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Everything posted by jpoje

  1. Count 404
  2. Thanks for quick response! Isy is currently in middle of another restore device, so when it has completed, I will follow your instructions and post back with count.
  3. My PLM died a few days ago, so ordered a new one and received it yesterday. Followed instructions from a forum post here and wiki. All my devices seem to work from ISY as far as turning on/off, dimming, etc. IR commands from my harmony remote seem to be working as well (turning devices on/off). Problem is none of my programs seem to work (lights don't come on at scheduled times, bedtime button on KPL doesn't turn all lights out, Dim All lights does nothing, etc) also switchlincs that are programmed such as fade down to control a different device, all not working. I have done a restore PLM and restore Devices several times. This morning I restored ISY to a backup I did on May 27th. Nothing has changed. Have I missed an important step somewhere? (I have ISY994-i and Java all updated to latest software versions.) Thanks in advance for your assistance.
  4. Thanks for the update!!! I tried moving my PLM to several different outlets and made little or no difference. After two days of relocating access points, plugging and unplugging appliancelincs and lamplincs one at a time, I was able to narrow down a problem device(s). I totally removed the one and only "dual" lamplinc from my system and permanetly relocated one access point and everything is working perfectly again (several days now). The dual lamplinc was my newest device and was installed just prior to upgrading the ISY994. Has anyone else experienced communication issues after adding a new "dual" lamplinc to their system?
  5. Thanks for the quick response, frustrating is putting it mildly. I plugged the PLM into a filterlinc (as suggested in one of your posts) and I was able to get communication back to some of my devices, so what does that mean, powerline problem? All my devices are actually "working" (go on and off jus fine), I believe it is just communication coming "back" to the ISY and writing "updates" to devices? I'm just trying to figure out now what may happen with some of my programs that try to run when the "status" of so many devices are not correct in ISY? Thanks again and please post back when you receive your PLM.
  6. Envirogreen Did you ever replace your PLM and did that solve your communication issue? I am experiencing very similar problems after an ISY upgrade and have tried everything up to an including unplugging just about everything in my home, moving filterlincs, moving access points, restoring PLM, nothing makes a difference. Thanks.
  7. Yes, I do suspect it has something to do with the Intel WiDi application (Push to TV), causing the proxy error. and YES, it will let me access Admin Console the way you instructed! (I had tried that previously, but didn't "double click", so it didn't work.) This does solve my main objective of not having to interrupt other software programs running on computer in order to "log off windows" or "restart" computer to get back on ISY. Thank you for your assistance!
  8. I'm not sure what "direct link" means, but, If you mean accessing admin console from the browser, then, once I receive the "I/O Error:Proxy Device" error, the login prompt comes up and I can log back into admin console (through the browser), but not through icon on desktop (I still receive "not found" error when I try to access admin console through desktop).
  9. Yes, I can access Admin Console through Internet Explorer as instructed:( But not through desktop shortcut: C:\Windows\System32\javaws.exe -localfile -J-Djnlp.application.href=http://isy.universal-devices.com/99i/3.3.10/admin.jnlp "C:\Users\Media\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\44\6d8b242c-6278026f"
  10. YES, I am able to access through browser. Is it okay to access that way? Thanks for your assistance.
  11. Received I/O proxy error, logged out, logged back in Windows. Restarted Admin Console with no issues, but this is what I noticed and I will try to explain this the best I can: If I start the laptop's Intel WIDI application to wirelessly connect to "Netgear's Push to TV adapter" FIRST and then start Admin Console, I receive the "not found" error and Admin Console won't start at all. If I start Admin Console FIRST, then the WIDI application, Admin Console is good until I receive the I/O proxy error (which could occur several hours later).
  12. I will try that as soon as I receive the next error and reply back. Thanks for your help.
  13. I believe I have all the power savers disabled, so that I can view the IP cameras at any given time and have music playing pretty much 24/7 in media center. I've never noticed the laptop in "sleep mode".
  14. Firewall program is whatever came with Microsoft Windows 7? I don't have any other special firewall software installed.
  15. Once I receive the I/O proxy error in Admin Console, which happens at least once a day, one of two things occur: 1. Admin Console icons are "blacked" out, I no longer have the green "ready" flag at the bottom of the screen and nothing will work, so I have to force Admin Console down via windows task manager. When I log back on to Admin Console, I receive "not found" when the Isy Finder box opens. OR 2. Admin Console login prompt comes up and when I log back in, I receive the "not found" when the ISY finder box come up. In either case, I must shut down or restart the computer before Admin Console allows me a successfull login to access my Isy.
  16. Sorry, to clarify, I meant all the "software" programs running on my laptop (Blue Iris, Media Center, etc), I have to interrupt and shutdown several times a day (to restart computer) because of the Admin Console I/O proxy error.
  17. I just doubled checked my router and the laptop has a reserved IP address and so does the ISY, so IP address shouldn't change?
  18. Okay, that would make sense, although, my Blue Iris software for my IP cameras and several other programs run on that laptop 24/7 without any network connectivity issues? When the Admin Console goes down, then all programs have to be interrupted when I have to restart computer. I thought maybe there is a setting somewhere on laptop or Admin Console to give it priority over the other programs running, so it doesn't lose it's connection?
  19. Anyone know why this error occurs while logged into Admin Console? I/O Error: Proxy Device Admin console usually has to be forced closed after this error or it will go to login. Also sometimes when I start Admin console, I get "Not Found" when the Isy finder box comes up. Then I have to restart computer to get Admin console to start. This error only occurs when I am using laptop, it does not happen when using desktop computer. Firmware and UI - Version on both computers. Thanks for any suggestions.
  20. I saw these on ebay, not hardwired but with antennas, Signalinc RF #2442. Thought that they may help, but I see they are discontinued at Smarthome so they must not serve a useful purpose any longer. Thanks again and I do appreciate all your help.
  21. So, if the signalinc is not affected by RF interference, which I obviously have, then would adding one to my environment be able to "ease some of my pain" when initially "linking" up new RF devices to the ISY? (Sorry for asking so many questions.)
  22. Why is it after the device is finally linked, that it works fine as far as sending the sensor signals, as they are being recorded in the ISY flawlessly, turning lights on/off, etc? It is just the linking and device updating that there is the problems with communication? Would a signalinc help at all with the interference?
  23. Are there any "wired" insteon motions available? The PLM was located in another location when I had the remotelinc problems, but I do have several cordless phones that are probably 900mhz. Would a signalinc help at all? Thanks for all your assistance.
  24. I was finally able to link the motion literally holding it 1 inch away from another access point (I have 4 access points). This is what ISY is showing: motion-sensor motion-dusk.dawn motion-low bat I was able to add the motion to a scene, again, holding the motion at the access point while it wrote the updates to device. I then moved the motion to the living room and it had absolutely no problems turning the lights on/off in the scene I have one remotelinc2 installed on a wall in a closet. I had to install an access point at the closest outlet in that room in order for it to work. I had 3 old remotelincs that I removed from my system, as although, they worked fine turning stuff on and off, if I had to make a change to them, in order for them to receive "updates to device", I had to take them all and place them right at an access point and hold my breath that they would update, sometimes taking 4-5 times trying. Instead I just integrated the ISY IR with my Harmony Remote. Not sure how to "power cycle" the PLM (just unplug?), as I will do that next, but I honestly don't think the "dual band" part of the PLM ever worked properly.
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