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Everything posted by Kentinada
Somehow one of my Lamplinc's got assigned as a controller for a scene which I do not want. I have 2440 keypad which is the controller. I can't see anyway to remove the controller function from java interface to my ISY. Help?
What's a 4 branch ISY? Are you running Catalina?
I am currently running on Mac OS Mojave 10.14.6. I access my ISY994i through the ISY Launcher from my desktop. I'm not sure if that involves any 32-bit software or not but Mac OS Catalina does not support 32-bit software anymore. Has anyone else using an ISY994i upgraded to Mac OS Catalina yet? Should this be an issue?
Dang. My bad. I didn't press the Set button on the MS. Once I pressed the Set button and tried it again, it added to the ISY. That's the good news. I have the device in my ISY shown in the attached. But I'm not sure what device name I use in my programs. And why are the 2nd 2 devices shown with the INSTEON address rather than the name? I can't tell what device to use to test for motion. The old MS was much simpler. Any help or pointers to documentation would be appreciated. Thanks.
I found the address behind the battery. I went to Link Management/Link to Sensor/Motion Sensor II and put in the address. I then get the attached error shortly there after. Suggestions?
So my old 2420M died and I have to use a new 2844 MS. I am running 5.0.15 in my ISY994i. But I see no INSTEON address on this new MS so I don't know how to add it to my ISY devices. Any help would be appreciated!
I don't know anything about nodeservers but I can tell you my Sense has been running for about a month now. It is still "learning" the electrical devices in my home but I like it. I'm not sure it will save me any money in the long run but it's interesting to see how much electricity is being consumed and when. If you had some old non-energy efficient appliances, it would surely make those obvious. Let me know if you get one and you intergrate with your ISY somehow.
Not sure this is possible but I'll ask for ideas. If my ISY994i is integrated with my Amazon Echos and my Echos are integrated with my Harmony Remotes, can I define a button on RemoteLinc 2440 to run a scene from Harmony? Does that make sense?
Thanks for the details on the upgrade. I assume I should be looking at 5.0.15 since that is now available. I'll post my installation questions on the 5.0.15 thread.
Can I upgrade directly from 4.7.3 to 5.0.15?
I've been hesitant to install a beta firmware. Is there a projected date it will become released?
For some reason, I have it in my head that the newer INSTEON Motion Sensor (2844-222) is not compatible with the ISY994i. Is that right? Or maybe it's not compatible with V4.7.3 that I'm running? Or am I just imagining things.
RainMachine responded and said they're not making the Mini-8 anymore. They are replacing with the Pro-8 which is $10 more.
Oberkc, so I added a state variable for the switch on or off and added it to my Override program. I also added a Stop command for the Body program. It occurred to me that if I had the stop, I probably didn't need the state variable because I didn't use it anywhere and with the Stop command, the program would execute. It all works so here is what I ended up with for anyone else who's interested in doing something similar. CONDITION program OUTLIGHTS.SHEDMOTION.COND - [ID 001C][Parent 0020] If Status 'Outdoors / Shed Motion-Sensor' is On And From Sunset To Sunrise + 10 minutes (next day) Then Run Program 'OUTLIGHTS.SHEDMOTION.BODY' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') BODY program (which is disabled) OUTLIGHTS.SHEDMOTION.BODY - [ID 001D][Parent 0020][Not Enabled] If Program 'OUTLIGHTS.SHEDMOTION.OVERRIDE' is False And Program 'OUTLIGHTS.SHEDMOTION.COND' is True Then Set 'Outdoors / Shed lights' On Send Notification to 'Kent Txt' content 'Shed Motion Detected' Wait 5 minutes Set 'Outdoors / Shed lights' Off Run Program 'OUTLIGHTS.SHEDMOTION.BODY' (Else Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') OVERRIDE program OUTLIGHTS.SHEDMOTION.OVERRIDE - [ID 0027][Parent 0020] If Control 'Outdoors / Shed lights' is switched On And Control 'Outdoors / Shed lights' is not switched Off Then Stop program 'OUTLIGHTS.SHEDMOTION.BODY' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Thanks for all the help!
Thanks for the info. Every place I look, the mini-8 is out of stock. Not sure why. I sent RainMachine a presales question.
