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Everything posted by andyf0

  1. Got a response to my ticket, the issue has been root caused and UDI is working on a fix now.
  2. Same here I submitted a ticket with access details. Did you try power cycling the ISY? Hmm! No I didn't, haven't needed to before. I'll try it when I get home this afternoon. I'm actually getting a different error message each time I login in now. Sometimes it's the Request Failed, sometimes it's "Subscriber didn't reply to Event: 1" and other times I get an SSL error. It doesn't seem to affect how the ISY works. Once you click OK on the error everything seems fine, programs work, lights turn and off etc. The Admin Console seems functional. My Error Log is really large now with many 10108 Check Log 10011 n/a 170001 [Auth -10104 or -10011] repeating over and over again. MobiLinc HD works fine.
  3. Same here I submitted a ticket with access details.
  4. When using the Heat or Cool Control the fan is actually controlled by the furnace/AC. The Venstar plays no part in fan control when the heating/cooling comes on or off. It doesn't know when your furnace/AC turns the fan on or off. You can turn the fan on or off manually, separate to the cool and heat function and the ISY will show the state of the fan. I'm actually not sure of the purpose of Fan Auto setting, I'm guessing it's for a more complicated setup.
  5. I have a program called TS (Home) If On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Time is 3:30:00PM Then Set Scene 'SCENES / THERMOSTAT / TS (Home)' On Run Program 'TS (Chk4Fan82)' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Monday thru Friday at 3:30pm 1. Set Thermostat Setpoints for comfort (Turns on HW (KP-A)) Here's the program it calls: If Status 'DEVICES / THERMOSTAT / TS (Thermostat)' >= 82° (Temperature) Then Set 'DEVICES / SWITCHES / LR (Ceiling Fan)' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Called from TS (Home) and here's my program summary Shouldn't this be scheduled for tomorrow at 3:30pm? Anything to do with the program it runs not being enabled? EDIT: Now it shows correctly, but it also shows it didn't run until 3:39pm instead of 3:30pm.
  6. When I go on vacation I want the Floor Lamp to turn on from 5am through Sunrise and Sunset through 10pm. Does this program do the job? If From 5:00:00AM To Sunrise (same day) Or From Sunset To 10:00:00PM (same day) Then Set 'DEVICES / OUTLETS / LR (Floor Lamp)' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Do I need something to turn the lamp off or does the 'From' 'To' take care of that? Edit: Thinking about it, I think I need to turn the lamp off in the ELSE clause, right?
  7. If Status Daughter_Closet is On And Status Daughter_Closet is not Off Then Wait 5 mins Send EMail to me Else When the closet turns on it'll wait for 5 mins then send an EMail. If during the 5 minutes the closet turns off it will interrupt the program and just exit. Edit: Lee beat me to it.
  8. Correction: humdity reporting Cool Setpoint x 2
  9. The automatic updates for humditiy don't work with the new thermostat adapter (V2.2) for the T1700 thermostats either. Also, a query sometimes returns a humidity value of twice the cool setpoint.
  10. If you're running 3.1.x firmware you can use a variable to determine whether to run the sprinklers or not. if time is 5:00am and $Irrigation is 1 then ...... ...... run the sprinkler zones $Irrigation is 0 else $Irrigation is 1
  11. Same here. I get humidity value twice the cool setting when I do a query. If I don't do a query I never get automatic humidity updates. This is with the new v.22 adapter. I gave up on it and removed the humidity sensor.
  12. I'm using an iMac with a Time Capsule which is essentially an Extreme with a hard drive in it. Everything works great on Snow Leopard and Lion.
