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Everything posted by andyf0
I only have a couple of programs that check the temperature to account for a missed heat / cool on / off message. I've disabled them until this is fixed. But that is a good idea.
As Xathros pointed out a Query on the thermostat does pull the correct temperature into the ISY.
Having problem with Venstar thermostats. While mode changes and setpoint changes are correctly reported to ISY the current temperature is not updated in the ISY. If you see the event viewer log below you can see a temperature change message to 74 degrees (4A) but the status shown does not update, still shows 75 degrees.
Thanks Lee, I have been fighting my Garage Door programs for 1/2 hr now. I agree Relay current state "is" reversed. When I send an ON it reports OFF. Also, I think the 100% reporting thing still needs a little work. In the program UI all my ONs now report 100% which doesn't make sense for some devices. IO Linc status can only be ON or OFF, it's little confusing to see 100%. Motion Sensors only report ON or OFF, Low Batt also. I'm happy to see 100% for devices that can have various levels but ON / OFF only devices should display and be able to be programmed ON / OFF only. My 2c. A lot of devices that show 100% can be changed to ON in the program lines in the lower window. Some can, some can only be 100%, OFF or Responding. If a device shows it can only be set to those values, if you come back to it later it does give you the ON option. I think if you are checking status in the IF statement it's stuck to checking for 100% but in the THEN statement you can change back to ON most of the time. Examples: EZFLora showed 100% but allowed me to change it to ON Motion Sensors only allow 100%, OFF or Responding Thermostat scenes showed 100% but allowed me to change to ON.
Everyone take note that the URL for the Admin Console has changed from "http://www.universal-devices.com" to "http://isy.universal-devices.com" I got caught by this, took me a while to figure it out.
Lee I didn't see this on the 2441TH, only on the wireless 2441ZTH.
I tried it and returned it. The temperature reporting is way too inaccurate. Apparently they placed the temperature sensor too close to the triacs that control heat and cool. When the triacs get warm they affect the temperature reporting.
It was fairly easy to get the 994i up and running. What had to be re-entered 1. UserID & Password 2. NTP Server 3. SMTP settings 4. Current location and timezone I think that was all. Took about 1/2 hour including resetting the 99i back to factory setup. Edit: Curious, I thought the 994i had an expansion slot for additional radios. I don't see any blanks or slots where another radio might fit.
I've seen many mentions of this "QueryAll" program. I understand it does a Query on all devices at 3am in the morning. Is it a default program in the ISY? I don't have it, never used it, never needed to use it. My device status' seem to update just fine.
I took advantage of the ISY99i Pro to ISY994i Pro upgrade offer today. If I do a backup, change out the box and then restore, are all the settings also restored? Like EMail settings, NTP settings, location etc. How about http IP and https IP address settings? Is this something I need to set aside some time to do or will it be a quick and simple process? (I know, it's never that easy ).
It has been this way for some time. I remember posting about it previously somewhere. It's hard to do a screen grab while doing a drag and drop since you've got the button held down while dragging. Maybe there's a key sequence that will work. I'll post later if I can get it. Edit: AGAIN, fooled by the box that is drawn by dragging and dropping. I am hovering over the scene/folder to drop in to with the box instead of the arrow. You really should do something about that. Sorry for the alarm!
Michel, Drag and drop into scenes also. Need to drop in the line above the scene name to add it.
I'm still having drag'n drop problems on my Mac with Java 1.7. It seems it's one line off. If I create a new scene it goes to the bottom of the list. If I want to drag and drop it into a folder I have to drag and drop it one line above the folder. You can see if I try to drag it to the folder the green + sign doesn't appear when I hover over the folder name but the + appears when I go one line higher. Release and it drops into the folder below.
I have a Venstar with Insteon built in and one with the Insteon adapter. They are both at different versions, v92 & v93 I think, they both perform equally well. Saying that, my automatic switch over from one thermostat to the other in bedroom failed last night and I was left with both thermostats off. Had to get up in the middle of the night to set them right. First time it's happened though.
I have Venstars. I tried the Smarthome branded ones (cosmetically looks much better) but it's sensor is too close to the triacs and reflects the temperature badly. I found it's control of heat / cool to be very bad. Functionally I think the Venstars work much better although lacking in a couple of minor features. IMO the Smarthome branded ones are too new and need to mature some more.
I get the same thing. It's frustrating. I run the Admin Console from the app on UDI website from my browser. http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/3.3.4/admin.jnlp That does the same thing without the errors.
I can add the 2491 into scenes, but not the 2441ZTH as a responder.
I hate to say it but the folder thing is a non-issue. I was using the floating box to point to the folder to move to instead of the pointer. If I use the pointer it works fine. Sorry! My error also caused the thermostat drag and drop into a scene for the 2491s. The 2441 still didn't work but I'm returning it so it doesn't bother me any more.
Well that's interesting. I have 2 2491 thermostats. One of them is wired to the HVAC, the other is supplied power in another room only. For the one that is wired to the HVAC I have three scenes that set: 1. Cool-82 Heat-74 Mode-Auto (Settings when home) 2. Cool-84 Heat-65 Mode-Auto (Settings when away) 3. Cool-60 Heat-90 Mode-Off (When the other Venstar is controlling temperature via Insteon messages through ISY) For the one in the bedroom that only has power I have 2 scenes that set: 1. Cool-82 Heat-72 Mode-Auto (Settings while sleeping) 2. Cool-82 Heat-74 Mode-Off (During the day when not in use) I actually found this capability to be very useful. Ah! Wait, I see my lack of important information. In my scenes the MAIN node of the thermostat is a responder not a controller. Can the 2441 be a responder in a scene? If so, then I still can't add it to a scene as a responder.
Can you use Add to Folder on "any" folder? Even to those that you could not drag/drop to? You should NOT be able to do that. That configuration is not supported. 1. Yes, I can use Add to Folder on any folder, even the ones I couldn't drag it to. 2. I currently have scenes with my Venstar thermostats (2) where I dropped the thermostat MAIN node into the scene. I use the scene to set mode and setpoints just by sending ON to the scene. They still work. I just can't create a new scene and drop the thermostats MAIN node into it anymore. It certainly did work at some point in time during 3.2 beta
Here's a couple of problems I found. 1. Added 2441ZTH fine. Tried to drag and drop it into my THERMOSTATS folder and it wouldn't go. I could drop it into some folders but not others. Right Click and select Add to Folder works fine. 2. I can't drag and drop the Main node of any of my thermostats into a new scene. Right click and Add to scene works for the Venstars but I get an error something like This scene already contains this device when I try to add the 2441ZTH to a new scene.
Personally I don't use humidity but I could see where high and low humdity nodes could be useful. If you have a humidifier or de-humidifier that is controlled independantly of the HVAC you might want to turn on or off these devices based on a high or low humidity value as described in the manual. I suppose you can always add these devices to the thermostat locally.
From a poster in the 2441ZTH thread. He shows an image of the nodes for the 2441ZTH and there are no humidity nodes. While I think AIX was talking about the 2441TH the manual for the 2441ZTH shows Humidity High and Low settings.
After downloading the file grab the .zip file from the trash and use that to update the ISY.
Here you go, it was a SmartHome project a while ago. http://www.smarthome.com/projects-8a.html