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Everything posted by andyf0

  1. "Detect F/C for thermostats" Hmm! What does this mean? Does it mean we can trigger on the fan turning on and off when heat and cool are triggered?
  2. There you go. I saw them with the RemoteLinc and the new Motion Sensor I installed. Thanks for the info.
  3. Playing with Event Viewer with Device Communications I always see this when turning a device on or off. This is turning a Lamplinc on and off with a RemoteLinc. Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:22 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.AF.F4 00.00.01 CB 11 00 LTONRR (00) Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:22 AM : [standard-Group][11.AF.F4-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:22 AM : [ 11 AF F4 1] DON 0 Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:22 AM : [ 11 AF F4 1] ST 255 Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:22 AM : [ 14 52 EE 1] ST 168 Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:23 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.AF.F4 00.00.01 CB 11 00 LTONRR (00) Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:23 AM : [standard-Group][11.AF.F4-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:23 AM : Duplicate: ignored Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:23 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.AF.F4 00.00.01 CB 11 00 LTONRR (00): Process Message: failed Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:23 AM : [standard-Group][11.AF.F4-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:23 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.AF.F4 18.CF.62 41 11 01 LTONRR (01) Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:23 AM : [standard-Cleanup][11.AF.F4-->ISY/PLM Group=1] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:32 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.AF.F4 00.00.01 CB 13 00 LTOFFRR(00) Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:32 AM : [standard-Group][11.AF.F4-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:32 AM : [ 11 AF F4 1] DOF 0 Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:32 AM : [ 11 AF F4 1] ST 0 Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:32 AM : [ 14 52 EE 1] ST 0 Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:32 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.AF.F4 00.00.01 CB 13 00 LTOFFRR(00) Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:32 AM : [standard-Group][11.AF.F4-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:32 AM : Duplicate: ignored Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:32 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.AF.F4 00.00.01 CB 13 00 LTOFFRR(00): Process Message: failed Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:32 AM : [standard-Group][11.AF.F4-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:32 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.AF.F4 18.CF.62 41 13 01 LTOFFRR(01) Fri 03/25/2011 06:36:32 AM : [standard-Cleanup][11.AF.F4-->ISY/PLM Group=1] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 It's the Process Message Failed that concerns me. Also, the Duplicate: ignored message a problem?
  4. Just to close out this thread, Wes at MobiLinc says that iOS doesn't give apps very much time to cleanup when they are shut down, so some of his shutdown doesn't get executed before iOS shuts him down. To the ISY it looks like he just dissapeared, consequently the posts in the error log.
  5. Very Cool, thanks. Got to figure out how to find my way around Wiki. The Main page doesn't seem to point to any of this info.
  6. Every day I get these entries in the error log. At first I thought they may be connection errors from work but they really don't match up and I didn't have any today. Thu 2011/03/17 05:17:53 AM System -5012 n/a Thu 2011/03/17 07:17:34 AM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:39 error:6 Thu 2011/03/17 07:17:44 AM System -5012 n/a Thu 2011/03/17 07:28:24 AM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:38 error:6 Thu 2011/03/17 07:28:34 AM System -5012 n/a Thu 2011/03/17 08:10:43 AM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:39 error:6 Thu 2011/03/17 08:10:53 AM System -5012 n/a Thu 2011/03/17 09:19:14 AM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:38 error:0 Thu 2011/03/17 09:19:24 AM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:38 error:0 Thu 2011/03/17 09:19:34 AM System -5012 n/a Thu 2011/03/17 12:07:33 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:38 error:0 Thu 2011/03/17 12:07:43 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:38 error:0 Thu 2011/03/17 12:07:53 PM System -5012 n/a Thu 2011/03/17 01:46:03 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:38 error:6 Thu 2011/03/17 01:46:13 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:38 error:6 Thu 2011/03/17 01:46:23 PM System -5012 n/a Thu 2011/03/17 01:53:23 PM System -5012 n/a Thu 2011/03/17 02:07:23 PM System -5012 n/a Thu 2011/03/17 02:12:13 PM System -5012 n/a Thu 2011/03/17 02:13:53 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:38 error:6 Thu 2011/03/17 02:14:03 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:38 error:6 Thu 2011/03/17 02:14:07 PM System -5012 n/a Thu 2011/03/17 02:14:53 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:39 error:6 Thu 2011/03/17 02:15:03 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:39 error:6 Thu 2011/03/17 02:15:13 PM System -5012 n/a Thu 2011/03/17 02:22:44 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:39 error:6 Thu 2011/03/17 02:22:54 PM System -5012 n/a Could these be errors logged by my accesses to the ISY via MobiLinc Pro? Over 3G? Edit: They 'are' caused by MobiLinc Pro. I just used it on my local network and got a couple more errors show up. Are they serious?
  7. Thanks for the answer ........ Hmm! I just tried If Tue 1:00pm For 1 Minute Then $A = 2 Else $A = 1 The variable $A changed to 2 at 1:00pm but didn't change to 1 at 1:01pm. Is there something wrong? EDIT: Woops! My network went down before the variable updated. It worked great! Thanks.
  8. If I set a time period say at "5:00am for 2 hours" does the "then" execute at 5:00am and the "else" execute at 7:00am?
  9. andyf0

    IOLinc and 'OFF'

