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Everything posted by stillen_i30

  1. Reading about this and plenty of other posted experiences make me reluctant to upgrade. I too have used UD since the i99 and since then I've had several disasters. It takes a lot to keep things going. I'm not really seeing why the upgrade to eisy is really worth the trouble and >$500 to get zwave as well.
  2. Ok so figured this out...this one was a silly moment...Alexa app lists scenes separately from devices. Even though the device I was trying to control is just a single device, I added the scene with the same name into the ISY portal for alexa and did not realize alexa separates the scenes in a separate section so I never saw it there. Also, I apparently had it in there twice and that was why it was not working. Still baffled on why it discovers my "hallway lights" each and every time as a new device though...strange.
  3. Thanks for the replies I have tried discovering devices several times to no avail I have been going thru to delete some orphaned stuff from the webpage (not the app) but despite this, even adding devices that I've had all along but never added to the myisy portal...i went in and added some of those devices as a test and then tried to "discover" them in alexa and they are not showing up. This was something that would show up right away in the past
  4. Have been using ISY with Alexa portal without issues for a few years until recently If I add a new device, it does not show up in my Alexa app. This is even after adding the device/scene into the ISY portal I am running V3 skill Every time I go to "discover devices" it keeps finding the same device I've had on the profile (and never removed/modified) over and over again as the only device. Things used to work great before...when I would add a device into the portal, it would immediately find it upon "Device discovery" and now, no longer. Also, some devices that are not orphaned and are working fine with alexa voice commands are showing up on the alexa app as "unresponsive." Other devices are not doing this. Something is up and I am not sure how to rectify. I have a bunch of routines in Alexa and hoping I don't have to disable the skill and "Forget All" to rebuild everything...especially if that isn't the best solution. Hoping someone has some ideas to try.
  5. Oh this is super cool, definitely could use this in several rooms. Do you have a sample program I could use to get an idea? I get the condition portion (setting the times of day...probably would need two separate programs for the two parts of of the day)...how about how to adjust these scene levels? Thanks
  6. Since the newer scene capabilities have been implemented in ISY, I have never really figured out how this works. I have a snippet below, but not sure how to program a scene. I currently have a scene controlling my living room lights. There are two devices, a switchlink for the overhead lights and a lamplinc for the lamp in there. I want the lamp to turn on at 75% and I want the overhead lights to turn on at 35% if I were to double-tap the switchlinc's "ON" button. With the old programming method, I would manually just add the devices and set their on levels, but not sure if this newer capability pictured below can do this in one program? If not, what DO these settings do? TIA
  7. My ISY started acting weird yesterday morning, lights were on and programs not working. Got the 403-Library error and asking if I agree to the licensing agreement, no device status in ISY. Removed and re-inserted SD card which solved the issue. Now my Z-wave devices are out of whack. Every time I log in, it cannot communicate with 3 of the 4 Zwave locks. I have two repeaters. I did a "repair links" command for each repeater and lock and still not working. I know the zwave stuff can be really finicky if one little thing goes wrong with the system. Anyone know what else I could try before I have to delete and re-install each of the z-wave devices again? I'm on 5.0.13C TIA
  8. Incredibly dumb of me, I can't believe I have my other programs set like that and I didn't think to do that with this one Thanks
  9. I would like some of the lights outside to fade up when I open my garage door (after it gets dark outside). These lights may already be running on a timer and be at a very dim level. I want them to stay on full brightness for 10 mins (regardless of whether the garage door continues to remain open or closes during that time frame). I have a program that works to turn on the lights (whether I use a variable for the garage door or an insteon status), however, if the door is closed within 10 mins, the program nullifies suddenly and the "Then" portion stops running. Then, these outside lights end up staying on full brightness forever. How do I get the program to continue to stick with running the "then" portion even if the door's status changes within the 10 mins? I have attached the two programs below: Outside Recessed Lights On - [ID 0019][Parent 000D] If From Sunset + 5 seconds To Sunrise (next day) And $s.GarageDoorStatus is 1 Then Set 'Outside Lights / Outside Foyer' Fade Up Set 'Outside Lights / Outside Garage' Fade Up Wait 10 minutes Run Program 'Recessed Lights Timer' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') _________________ Recessed Lights Timer - [ID 0013][Parent 0003] If From Sunset + 5 seconds To 1:30:00AM (next day) Then Set 'Outside Lights / Outside Foyer' On 15% Set 'Outside Lights / Outside Garage' On 15% Else Set 'Outside Lights / Recessed Lights Outside' Off
  10. I would agree. I've been using insteon for about 8 yrs now, but have only recent began using z-wave. Regardless, both are quite unreliable. The reason I got lock access was for convenience and "just in case" scenarios...a bathroom door going into my 4 year old's room was left unlocked for who knows how long, so at least this is an extra layer of security when all else fails.
  11. ok, found some info on geofencing with the phone, never used it before thanks
  12. Thanks. If I set Alexa routine to say "Alexa, good bye" and instead of running the scene, have it run a program changing the variable between home and away, I would definitely need to come home and announce to Alexa that I am home to change the status back, right? I don't want to do the keypad method because we have two different doorways to enter/exit from and my wife most likely won't remember to switch the keypad status on and off every time she enters/exits. Admittedly, we likely won't remember announcing to Alexa we're home just to disable the programs.
