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Everything posted by Candide

  1. Thanks again. Your responses have been very helpful.
  2. I have an ISY 994 hooked up to two v.28 EZFlora controllers. My zones, master valves and programs are all working well. I also purchased an "EZ Breakout" connector and want to hook it to a rain sensor. I see the wiring diagram shows to use terminals 6 and 7, with a 4.7K ohm resistor jumping 6 to 2. My question is - will this show up as an Insteon device? I have an existing rain sensor - when that signals the EZFlora how can I detect that on the ISY 994 to take whatever action I want to take? Thanks...
  3. No, the IP address was the same. However several weeks ago I changed my anti-virus from one vendor to a different one. I always turn off the Windows Firewall but I think the new package may have turned it back on. It is off now and the finder and pressure rate seems to be working. I will update if there are any more issues.
  4. I changed to another station and have not seen the "-6.27" since. The "find" lookups are still problematic - working sometimes and not working most of the time. I have not seen the wrong listing again, it is just blank - for my zip code. But if I use the zip code of the next town over - it works, sort of. It recognizes the town name - but never displays the list of weather stations. However if I manually type in a station ID, I saved the list of them for my area, it seems to work. Edit (update): I started the admin shell from the browser and received a Windows Firewall warning (even though I have turned it off). After I clicked yes to allow access the lookups are now working in both the browser and the JNLP app.
  5. I will try changing to another station, though it is intermittent so it might be a while before I am sure it no longer occurs. Just FYI the station I am connecting to is a large local airport - which I thought might be more accurate/consistent than schools and such. The "find" function has also been giving me some issues. Sometimes it does not return anything and now it returns the wrong data when my zip code (11705 - Bayport, NY) is entered, as shown below. P.S. - Thanks IndyMike for the Irrigation calculation explanations, it is definitely appreciated!
  6. The new 4.0.4 firmware also shows the "-6.27" inches per hour pressure rate. It is really weird that it is always either correct - or -6.27 Edit: The error log shows some network errors, then establishes and the rate display is correct: Tue 2013/04/30 10:22:02 PM System -140005 CLI-WBug Tue 2013/04/30 10:23:41 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -256/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:24:21 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:28:35 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:29:24 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:31:19 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:32:00 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:34:00 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:36:58 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -256/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:37:41 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -262/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:38:30 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:40:33 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:41:16 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:41:56 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:42:40 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:43:29 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:44:09 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:46:09 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -256/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:46:52 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:47:36 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -5/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:50:24 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -256/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 10:55:23 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -256/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 11:25:55 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -256/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 11:29:51 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -256/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Tue 2013/04/30 11:48:42 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -256/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Wed 2013/05/01 02:52:02 PM System -140005 CLI-WBug Thu 2013/05/02 11:25:48 AM System -5017 37 Thu 2013/05/02 11:09:53 PM System -5012 41 Thu 2013/05/02 11:28:23 PM System -5012 43 Sat 2013/05/04 09:58:11 AM System -5012 51 Mon 2013/05/06 11:30:40 AM System -5 Start Mon 2013/05/06 11:30:48 AM System -170001 [Network] Established
  7. Updated from 4.0.3 - so far so good, no issues. Backup remembers location on Windows 7.
  8. Thanks for the reply. I changed it to 10 minutes, just to be safe. Ten minutes is still fine for me. I thought I read that there might be a change to add another weather network - in addition to Weather bug, is there any truth to that? Wbug is doing OK for me, but more choices would be good.
  9. Thanks for the reply. Until now the data has been reliable. I am getting my info from an airport which is more reliable than local schools, etc. The weird part was that I saw the pressure rate at the exact same number )-6.27" on separate days. It would display that for a while - from most of the day to just an hour or so, then it would clear up and work. I pull data from the W-Bug site every 6 minutes. Is there a recommended interval? Is that too often (or not) ? Thanks...
  10. Has anyone else seen issues with the "Pressure Rate" on the climate module? The rate on my system has been saying "-6.27" inches/h, which would indicate one serious storm... Edit: "Find Me" is also not working, though the "-6.27" has now cleared. I have seen the "-6.27" a few times over the last week.
