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Everything posted by Kentinada

  1. I have an old 2GB micro SD memory card in the ISY994. I tried pulling that out and then powering back up but the error light on the ISY just kept flashing and it would not boot up. I put the card back and restarted and it boots up again. The Tx/Rx lights flash frequently but no communication still exists to the INSTEON devices. I'm about out of ideas.
  2. @DennisC thanks but I don't see that any of those tips apply because this was all working before. This is not a new set up. I tried replacing the ethernet cable to from the ISY to the PLM and that didn't help either. My automation days with INSTEON look to be done. Even the new eisy needs a PLM.
  3. I did the PLM replace and no change in status. None of the INSTEON devices are reachable. Something else must be going on. I even tried deleting a previously working LampLinc and tried to re-add it. It says something about unknown engine and quits. There is a communication problem and I'm not sure it is the PLM since it behaves the same on 2 different PLMs. But right now, all my INSTEON devices are dead.
  4. UI & Firmware at 5.3.4. See attached. I had another backup PLM which I tried connecting. The ISY sees it when I rebooted and said it was connected. The PLM links table was only 10 long compared to the 175 on my original PLM. Does it still sound like a PLM issue?
  5. The green light is ON. When I check the PLM status, it says it's connected. There are 175 links shown in the PLM links table. Could it still be dead?
  6. I tried to restore several different devices. After I click OK to the message about how long it will take, nothing happens. The device stays with red !. No errors pop up. Nothing.
  7. I have just discovered that all my INSTEON devices defined in my ISY994 show up with red ! next to them and it cannot communicate with them. I don't know when this happened exactly as I was gone for the month of February. My Z-wave devices all still work. I have rebooted my ISY and unplugged/re-plugged in my PLM. All lights appear normal. How do I determine the problem?
  8. I have an iMac running all the time. Would that work too?
  9. @lilyoyo1 Thank you so much for your always helpful responses. Much appreciated!
  10. Thanks. Sorry for the newbie question to this forum. Should have read the 1st posting first. My bad. After reading that post, a couple questions popped to my head: If my ISY994i is doing fine and I don't use Z-Wave much (i have 500 card installed), then is it safe to say I should just stay on this platform until it dies because the benefits of moving would be minimal? If I did migrate to an EISY, I assume the zmatter card required for Z-wave devices is not the same as the 500 card I have in my ISY and would need to add it for Z-wave functionality - correct? I looked but couldn't find any info on how EISY, Home Assistant, and Apple HomeKit can all be tied together. Maybe I missed it? Thanks.
  11. Sorry if this has been asked or if there is already a thread, please just point me. I have an ISY994i with Z-wave card. Have used ISY and INSTEON for years. Is EISY now the future? Should I migrate from ISY to EISY? Was looking at Home Assistant to integrate with Apple HomeKit and my ISY but Home AssistaNt really needs a Raspberry Pi from the looks of it. I may be getting in over my head here but is there a white paper, to use an old term, on all this automation stuff and how to integrate? Thanks!
  12. Well since I turned on Level 3 and did the other things, no random device on events have occurred. Should I turn off Level 3 for now or is there no harm in leaving it turned on? Thanks.
  13. @MrBill Thank you for your detailed suggestions. I turned on level 3 diagnostics and will let that go for a while. I will leave the admin console open. I restored the on/off switch in question and the other 3 in my scene. This device and scene are not in any program. We'll see what happens over the next day or so. Thanks again for the quick and detailed response!
  14. So sorry I missed this. It is a 2457D dual band device. I did not try a different bulb since the newer device solved the problem but I’ll remember that idea in case I need the older device again. Thanks!
  15. I have an on/off INSTEON switch that just started randomly turning on in the middle of the night last night. Any way to see what is triggering this device?
  16. So I replaced the rev 1.33 lamplinc with a newer one and it works. Anyway to update firmware in these lamplinc's?
  17. I thought I asked this question before. I did! I'll try replacing the bulb but from this earlier thread, I may not totally fix it. Stay tuned.
  18. I have a lamplinc in a scene for my master bedroom lights. Scene turns on via Alexa. When I turn it off, the lamplinc flashes on and off. I looked at the lamplinc in Mobilinc HD and it shows it flashing on/off too. What is the issue?
  19. I am trying to reset all my 2457D2 Lamplinc's to factory settings. I follow the flow chart in the user manual. I press (not tap) the Set button and it beeps and flashes green. I press it again and it beeps and blinks red. All good to here. I press again and it's supposed to blink green but stays blinking red. All of my devices act the same way. This was basically the same process for my On-Off modules and they worked perfectly. Can I add them to my admin console reset them there?
  20. Thanks for all the help.
  21. So I moved the Lamplinc closer to the PLM and it worked. I did another one and it found 2 other addresses which I have no clue what they are but obviously couldn't communicate with them. See screen shot. Where are these coming from?
  22. So I reloaded the full firmware without a problem and rebooted. When I do a Tools/Diagnostics/PLM Info status it says 34.E7.BB v9E / Connected so I assume it's all communicating properly. When I try to add back in my first INSTEON device, I get the attached error. I am trying to add a Lamplinc Dual-band Dimmer 2457D2. I must be missing something. Suggestions?
  23. This is my current version. So I can try it like you said. The downside is no notification if the PLM fails. If I load the firmware with PLM support, I assume I'm starting from scratch to load all my devices including my currently defined Z-wave devices - correct?
  24. So if reconnect my PLM with this firmware, it will work with no changes? I can just start adding my INSTEON devices back in?
  25. When INSTEON looked like they were toast, I loaded the Z’-wave firmware version for my ISY994i and started getting a few Z-wave devices. Now it looks like INSTEON is still a viable solution so I want to reload the firmware with the PLM support for my INSTEON devices. Will I loose all my Z-wave device definitions when I do so? Suggestions on best way to proceed? Thanks!
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