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Everything posted by remedy1234

  1. Thanks Lee, I remember doing something with TLS on mac...not on windows.I will work on that,the question is can it be fix remotely?If it can is there any other post that explain how to do it?Both on Mac and Windows.I will search and get back with you tomorrow.AGAIN! Thank you for all you dedication to this product it is greatly appreciated...you have helped me from the beginning and it is nice to come back and feel welcomed and find that your service is exactly the same"OUTSTANDING" THANKS TIM
  2. Result on windows "Socket Open failed java.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException:Server chose SSLv3,but that protocol version is not enabled or not supported by the client" I was using 4.2.30
  3. I have Windows computer also...suggestions?
  4. I installed an ISY994 at a customers house back in 01/14,It has been working fine and I could access remotely and through mac and Mobilinc.I have not access it in probably a year now,through Mac.I still can access through mobilinc but not the mac(customer ask me to make some scene changes).It has not been updated since the install.My guess is its an older firmware version and Java will not let me in remotely even when its on the list.I have had this problem before with another customer and it had to be accessed with a logmein to there computer locally,the job is 3 hours away and I am trying to avoid a trip or setting up a time with the customer because of his busy schedule.
  5. Hi Lee, Thanks for the reply.I think its 3.3.10...I do not see a admin console for that any more. Tim
  6. Yes,I think the system just needs updating to current firmware ,its been 14 months...just seeing if I can do it easy.
  7. Yes mobilinc is remote access but the customer wanted some scene changes and I a keypad might need to be restored.
  8. Hi Larry, Thanks for the reply.I'm using MAC,yes it was working before.I am getting the JAVA error on the start up window,usually I would just add it to the java edit list and it would go through when that error came up.However the system has not been updated since it was installed.The customer is a state away and I am trying to avoid a unneeded trip or a remote log on do to his busy schedule.This happen before due to a system the was not updated and Steve Lee ended up doing a remote log in with the customer.He could not even access system locally. Tim
  9. Hi All, I cannot login remotely to a ISY994 remotely...I'm getting a JAVA error.I added site to edited java list.This system was installed 17 months ago.Do I need to locally access and update system?System is running fine and access to mobillinc is running. Thanks Tim
  10. Thanks Jon,I will next time I'm out there. Tim
  11. Hi Jon, I just made it back here to the site...when I try to telnet is comes back "Connection closed by foreign host." Any suggestions? Thanks Tim
  12. Hi All, I had a client's system working fine for two years now and the PLM went bad.TCP cleint /DNS error.......NTP serverDNS error showed up also.Replaced PLM and I am still getting the error.Any Ideas?? Thanks Tim
  13. Hi All, I'm Having trouble back up a ISY in customers house Updated to latest release.I'm Getting error "Could Not retrieve File /CONF/80/.PRP" Any suggestions?? Thanks Tim
  14. I have kind of the same problem,I have a customer that has internet but I lost connection to the ISY.I have to reboot to remote access.I have one of those internet power strips I could install but I would like to find out what the problem is.My ISY does it occasionally but this particular one does it often.I will be on site tomorrow and post results. Tim
  15. That's wonderful SIR is that just a firmware update or will they be replacing the defective units over two years old like they do with ALL insteon products? Thanks for your help YOU GUYS ARE AWSOME!!
  16. Thanks Guys, Its been happening at my home often,which it could be all things you all suggested.But it just happened at a customer's house and that has a new PLM but could have low sensor battery it one of the motions.As far as the variables (at my location)I have more then one motion using the same program in the garage.Maybe it would be a good Idea to create a set of programs for each motion with its own variable?When the ALL ON happens the ISY does not see it.Any thoughts?
  17. Hi Lee and Xathros, and Oberkc I Would like to chime in on this topic you guys have much more knowledge on programing and functions on the ISY then I and there are many roads that lead to ROME.I have been using this occupancy program for about a year now (I copied it off of one of the threads).it has worked fine however sometimes I think it is the culprit of a "ALL ON" ISY scenario when multiple motions are triggered walking from room to room and back again. I would like you all to take a look and give your opinion. This one uses variables TOTAL 3-PROGRAMS , Motion is ON only and "as motion is sensed is checked" THANKS KITCHEN DAY-OCC-1 If From 10:00:02AM To 4:00:00PM (same day) And Control 'KITCHEN / Kitchen-Sensor' is switched On Then Set Scene 'KITCHEN / Kitchen Lights' 100% $State_1s.Kitchen = 5 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') KITCHEN OCC-2 If $State_1s.Kitchen > 0 Then $State_1s.Kitchen Init To $State_1s.Kitchen Wait 1 minute $State_1s.Kitchen -= 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') KITCHEN OCC-3 If $State_1s.Kitchen is 0 Then Set Scene 'KITCHEN / Kitchen Lights' Off Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'KITCHEN / Kitchen Lights' Off $State_1s.Kitchen Init To -1 $State_1s.Kitchen = -1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  18. Thanks!I thought I did that but it did not work,But it did that time! Thank you!
  19. Hello All, I cannot back up ISY received error RF /CONF/27.PRP.I telent RF /CONF/27.PRP it removed it now I'm getting RF /CONF/29.PRP tried to remove that and I am getting prompt.>....Still not backing up??help please? Thanks Tim
  20. Hi Michel, Sorry for the delay,The event viewer pops up but there is nothing on it.I can turn lights on and off through the ISY but the status does not change.I can get on my ISY with my mac local but not this particular customer.This happen after we purchased the portal pluggin and the system rebooted.I rebooted again cleared cache...still no change. Thanks Tim
  21. event viewer does not work local.
  22. Hello Everyone, Anyone else run across this issue?I am using a mac I cannot get current status to any devices on the ISY local in the network.If I go outside the network and back in I do get current status.I also have a PC on site Windows 7 it works fine both ways.??? Thanks Tim
  23. remedy1234


    THANK YOU! Turns out you both are correct.Thanks for the help. Tim
  24. remedy1234


    Hello Everyone, I have a Quick question,I am trying to change the text in the (state Variables)I have done it by accident but cannot seem to duplicate it.If I type a new description and save it goes back to the original State-1.I am using a MAC. Thanks Tim
  25. Hello All, Update went fine on windows,I cannot get the admin console short cut on my mac.I cleared my cache,I am running Lion 10.7.5, java 1.7.I removed certificate.Any suggestions? Thanks Tim
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