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Everything posted by andyf0
"- IRLinc TX buttons does not show in Overview" This is still not working in 3.1.3, in the Admin Console. I was talking about the IR to Insteon Controller when I reported this.
Any idea when 3.1.3 might be available?
If you're running the latest beta firmware that supports variables it's quite easy. if Time is 5am And $Irrigate is 1 Then ....................... Insert your zone commands and timings $Irrigate *= -1 $Irrigate Init to $Irrigate Else $Irrigate *= -1 $Irrigate Init to $Irrigate When $Irrigate is 1 you'll run the Irrigation stuff. Multiply $Irrigate by -1 will set it to -1. When $Irrigate is -1 it will multiply it by -1 which gives 1.
When I first got my ISY and updated the firmware I couldn't figure out why a light in the living room and bedroom went on. It took a while to figure out it was my wake-up program. I have this unchecked also.
I was just thinking about how that couldn't possibly be right. You'd end up in an infinite loop all the time if it was. if Status LightA is On Then Set LightB On Wait 5 secs If it was the way it's written you'd end up in an infinite loop until you turned LightA Off. Sorry about that, I wish there was a more accurate explanation because this has set off a small grenade in my head. So that's how my Sprinkler program still works
If that's truely how it works then the Wiki is wrong. "A series of statements within a Then clause (or within an Else clause), up to the next Wait or Repeat statement, are atomic. In other words, all such statements are executed before the conditions of the program are retested. The program's conditions are reevaluated each time a Wait or Repeat statement is encountered, and at the end of each iteration of a Repeat loop."
I'm not sure your program willl work. At the beginning or end (never figured out which it is) of the wait the 'if' will be re-evaluated. It will no longer be 1pm so will abort the 'then' and run the 'else'. By specifying a start and end time the 'if' will still evaluate to true and 'then' will continue to run. Originally I did the 8am to 10am because that's how long the cleaning ladies worked and I wanted the thermostat to back to "Away" mode. From the Wiki: Statement Execution Order Within the Then or Else clause of a program, statements are executed from top to bottom in the order in which they occur. When a statement calls another program, the called program begins executing, and the calling program immediately continues execution with the next statement in sequence--it does not wait for the called program to complete before continuing. A series of statements within a Then clause (or within an Else clause), up to the next Wait or Repeat statement, are atomic. In other words, all such statements are executed before the conditions of the program are retested. The program's conditions are reevaluated each time a Wait or Repeat statement is encountered, and at the end of each iteration of a Repeat loop. What this means is that if a program's Then clause changes a condition which causes the program's overall condition to become false (or if the program's Else clause changes a condition which causes the program's overall condition to become true), the current atomic statement group will complete, and at that point execution will transfer from the Then clause (or the Else clause) to the Else clause (or the Then clause). Therefore, if a Then clause (or an Else clause) contains no Wait or Repeat statements, the entire clause is atomic, and will complete before the program's conditions are reevaluated. Edit: Come to think of it maybe schedule based 'if's don't apply because I have a Sprinkler program that does multiple 'Wait's starting at 4:30am and that never aborts.
I only saw every 2 weeks, not the 15 day part in parens. If two weeks is OK then try this: If On Mon From 8:00:00AM To 11:10:00AM (same day) And $Charging_Day is 3 Then Set 'battery charger' on wait 3 hours Set 'battery charger' off Send Notification to 'me' $Charging_Day = 0 $Charging_Day Init To $Charging_Day Else $Charging_Day += 1 $Charging_Day Init To $Charging_Day I set the end time to 11:10am to avoid the potential for the program being aborted at the end of the "Wait 3 hours". That's because of the way "Wait" and "Repeat" statements are executed.
Yes, it's an Integer. I don't see any need for the features of a state variable for this program.
Here's a way to do it in one program .......... This changes the thermostat every other Monday from 8am to 10am to set the house temperature for my cleaning ladies. You can change the day and time and the actions to perform in the 'Then' section. I also have the possibility of a power failure at the wrong time upsetting the state but it's a small window. If On Mon From 8:00:00AM To 10:00:00AM (same day) And $Cleaning_Day is 3 Then Set Scene 'SCENES / THERMOSTAT / TStat (Sleep)' On $Cleaning_Day = 0 $Cleaning_Day Init To $Cleaning_Day Else Set Scene 'SCENES / THERMOSTAT / TStat (Away)' On $Cleaning_Day += 1 $Cleaning_Day Init To $Cleaning_Day $Cleaning_Day = 0 ; It's Mon 8am - 10am and cleaning is in progress $Cleaning_Day = 1 ; Next Monday is not a cleaning day $Cleaning_Day = 2 ; It's Mon 8am - 10am but wrong Monday $Cleaning_Day = 3 ; Next Monday is a cleaning day NOTE. $Cleaning_Day 'Init To' is updated to help preserve it through a reboot or power loss however, a reboot or power loss at the wrong time may leave $Cleaning_Day in a bad state.
OK, I'll discard what I got then.
I see 3.1.3 is posted. But there's no link for it. I pulled it by changing the 3.1.2 link to 3.1.3. I'm afraid that may not end up being the real 3.1.3 though.
That is very helpfull. I need some time to digest. Edit: Ah! I need to be thinking in terms of change of state vs. Command received.
I'm still a little confused as to whether to test for Status or Control on a device. Is there a rule of thumb like Control for Controllers and Status for Responders? For example I want to test for Low Bat on the Motion Sensor. It's in red indicating it's a controller so what is the best method to test for? Can someone explain the difference? Thanks.
Here's another vote for a variable to specifiy Wait times and Repeat times. I actually cycle through my zones 3 times @ 5 mins since the ground is hard clay. It allows the water to soak in and not run off. I would really like to use a variable to specify the repeat # and also the duration for each zone specified by the Wait.
You have to add one button at a time. http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... c_Receiver
Wrong area!
At the end of your Wait 60 secs the 'If' is re-evaluated. If the Motion Sensor turns OFF during the 60 secs then the program will be aborted and it won't turn the closet light off. To do this properly put your Then statements into a different program and Run (Then) of the new program in this program.
On the Configuration page if Catch Up Schedules at Restart is checked the ISY will run all timed programs since last midnight. That's the way I read it. So if you have any programs set to run based on time they will be run and possibly turning something on.
I would really like to Wait for a length of time set by a variable. Like: Wait $Zone1_Time minutes Then you only need to change the variable.
Will the links inside the AppliancLinc be deleted when I delete the device or will a factory reset be needed on the device? I just intend to keep these in a box as backup units.
I'm going to be swapping out 2 ApplianceLincs with Dual Band Lamplincs. As I understand it I can't use "Replace Device" because they're different types. Can I just delete the device and the ISY will go and update all the scenes etc that it is a part of or do I have to go and manually remove the devices from all the scenes before deleting the device?
When you highlight My Lighting in the left frame the main window doesn't show the IRLinc. Also not shown in the Topology. Any chance of fixing this?
I'm kind of curious. I have an IRLinc IR to Insteon controller and a RemoteLinc. The RemoteLinc shows fine in the device list but not the IRLinc. The IRLinc is also missing in the Topology list. Did the IRLinc do something to upset you guys. I'm sure there's a perfectly valid reason.
There are alot of NTP time servers. I use time-nw.nist.gov which is a NIST time server. Seems to always be available.