  13. I have another question similar to my original. My original was answered with your suggestions since the THEN conditions were met at any time of the day. However, what if I want certain things to happen AFTER a certain time of day? For example, I created a scene called "Goodbye." It contains tons of lights and locks and sets them ALL to off and locked, respectively. I have this set up as a routine in Alexa ("Alexa, Goodbye"). The scene subsequently turns "on" (despite all lights actually set to turn off). What I want is another set of programs that will turn on and off certain lights at random times but ONLY after sunset. So ideally, if I were to leave the house during the day at 1pm and say, "Alexa, Goodbye" all lights will turn off and thats it. However, if I am leaving at 730pm and it's past sunset, then not only do I want ALL lights off, but I want a series of programs to start only after Sunset where the on times are randomized on and off to give the "lived-in" look. So I created a program that sets those time conditions, from sunset to sunrise under IF. For THEN, I have various individual programs that set the lights on, then wait x-random number of mins, then off, then back on again, then wait random time again, off, etc etc. However, how do I link it to the "goodbye" scene when called in Alexa? As it stands now, the program is written to run EVERY sunset to sunrise no matter what. Suggestions on how to tackle this?
  14. As followup, I never was able to remove all three nodes that were stagnant and errored. I ran synchronize and two of the nodes were removed and the third still remains as a duplicate (of my repeater) but hasn't caused any issues and no longer has a red "!" so I left it alone
  15. damn, thanks for confirming this. I will stop trying to add it, effectively stopping me from messing up the rest of my z-wave devices. Any idea why my locks disappeared and when I restored an old backup, the locks now show up but have the red !? I excluded one and re-added, but had to redo all of the scenes and programs with it. Left the other one as it is in case there was an easier solution (new to z-wave commands). Tried rebuilding the links but that didn't do anything
  16. I have Trane XL 824 thermostats and I'm trying to include these in my ISY system. A post a while back said this was not possible. I disconnected it from the Nexia bridge and tried to include the thermostat to no avail. -Every time I try to enter Learn Mode to have the thermostat "shifted" to the ISY, the ISY AC crashes. Even if I don't set the thermostat into shift mode, the AC will crash if I enter learn mode. Firmware 5.0.13C -Both of my Zwave locks have now disappeared from my console suddenly after doing this. How do I get these back? Restoring a prior backup did not resolve the issue (now it does show the locks with a red ! next to them but no communication with them
  17. Does anyone know what the small boxes with what looks to be column headers in the picture are for? They are on the scene section of the ISY with the newest firmware 5.0.13C. Wondering if they are errors or something functional
  18. these are great suggestions, thanks.
  19. I just installed two Z-wave door locks. I created a massive scene with nearly every light in my house in the scene. I called the scene "goodbye." I just learned that Alexa has "routines" to make spoken voice commands easier like, "alexa, turn on fan" instead of unintuitive commands like, "alexa, set fan to 75 percent." Anyway, what I want to do is create an alexa routine called "Goodbye" where it not only activates the scene goodbye and turns off all my lights, but that it also sends a LOCK command to my locks after a 5 min delay. I can't set up delays in the routines just yet within Alexa's app. Also in the ISY, when I try to create a program to this effect, it will not let me select a scene under the "If" section such that, If "Goodbye" scene is 100%/ON, THEN: Wait 5 mins; Lock Door The other thing I wanted to do along the same lines of logic is to have a program that says "if after Sunset to Sunrise the next day AND "Goodbye" scene is ON/100%, THEN run a program where some of the interior lights are on random on/off schedule to simulate someone being home How do I accomplish this?
  20. I remember having the same issue. I think even though mine still had the I0I0 symbol in front of it, it would still work if I were to control it via the console. But I believe I had to remove it from the scene and then remove it from the ISY and then re-link for it to get to work. I don't know if you tried "restore device" yet and whether that produced results? If not, remove and then re-add to ISY and that should clear up the issue.
  21. Anyone with any ideas?
  22. Ok great, will try that thanks
  23. Thanks for the info on these products. Is there any way I can confirm the noisy device? I don't have an oscillator...is there a cheaper solution that I could purchase to test various loads noise-making? I have nearly every bulb in my house LED and some I "think" are noisier than others
  24. Any idea why Mobilinc will not let me run, enable/disable or do anything with any of my programs with ISY? Was there some change with the ISY console that this is not allowed? Installed a trial version of Agave on my same phone and programs ARE working there. What am I missing?
  25. I usually get that icon (when it appears intermittently) when there are comm issues. Unfortunately insteon is very sensitive to noise and needs tons of filters in place to get things working smoothly. I'm on my second major system (second home) and I have not been able to manage getting my system to the reliability levels that others on here have. My old place had hardwired phase couples, numerous access points, filterlincs, etc. New place has less issues, but the more insteon devices I get, the more problems that seem to develop.
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