  13. I'll post this here too: I have exactly the setup you are wanting to use along with other controllers to open and close the garage door along with the actual garage door button. One problem I encountered was the double button push when the door was closing left the door half open when I went to sleep, not good. I'll try to detail here what I did. SETUP ------- Sensor to IOLinc connected via Black and Green wires - sensor reports OFF when the door is open and ON when the door is closed. IOLinc set to Momentary 'C' - IOLinc programmed (using the SET button) so it will ignore ON commands when the sensor is OFF and ignore OFF commands when the sensor is ON. Momentary Time is 5/10 secs. ISY is running 3.1.5 firmware (needed to use variables). SCENES --------- In order to control the secondary buttons on the KeypadLinc you need to add them to a scene. I have a scene called HW (KP- and just added the button 'B' to it. To control the IOLinc it also must be in a scene. I have a scene called GD (Control) and just added the IOLinc 'Relay' node to it. ISY PROGRAMS ------------------ Given that the KeypadLinc button lights up when you turn it on and turns off when you turn it off it is easy for the button to get out of sync when you use some other method to open or close the garage door (like the garage door button). So the first program here syncs the button to the sensor. If the sensor goes ON (garage door closed) the button is turned off. If the sensor goes OFF (garage door opening) the button goes ON. I'm also sending the relevant ON or OFF to the IOLinc relay which does nothing since the door is already closed or opening, it just syncs up the display in the ISY for the relay to the correct state. Notice the $iGD_Busy variable, this is used when the door is starting to open becasue the sensor goes OFF immediately. I want to prevent any other garage door controls that I have to interrupt the door opening until it is fully open. My door takes approximately 15 seconds to open, yours may be different. This is not needed when the door is closed becasue when the sensor goes ON then the door is completely closed. Since this program triggers on the door opening and closing it should be 'Enabled' in the ISY. Program GD (Sync): If Control 'DEVICES / GARAGE DOOR / GD (Sensor)' is switched On And Control 'DEVICES / GARAGE DOOR / GD (Sensor)' is not switched Off Then Set Scene 'SCENES / SWITCHES / HW (KP- (Garage Door)' Off Set Scene 'SCENES / GARAGE DOOR / GD (Control)' Off Else $iGD_Busy = 1 Set Scene 'SCENES / SWITCHES / HW (KP- (Garage Door)' On Set Scene 'SCENES / GARAGE DOOR / GD (Control)' On Wait 15 seconds $iGD_Busy = 0 Comments: Make sure the HW (KP- switch and GD (Control) is sync'd with the GD sensor regardless of how the door was opened/closed. If the sensor comes on (Closed) 1. Turn OFF HW (KP- button 2. Set GD (Control) OFF If the sensor goes off (Open) 1. Show door is busy 2. Turn ON HW (KP- button 3. Set GD (Control) ON 4. Wait 15 secs 5. Show door is idle Here are the program to open and close the door. Notice the use of iGD_Busy variable again when closing the door. This prevents any more button pushes while the door is closing. The side effect of pushing the button more than once within the 15 seconds is it extends the length of time before a button push will actually do anything. You can see in both of these programs that I 'Run' another program. That program is shown at the end and it serves the purpose of syncing the state of the button to that of the sensor so the button is still lit while it is closing until it is actually closed when the button will turn off. You can actually tell from this whether the command to close or open the door actually worked. For some reason on rare occasions I push the button and the IOLinc misses the command. This is the program to open the door GD (Open): If $iGD_Busy is 0 Then $iGD_Busy = 1 Run Program 'GD (Sync_HW (KP-)' (If) Set Scene 'SCENES / GARAGE DOOR / GD (Control)' On Wait 15 seconds $iGD_Busy = 0 Else Run Program 'GD (Sync_HW (KP-)' (If) Wait 15 seconds $iGD_Busy = 0 iGD_Busy reflects whether the door is busy. If the door is idle: 1. Show door is busy by setting iGD_Busy 2. Set HW (KP- to it's correct state based on the sensor 3. Send command to open the door and wait 15 secs 4. Show door is idle by clearing iGD_Busy NOTE. HW (KP- will stay OFF if command failed If the door is busy: 1. Set HW (KP- to it's correct state based on the sensor 2. Wait for it to go idle 3. Show door is idle by clearing iGD_Busy This is the program to close the door GD (Close): If $iGD_Busy is 0 Then $iGD_Busy = 1 Run Program 'GD (Sync_HW (KP-)' (If) Set Scene 'SCENES / GARAGE DOOR / GD (Control)' Off Wait 15 seconds $iGD_Busy = 0 Else Run Program 'GD (Sync_HW (KP-)' (If) Wait 15 seconds $iGD_Busy = 0 iGD_Busy reflects whether the door is busy. If the door is idle: 1. Show door is busy by setting iGD_Busy 2. Set HW (KP- to it's correct state based on the sensor 3. Send command to close the door and wait 15 secs 4. Show door is idle by clearing iGD_Busy NOTE. HW (KP- will remain ON if command failed If the door is busy: 1. Set HW (KP- to it's correct state based on the sensor 2. Wait for it to go idle 3. Show door is idle by clearing iGD_Busy Now due to the fact the button light comes on and off when you press it, I needed to override that to make sure the button reflected