than bringing up the AC. The Current Temperature for thermostats always shows blank.
  8. Yes they do!
  9. I have 2 Z-Wave thermostats. When I check ISY Web Access from the portal site it shows the thermostat's Mode and Setpoints but not the Current Temperature. It would be nice to be able to see this. Maybe it's a 5.XX thing, since the precision of the temperature appears to be different.
  10. Again, I have to remind folks that "control" of a switch only works with Insteon switches. You must use "status" of a switch if the switch is a Z-Wave device. There is no method in Z-Wave to determine if the switch was physically pressed or controlled by some other source.
  11. Good to know!
  12. I think, given the original requirements of the OP that he needs to track the state of the 'Front Porch Light' and 'Garage Entry' in two variables. Don't check for the status of 'Front Porch Light' or Garage Entry', he wants them on regardless of their current state, so remove that test. He will have to disable the programs that save the states of 'Front Porch Lights' and 'Garage Entry' prior to turning them ON. Then after the 5 minute wait restore the state of these lights prior to this program running. Loosely described below If ( status 'Garage Door 1 - sensor' is On or 'Garage Door 2 - sensor' is On ) and ( From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) ) Then Disable Program Save_GarageEntryState Set 'Garage Entry' on Enable Program Save_GarageEntryState Wait 5 minutes Run Program Restore_GarageEntrySate else - no Actions This is just my thinking, I haven't actually tried this. It may require tweaking. In similar programs I have found a 1 sec delay may be required before executing the Enable Program statement. YMMV.
  13. The suggestion by oberkc to use a CONTROL condition only works on Insteon devices. If 'Garage Entry' is a Z-Wave device you can only use STATUS.
  14. For Z-Wave devices you can use the variable: ${sys.node.#.name} // Device Name Battery Level is ${sys.node.#.BATLVL} // Current Battery Level For Insteon devices you can use the variable: ${sys.node.#.name} // Device Name Low Battery state is ${sys.node.#.ST} // The state of the low battery node If you're running 5.X (Alpha) it will report 0% for OFF and 100% for ON
  15. The ISY Skill will let you "lock" or "unlock" a door. You can even ask for the status of a door lock. But you have to have the ISY Skill attached and you have to say "tell izzy ......" or "ask izzy ...........". I haven't tested "open" or "close" a garage door. The Smarthome API is defined by Amazon and was designed for a Philips Hue system and therefore only really supports commands suitable for a light such as turn on, off, brighten, dim etc ........... Third party developed skills can pretty much do what they want.
  16. The Spoken Words in the Notes is used by the MobiLinc Alexa skill.
  17. http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/20547-echo-dot-stops-responding-new-mystery-devices-showing-in-alexa-app/
  18. Alexa only discovers devices she can use in Smarthome. So, no, she doesn't discover the locks. However, if you have the ISY skill enabled in addition to the ISY Optimized for Smart Home V2 (in the Alexa app go into Skills and search for ISY) , you can say "Alexa, ask Izzy to lock the <front door>. The ISY Skill and ISY Optimized for Smart Home V2 are two separate entities. To use the skill you have to say "ask Izzy .................". To use Smarthome you can command Alexa without the "ask Izzy" but Smarthome pretty much only uses ON and OFF and BRIGHTEN and DIM commands, the skill has a much more extensive vocabulary.
  19. It was a Schlage BE469, also an FE599. You can also ask Izzy the status of the "front door" and she will answer Locked or Unlocked.
  20. You can lock a door directly by asking Izzy to "Lock the front door" for example. No program needed. I just added the lock with a spoken work to the portal, no discovery needed either, presumably because I'm using the skill and not Connected Home".
  21. If you see the current temperature change in the Admin Console, then it will also be in the log. Pretty much all messages the ISY receives are logged.
  22. The answer to your question really depends on the thermostat you are using. A Z-Wave thermostat will generally report temperature changes to the ISY as they happen which are logged. Some thermostats are better at doing that than others. As to the conversion, most will report the temperature without conversion whether set to Farenheight or Celsius. Any that report fractions of degrees (I don't know of any, may report the temperature x 2). Edit: I thought I was in the Z-Wave forum. Sorry!. Insteon thermostats should report temperature changes, I think they do report temperature x 2, but it's been along time since I used an Insteon thermostat, they were too unreliable for me.
  23. If you have the Network Resources module on your ISY there is a way to simply turn the capture on/off when she pushes the button instead of powering it up/down.
  24. So I plugged in my Insteon Camera. Here's what to do: 1. Go to Device Management 2. Select PT Settings down the left frame 3. Uncheck "Center on Boot" and select "Save" The camera will update the settings and reboot. Now when the camera powers up it will no longer do the self test. Or at least the camera scanning part.
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