    LeeG, Thanks, sometimes the search doesn't reveal all. That's exactly it.
  10. andyf0

    IOLinc and 'OFF'

    Just in case someone else does what I did, I found the problem. You can't use the relay device directly and expect it to behave the way the instructions lead you to believe by sending it on and off commands. It only responds to on commands. However, if you put the relay device in a scene then you can turn the scene on and off and it will function as described in the instructions.
  11. andyf0

    IOLinc and 'OFF'

    I've installed the garage door kit and everything seems to work fine except I cannot get the IOLinc to respond to an OFF command. I've tried Momentary B and Momentary C modes, either setting does exactly the same thing, only responds to an ON command regardless of the sensor being on or off. It's a V36 IOLinc. Is there anything else I need to do?
  12. Adding the RemoteLinc using the 'Add RemoteLinc' selection only gives you the six buttons. How can I add Bright, Dim, All on & All Off?
  13. I'm new to this too so this may be totally off the wall. Create a second program If - no conditions Then Run program 'xxxxx' (Then) Notify .................... Else - No Actions Then run the second program
  14. Never mind ... figured it out. if 5:00am and Mon-Fri 5:00am then Turn on light A else Turn on light B Still getting the hang of this.
  15. Can this be done in a single program? I am currently using two programs, one for Mon-Fri and another for Sat-Sun. But it seems to me there must be a better way.
  16. I have this exact problem. Definately a bug, just don't know where. If you set Program Auto the thermostat should fetch it's programmed setpoints for that time of day. Is the console interefering with that behavior somehow by try to set it's own setpoints? Also, just changing from Program Auto to Heat and back to Program Auto can change my heat setpoint (displayed in the console) to 16 degrees. Most of the time waiting a while or performing a query will correct it, other times the setpoint in the thermostat will get set wrong. I even saw the Heat setpoint showing "0F" one time on the Thermostat when I switched to Program Auto from the console.
  17. That was quite informative, thanks. There are so many different ways to setup your house it's mind boggling. Do I set up scenes based on devices, or do I use locations? The choices are endless. I have an IRLink and a RemoteLinc that both control the same devices. Anyway, I've re-done it all being device based making sure only one controller is in each scene, I like following rules, even though they may not apply to ISY. Can I ask the same question I asked before in other threads, why doesn't the IRLinc show up in the Device List in the right pane? If you highlight the House icon in the left pane all the devices show up in the right pane ..... except the IRLinc buttons.
  18. Thank you Sub-Routine, I understand now what you were saying. I found this in Insteon documentation: "These generic INSTEON terms refer to the components of an INSTEON scene, and are used on a scene-by-scene basis. A scene might have multiple Responders, but it can only have one Controller." What I was trying to do is illegal whether it works or not. I am changing all my scenes to only have one controller in them.
  19. Sorry to go on about this but I want to understand this completely. I have other thermostat issues but will read the thread you pointed to first and dewcribe my other issues in that thread. The T1800 contains 4 nodes. Main Heat Control Cool Control Fan Control As I understand it "Main" is the only responder and provides temperature, set points control. The other nodes are controllers only and should not be responders so it should be OK to add Heat Control and Cool Control to the same scene. I think my thinking is flawed, I just can't figure out where.
  20. In the WIKI Status is defined as: Status Idle - The program is not running Running - The program is running the actions in the 'Then' section of the program Waiting to Finish - The program has completed all of the actions in the 'Then' section, and is waiting for the conditions in the 'If' to become false so that it can start running the actions in the 'Finally' section. Finishing - The program is running the actions in the 'Finally' section of the program All I ever see is True or False. What does True or False mean? Is there an updated WIKI entery somewhere? Edit: Figured it out. It's the return from the program when it was run.
  21. Doh! You can tell I'm new to this. Thanks. Edit: Thinking about this some more I don't understand. Are you saying you can't have more than one controller in a scene? I have other scenes that control lights with a RemoteLinc button and an IRLink button in them. Also, if this particular combination of Heat and Cool weren't allowed in a single scene shouldn't the console have prevented me from doing it? Instead it popped up a write failure error message (and messed up the thermostat).
  22. I'm trying to have my ceiling fan turned on whenever the T1800 turns on the heat or the AC. I can add the Heat mode or the Cool Mode as a controller to a SwitchLinc but when I try to add the other it gives me a Write Incomplete error. I've worked around it by writing a program for each mode to turn the switch on and off but was wondering if this is an ISY bug or a Venstar bug?
  23. I just finished setting up and programming my new ISY. A couple of issues: 1. Why don't IRLinc buttons show up in the device list? 2. The Venstar t1800 interface seems a little whacky. If you change the mode to heat and change the setpoint, then change it back to Program Auto the auto setpoints aren't restored. It either keeps the same heat setpoint that you set in Heat mode or sets it to 16 degrees. If I go to the thermostat and press mode to go around the modes to get to Program Auto the setpoints are set correctly. I assume it would do the same thing for the cool setpoint too. Also, sometimes the heat/cool state just shows that. It doesn't show OFF, HEAT or COOL. Other times it shows Off, or Heat if heating 3. When programming actions for IRLinc or RemoteLinc do I really have to have a seperate program for ON and OFF? Is there a better way to do it? I do love this thing.
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