the state of the door. So here's the program that is called from the button push program that re-syncs the button state to the sensor state. Since this program is only going to be called and is not event triggered good practice says that this program should be 'Disabled' but it doesn't matter if it's not. Program 'GD (Sync_HW (KP-)': If Status 'DEVICES / GARAGE DOOR / GD (Sensor)' is On And Status 'DEVICES / GARAGE DOOR / GD (Sensor)' is not Off Then Set Scene 'SCENES / SWITCHES / HW (KP- (Garage Door)' Off Else Set Scene 'SCENES / SWITCHES / HW (KP- (Garage Door)' On Comment: Sets the state of HW (KP- based on the GD (Sensor) Finally, this is the program that triggers when you push the button on the KeypadLinc: Program HW (KP- (Garage Door): If Control 'DEVICES / SWITCHES / HW (KP-B)' is switched On And Control 'DEVICES / SWITCHES / HW (KP-B)' is not switched Off Then Run Program 'GD (Open)' (If) Else Run Program 'GD (Close)' (If) Define action when HW (KP- is pushed ON or OFF - Open or Close Garage Door If switched on 1. Run the program GD (Open)(If) - (This will open the door if it is idle or ignore if it is busy) If switched off 1. Run the program GD (Close)(If) - (This will close the door if it is idle or ignore if it is busy) VISUALLY WHAT HAPPENS ------------------------------- If the door is closed and you push the button the light on the button comes on and will then turn off briefly because the door is closed. Then the door will start opening and the button light will turn on indicating the door is opening. If the door is open and you push the button the button light will turn off briefly, then it will turn on because the door is still open. The door will start to close and when it is completely closed the button light will turn off. Maybe an overkill? Probably
  14. Ah! Thanks for the explanation. The mutually exclusive feature is really only suitable for device to device linking then. Using an ISY with programs could get the whole system confused. Interesting the other buttons don't send an OFF. That's probably why UDI doesn't recommend using the feature with an ISY. It's useful for an installer setting up a house with an ISY then removing it when he left though.
  15. LeeG, Isn't this exactly what Mutually Exclusive button grouping is for? From the Wiki: What are Mutually Exclusive Buttons Mutually Exclusive Buttons, as the name implies are "grouping" of buttons such that one and only one button can be "ON" at any one time. This grouping is very useful for cases where you have the same set of devices controlled by multiple a Keypadlinc buttons, from the same Keypadlinc, each one of which impacts the scene differently. Here are some examples of what this feature might be used for. Low, Medium, High, and Off Fan Speed Buttons Party, Romantic, Dinner, Lunch, and Breakfast Buttons I think it says that when you push one of the buttons, the others go OFF. The ISY has a setup where you can choose which buttons are mutually exclusive.
  16. Check out the post about 10 posts down. Error Log Questions error -5011 viewtopic.php?f=27&t=6556
  17. Waahhh! Michel, do you think you can fix this for the IRLinc RX in the next update?
  18. Just for my curiosity, does the IRLinc TX show up? I think when Michel saw my report I communicated which device it was incorrectly and he fixed it for the TX but not the RX.
  19. I see the problem on an iMac w/Snow Leopard.
  20. You can't change it to 0. But I think it was from 1 to 6 degrees. Note. If you set it to 1 degree the A/C will cycle frequently which can cause excess wear on the compressor. Also, since the A/C only runs for short periods it will not be able to remove humidity from the house very effectively. Living in Houston I found that out quite quickly. I use 2 degrees for the deadband and have the cool setpoint at 82 degrees so the house varies from 82 to 84.
  21. That probably means you didn't change it. The deadband is the number of degrees the temperature has to change in order to have the heat or cool turned on. If your deadband is set to 2 degrees (default) and your cool setpoint is set to 72 degrees then the temperature will have to go to 72+2 degrees before the A/C will turn on. It's the other way for heating. If the heat setpoint is set for 72 degrees then the temperature will have to go to 72-2 degrees before the heater turns on.
  22. Program mode lets the thermostat operate independently with different settings for 4 different times of day. Auto mode is fixed at the setpoints set, no changing setpoints automatically. I use auto mode and have programs running on the ISY to change the setpoints at different times of the day. Did you change the deadband? It may only be the display that is fooling you. When I watch the Cool Control node on the ISY the A/C will turn off sometimes 30secs before the temperature is updated,
  23. Ah! What I have is the IRLinc 2411RR (converts IR to Insteon). If you click on My Lighting in the left pane all the devices show in the right pane. The IRLinc 2411RR is not listed. I also have a RemoteLinc and that shows up fine with a node for each button.
  24. I am using http://My ISP IP address/admin.jpnl The IRLinc buttons don't show up in the overview. I confirm with Help/About I'm running 3.1.3. Maybe LeeG (who seems to own every Insteon device) can confirm?
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