  11. Sorry for delayed response, but yes - you will see 8 indfividual devices in the EZRain controller. As Lee G said Zone 8 is for the Master Valve. I have two units to cover my 9 sprinkler zones. I ended up creating a program for each independent sprinkler zone. The program is simply 2 lines - for the Then and Else, as shown below. This worked better for me than turning onthe master valve and them cycling through the other EZRain zones. My "control" programs set variables based on temperature, day (only run at most every other day) and rain. So far it is working well. Being able to control from a phone or tablet via Mobilinc Pro is super convenient. The suffix F is front yard, B is back yard - but could be anything, A & B, 1 & 2, etc. Example for Zone1: If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set 'SpB- / SpB-zz Main Valve' On Set 'SpF- / SpF-Zone 1' On Else Set 'SpF- / SpF-Zone 1' Off Set 'SpB- / SpB-zz Main Valve' Off
  12. No problem, I appreciate your assistance. I was just concerned about having the 24v from one EZRain zone 8 going to the other when it was not on.
  13. I am guessing that Pump Control is not enabled, as I have not set it and these are brand new. It would probably be a good idea to get the program you suggested and enable it. What I had in mind, at least for the mean time, was this: I have two controllers. Zone 8 is wired in parallel, for the master valve. So I would turn on Zone 8 on unit one, then run through the zones on unit 2, then turn off zone 8 unit one. Then I would turn on zone 8 on unit 2, run through all the zones on unit 1, then turn off zone 8 on unit 2.
  14. Thanks again, I think I understand. For now I'll just have zone 8 hooked to the master, wired to both controllers. Then when I want to turn on any "real" zone I will just turn on Zone 8 first, then turn on and off the other zones, turning zone 8 off at the very end. Having zone 8 on with other zones will not result in any more water being used as it is just the master valve.
  15. Thanks for the reply. I am not sure what you mean by "The ISY does not support setting the Pump Control option" - does that mean it should not be set in a program or that the ISY will not be able to work with an Master Valve? As it turns out I do have a second PLM. Is there any wiring documentation for a multiple EZRain - Master Valve setup? If I hook up the Master Valve to zone 8 and wire it in parallel to the other ezrain it should be on, on either unit, whenever any other zone is on, correct?
  16. I am changing my sprinkler system to Insteon/ISY control. My system has 9 zones so I needed two EZ Rain controllers (v.28). I am in process of hooking up all the valve controls to the EZ Rain controllers. My system has a master valve which must be on for any other valve to work. My questions are: - How should the Master Valve be wired? Each EZ Rain controller only allows one relay (valve) at a time to be on. If I wire the MV to zone one on Controller 1 and connect a jumper to zone 1 of Controller 2 will it cause any issues - having 24v on when the relay itself is off? This way I can have MV-Zone-1 controller 1 On, while all the actual sprinkler zones are run from controller 2 and MV-Zone-1 controller 2 On, while all the actual sprinkler zones are run from controller 1. My main concern is the parallel connection fro the master valve. Thanks in advance...
  17. Upgraded from 4.0.1 - no new issues. Still need to click on the finder to launch, unless I use my IP address. Update: I cleared the java cache again, on two machines, ran a java update on one (to make the same version) and now both are properly launching when using the UDI link.
  18. Agree, I have had nothing but the best support, for the few times it was needed. I am sure that if I stuck to the official releases it would be easier - but I like running the beta's and helping (I Hope) to debug and make this product better.
  19. Upgraded from 3.3.8 - no issues so far.
  20. Upgraded from 3.3.6 - so far no issues.
  21. Upgraded from 3.3.6, so far no problems.
  22. Upgraded from 3.3.5, so far no issues. Like the themes. Thanks...
  23. Nope, same subnet. IP address last octet is consecutive... I'll try the router reboot. Thanks. update: no change after rebooting the router.
  24. Upgraded from 3.3.4, so far no issues. [edit] OK, well, I do have one issue - but it's not really an ISY firmware issue. I have two machines. On one machine the admin program loads fine, normal, no issues. On my other machine it says "Not Found" every time it starts. The first time it was blank, but I clicked "add" added the URL and successfully opened the admin program. Now when I click the admin.jnlp shortcut it says "Not Found" but lists the URL and opens fine when I click it. This was working fine until I loaded Waterfox as a browser and tried to upgrade to 64-bit Java. Unfortunately 64-bit Java messed up a couple other things and I uninstalled it and went back to "regular" 32-bit java. All my other stuff works and the ISY admin program works - I just get the "not found" on startup. Any suggestions on how to restore the full startup functionality would be appreciated. Thanks...
  25. So far no problems, Upgraded from 3.3.3
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