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Everything posted by andyf0

  1. andyf0

    Beep Duration

    You could always install the Insteon Chime kit. I'm thinking about it. http://www.smarthome.com/50810/I-O-Linc ... Kit/p.aspx
  2. From the ISY users guide ... to do a factory reset: • Use a sharp object to push in the Reset button (located below the ERR LED) until the RX, TX, MEM, and ERR LEDs start flashing (once per second). • Hold the Reset button for approximate 10 seconds, until the above LEDs turn off and the MEM LED starts flashing quickly. • Release the Reset button and wait for the ISY to reboot (when the MEM LED stops flashing).
  3. andyf0

    Beep Duration

    Mine are very quiet also. I think they're more for alerts when programming the devices manually when you're standing right in front of them.
  4. It's very confusing but in the Wiki for the Motion Sensor options it states: "Darkness Sensitivity - The higher the value, the darker it needs to be for the unit to see night. Default = 35. Range = 0 - 255. " While tuning the value for my kitchen I have found that the lower the number the darker it has to be to turn ON Dark.
  5. It maybe the state the sensor was in when you programmed Momentary 'C'. From the IOLinc Manual: Momentary C 1) Set the sensor to the desired on state (meaning an ON command will not trigger the I/O Linc relay when the sensor is in this state). For example, if you want an ON command to open the garage door and an OFF command to close it, open the garage door in this step. Edit: However, I think these instructions assume you used the green wire. If you used the red wire then maybe try close the door when programming momentary C.
  6. Doh! Thanks Lee, forgot that part.
  7. Having just gone through this a couple of weeks ago ... Wire the sensor to black/green. The LED will be on when closed. Wire the opener contacts to Common and NO. When you set Momentary 'C' make sure the door is open (sensor OFF). This is very important. I suggest you start this again after doing a Factory Reset. The instructions that come with the kit assume the IOLinc is in it's factory default state. Pressing OFF will activate the opener only if the door is open. Pressing ON will activate the opener only if the door is closed. On the ISY99 the Relay device will show the last ON or OFF it was sent and the Sensor device will show OFF for open and ON for closed. I'm sure there are other permutations .. I tried wiring Red/Black on the sensor and setting Momentary 'C' with the door closed but I couldn't get it to work that way. The instructions are confusing .. the text says to wire the sensor to black and green but the diagram shows black and red.
  8. andyf0

    Beep Duration

    Ah! Thanks.
  9. andyf0

    Beep Duration

    Can someone describe what the beep duration does on the new SwitchLincs? It doesn't matter what beep duration I set all I get is a very quick beep.
  10. Create a second program with your "Then" statements and no "If". In the original program just run the second program as your "Then". The problem is most likely due to your "If" being re-evaluted during the "Wait" statement. The above suggestion will prevent that from happening. Or maybe disabling the program in the middle of running it, terminates it. Others can help with that but either way I think the above suggestion will work.
  11. Many thanks for that! I've reverted back to the original program.
  12. Apologies for the multiple questions. It's my enthusiam coming through. I keep thinking up so many questions in my attempt to understand all this. I did read the Wiki and I do remember now reading that, sorry! I am an embedded programmer by trade but this is very different than what I do. I will be very interested in the results of your experiments with time based programs. I'm a little OCD when it comes to the number of programs I have and would really like to run just one.
  13. I think you drag the button into the scene, not the other way around.
  14. OK, I fixed my program to actually call another program to do the zone cycling. Question: If you use a program that is only called by another program, does it have to be enabled? Or can it be called even if it's disabled?
  15. I got these errors after updating to 3.1.2. It did put me in a loop very slowly trying to write to something over and over again. Note the 10 sec retries. Since I'm not using variables I downgraded to 2.8.16 which seemed to have cleared up the problem.
  16. That's very interesting. My program here seems to run fine. If On Sat, Mon, Thu Time is 4:30:00AM Then Set 'DEVICES / EZFLORA / 1. FL Beds/Lawn (Blue)' On Wait 15 minutes Set 'DEVICES / EZFLORA / 2. FL Lawn (Red)' On Wait 15 minutes Set 'DEVICES / EZFLORA / 3. FR Beds/Lawn (Black)' On Wait 15 minutes Set 'DEVICES / EZFLORA / 4. BR Lawn (Orange)' On Wait 15 minutes Set 'DEVICES / EZFLORA / 5. BL Lawn (Green)' On Wait 15 minutes Set 'DEVICES / EZFLORA / 5. BL Lawn (Green)' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  17. I'm a little confused. If I read this right my irrigation program should only turn on Zone 1 and then exit. The program runs at 4:30 am and Turn on Zone 1 Wait 15 mins Turn on Zone 2 Wait 15 mins etc. So when the Wait statement is encountered the program is re-evaluated. It is no longer 4:30am so the program should run the Else statement which has nothing causiing the program to end? It does work well and cycles through all the Zones which would contradict what the Wiki states.
  18. I am watching this thread for an answer to that .......... My understanding for the first one is if you change the on-level for one device (for example) it will change the on-level for all devices in the scene. One can only guess at the second one.
  19. I'm running Win64 Ultimate. I must admit I had problems getting the console up to begin with because it was minimized while waiting for login. This was when I first bought the ISY out of the box. There was no real indication of this except for a very small bar on the screen that caused a beep whenever I clicked on it. Minimize all your Windows, do you see anything unusual on the screen? Try typing your user name tab password blindly followed by ENTER and see if anything comes up. Fortunately this worked for me, I got lucky.
  20. andyf0

    Variable Variables

    You can always have another program that sets $ExpressoReminder back to 3 when the coffee pot is turned on.
  21. andyf0

    Variable Variables

    Well, let's see. If the machine is on you increase $ExpressoReminder (causes program to run again) and send yourself an EMail. all this 3 times. How many notifications are you getting? Finally you hit the Else statement which changes $ExpressReminder to 0 (causes program to run) but the coffee machine is already off so it will execute the Else again which will send you a second reminder. Thinking out loud .. If $EspressoReminder > 0 And Status 'Living Room / . / Espresso Machine' is On Then Repeat 3 times $EspressoReminder -= 1 Wait 20 seconds Send Notification to 'Dan Mobile' content 'Espresso Still On' Else Set Scene 'Living Room / Espresso Machine' Off Send Notification to 'Dan Mobile' content 'Espresso Turned Off' Not sure how you init $ExpressoReminder but init it to 3. This way the variable doesn't change in the Else statement. Also, I don't know how the ISY processes a state variable changing within a program that tests it. Does it wait for the current program to finish or spawn off another instance of the program? If your program was almost working before, this might prevent the extra notification.
  22. andyf0

    Variable Variables

    I think if you declare your variable to be a state variable the program will run everytime the value changes. But if I read your program right your program will run one extra time after you set the variable to zero and turn off the coffee machine because the variable was changed to zero. You may get an extra notification. This is complicated stuff.
  23. I can access the HTML page by just entering the http://IP Address:Port or https://House IP Address:SSL Port if outside the house. Assuming the SSL port is port forwarded to the internal IP address. If I access http://IP Address:Port/admin it brings up the Java console.
  24. I think you're going to find that 9 minutes doesn't work on newer version LampLincs. Try 8 mins, that should work! This thread may provide some info http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... c++minutes
  25. Installed fine. I did have a couple of lights turn on when the ISY rebooted but otherwise all is good. Edit: Something to do with the Catch-Up scheduling?
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