Link to the RainMachine? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Is there a way to test the functionality of a 2476D switch? I'm not sure how old they are but I have 2 that I couldn't get the Admin console to communicate with so I replaced them with new 2477S (I didn't need the dimming capability) switches which work fine. I don't want to throw these away if they're still good but I don't know how to verify.
Something else I guess I discovered about my OVERRIDE program is that having the IF test and no Then or Else statements does not work. i.e. I just wanted the IF test to run and set the status to True or False but without some statement to execute in the Then clause, the status does not change to True. Back in my programming days we used to have a Null program statement. If you simply want the program to change the status which is used in another program, what do you put there? I really don't want to be texted every time the switch is turned on or off.
I thought if I disabled a program, it would not/could not run. Can a disabled program still run if it's called by another program? So under normal motion, the COND program would call the BODY program's IF test. Most of the time, the OVERRIDE would be false and the COND would be true which would allow the body Then clause to run (assuming it can be called even if it's disabled). If I turn on the light switch which makes the OVERRIDE program run the THEN clause, the IF test of the BODY program would fail because OVERRIDE would be true and the timer would never start. Correct? Is there another way than the OVERRIDE program to accomplish this because essentially the OVERRIDE program becomes a mere state machine of being either true or false. Maybe there's a way to do it without adding another program? Yes, that would be my preference. Ideas?
oberkc, a couple questions back for you. When you say disable the shedmotion.body, you mean removing the IF conditions that would trigger it - correct? The shed lights are on a simple on/off switch so yes the fast on/off was not right. The point of setting them to on in the override program was because of throwing the switch but it just occurred to me (duh!) that I would have pressed the switch to turn them anyway. Not smart. But the problem I think I still have is if the cond and body programs are enabled and waiting for the motion sensor to detect motion after sunset, the body program will turn them on for 5 minutes. If I manually turn them on, and motion is detected, it will start a 5 minute timer and turn them off. The override program was my attempt in preventing the body program from running. How do I do that based on the changes you suggest? Thanks.
Yes, sorry. That was my test program to see if the IF test worked which it seemed to. Here is the code I have for 3 shed motion senor related programs. This first program checks for the sensor being on in the timeframe shown. It will then run the action program. OUTLIGHTS.SHEDMOTION.COND - [ID 001C][Parent 0020] If Status 'Outdoors / Shed Motion-Sensor' is On And From Sunset To Sunrise + 10 minutes (next day) Then Run Program 'OUTLIGHTS.SHEDMOTION.BODY' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Here is the action program. Before wanting to override with the switch, the IF condition was empty meaning the condition program above completely controlled when the lights would turn on. Now the condition must be true in the program above AND the override must not be set. See the last program below. OUTLIGHTS.SHEDMOTION.BODY - [ID 001D][Parent 0020] If Program 'OUTLIGHTS.SHEDMOTION.OVERRIDE' is False And Program 'OUTLIGHTS.SHEDMOTION.COND' is True Then Set 'Outdoors / Shed Lights' Fast On Send Notification to 'Kent Txt' content 'Shed Motion Detected' Wait 5 minutes Set 'Outdoors / Shed Lights' Fast Off Run Program 'OUTLIGHTS.SHEDMOTION.BODY' (Else Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Here is the override program. OUTLIGHTS.SHEDMOTION.OVERRIDE - [ID 0027][Parent 0020] If Control 'Outdoors / Shed Lights' is switched On And Control 'Outdoors / Shed Lights' is not switched Off Then Set 'Outdoors / Shed Lights' Fast On Send Notification to 'Kent Txt' content 'Shed Switch On' Else Set 'Outdoors / Shed Lights' Fast Off Send Notification to 'Kent Txt' content 'Shed Switch Off' Tonight will be the first test. Think it will work?
OUTLIGHTS.SHED.OVERRIDE - [ID 0027][Parent 0020] If Control 'Outdoors / Shed Lights' is switched On And Control 'Outdoors / Shed Lights' is not switched Off Then Send Notification to 'Kent Txt' content 'Shed Switch On' Else Send Notification to 'Kent Txt' content 'Shed Switch Off' Is this the proper method to check if a switch was turned on or off?
How do I test in a program if the switch is pressed? If I just check the Status of the light for on, that will be true when it's running on the timer too.
I have motion sensors on outdoor lights that turn the lights on for 5 minutes when motion is detected and then turn them off. I’d like to have a program I can run that would override the motion sensor program and leave the lights on until I run the program again. Ideas? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk