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Everything posted by andyf0
I have a scene that contains: 2 x ApplianceLincs as responders (of course) 1 x KeyPadLinc button A as controller 1 x Motion Sensor as controller The idea being I can walk in the kitchen and the cabinet lights turn on, or if the Motion Dusk/Dawn is off I can turn them on with the button. Never done this before but I was monitoring my ApplianceLincs in MobiLinc when I pushed the button to turn them on. The ApplianceLincs did not update to show they were on. The KeyPadLinc button lit up OK, just not the ApplianceLincs. Just covered the MS to force Dusk/Dawn to turn on so I can see the effect when the MS turns the ALs on. The MS drives a status update in ML but the button had no effect to turn the status off even though the lights went off. It appears the KPL button A is not causing an update to the scene in ML. However, when the MS timed out and went off the ALs then updated. Thought this was a ML problem but noticed the Admin Console behaves the same. The KPL button does not drive the status of the other devices in the scene even though they physically work.
Now you know your certificate is all wrong and you have to get a new certificate if you want remote access without all the pop ups. I still can't get remote access without certificate warnings. Security is such a pain sometimes.
For some reason the update caused Comcast to change the inbound IP address. I have a totally different IP address now. Hasn't changed in 7 years, then did the update and bang! new number.
Couldn't stand it. Went home. Power cycled the ISY and no luck, still no remote access.
Oh Thank G*d, I thought I was the only one that lost remote access. Also waiting until I get home to do some troubleshooting.
Hmmm! My IP camera is working fine so it's not the router. Just can't connect to the ISY. MobiLinc shows blank for all status'. Need to wait until I get home to investigate further. Haven't seen this before and I did upgrade to 3.2.1 this morning before I left for work.
Michel, I was referring to a scene name "ALL" and doing a Set Scene ALL off. Not suggesting sending an All Off. How confusing I made it with my choice of scene name, sorry!
Working nice from inside my house but on an outside connection I get nothing. Is anyone else able to connect in from outside using HTTPS?
I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the improvement in importing the Log file into Excel on the Mac. Whether this was intentional or not I used to start the import and go off to do something else for a couple of minutes while it pondered it. Now the import is virtually instantaneous, it's great. Thanks
The program is fine, however you might want to create an "ALL" Scene that contains the porch lights, dog lights and patio lights. Then you can just say Set Scene "ALL" On & Set Scene "ALL" Off
I think this is an ELK question. I don't know how an ELK Motion Sensor/Zone interacts with the ISY.
I'm sorry I can't help with that one. I am not an ELK user.
I actually have several scenes for various set points. Some I trigger at times during the day, i.e. when I go to work, come home etc. Others I trigger with button pushes on either KeypadLincs or RemoteLincs for when I go to bed, go on vacation etc. If you're away from home you can trigger a scene to change set points from MobiLinc.
I will agree on one thing, the admin console has a bug in it that is either a) Displaying that it has changed both set points when it hasn't (don't display the change) Displaying that it has changed both set points when it hasn't (change the thermostat set points) Either way MobiLinc will behave differently by only changing one set point at a time. My first Venstar was the 7 day programmable which I tried in Program Auto mode but the internal clock drifts and would always end up changing set points at the wrong time (OK, a few minutes per month, but I'm a bit OCD). Then I realized I could create programs in the ISY and switch set points via the ISY whose clock is much more accurate so I use the thermostat in Auto mode. I don't believe it takes much longer to write a program for the ISY than it does to manually program the thermostat and it's much quicker to change a program than it is to re-program the thermostat. It works for me, YMMV. BTW, I am a customer. Just trying to help.
I can confirm the behavior you are seeing. In program auto the console will show the increase in set points (both heat and cool) but the thermostat will not reflect it. MobiLinc however works differently, it doesn't send all the set points when the up arrow is hit, it only changes the set point that is highlighted. If the heat set point is shown larger then the heat set point will increase or decrease. Tap on the cool set point and the cool set point becomes the larger number and is affected by tapping the up or down button. This difference in behavior is what you are probably seeing. The ISY doesn't do anything when in program auto and it shouldn't reflect a change in the console. MobiLinc will send an individual set point change, totally different behaviors. That said: 1. Console shouldn't appear to change set points when it doesn't 2. Why would anyone use program auto when controlling the thermostat via the ISY? That is more for non-controller folks that just want a regular thermostat.
Hi Andy, instead of using backspace, double click on the row and try to edit. Is it still cut off? With kind regards, Michel If I double click the variable name the row gets taller, not cut off. I never used double click to edit a name before. In fact it would be nice if you forced that since it shows a cursor, just backspacing and re-typing you don't get a cursor.
Yes, I think I've been here long enough now not to miss that. But thanks for checking. You did make me go back and verify though.
-MAC --Variable names have the bottom of the text cut off when trying to edit Turns out this isn't fixed. If you click on a variable name under Variables then press backspace like you're going to edit it the bottom line of the variable row is cut off.
This will work for heat. You can add another one for cool. This will wait 1 1/2 mins after heat comes on before fan comes on (don't like blowing cool air). This will continue to run fan for 15 mins after heat is off. If Control 'DEVICES / THERMOSTATS / HU TS (Heat Control)' is switched On And Control 'DEVICES / THERMOSTATS / HU TS (Heat Control)' is not switched Off Then Wait 1 minute and 30 seconds Set Scene 'LIVING ROOM / LR Ceiling Fan' On Else Wait 15 minutes Set Scene 'LIVING ROOM / LR Ceiling Fan' Off
Well, now you can try 3.2.0 using the above links and get your notifications working. However, the default EMail uses UDI EMail accounts and they only have a limited number of EMails each month. If you have notifications setup then I assume you want instant notification for certain events. It would be a shame if your notifications didn't go out because UDI had exceeded their monthly limit on EMails.
Well, the EMail notification thing is fixed when 3.2.0 can be used. But in 3.1.17 if you clear the "From" field the notifications should work fine.
Michel was able to duplicate "some of the problems" using my backup. Hopefully there's a fix soon. On a positive note my variable display was fixed on my Mac and the EMail notifications now work with the "From:" field filled in.
Pretty sure both have to say 3.2.0. Mine did.
URL: No modules installed Tools/Error Log on it's way and now the 3.1.17 backup
I've reverted to 3.1.17 and all programs are now intact without having to do a restore. Michel, I assume you want a backup under 3.2.0 or is 3.1.17 backup OK. Happy to go back to 3.2.0 just to get you a backup. No modules installed here.