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Everything posted by stillen_i30

  1. Your replies are MUCH appreciated, glad to find solid support on this forum. Can't believe I totally didn't realize the "next day" thing, thanks for correcting that. Yes, I have a scene set up with the front coach lights and side lights near the garbage cans. I have KPL button C as the controller for that scene. It is not a controller to anything else. Yes, thanks for catching this also. While I do not expect to be taking out the garbage that late (!!!), I did already create a program (which needs work also, but I will try figuring it out on my own first) to, during the daylight hours, automatically turn OFF ANY outdoor light no matter what. I have to link this and my other outdoor light programs to that program to ensure things aren't left on. If none of this works, I will try to split it into 2 programs as suggested. ...waiting for dark to try these out, thanks again.
  2. Hello, recently purchased/installed upwards of 35 insteon devices in my home, along with ISY 99i. Just started writing increasingly complicated programs. Current situation is a keypad near garage entry into home. I want button "C" to use for taking out the garbage. When I press C, I want my front coach lights and side light near garbage cans to turn on full brightness, wait 8 mins and then: 1.) If it's between sunset and 11pm, I have another program for the front coach lights only to run at half brightness. So between these times, if the "C" button on KPL is pressed to turn off the lights or if nothing is pressed and 8 mins passes, then during sunset - 11pm timeframe, the coach lights would revert back to 50% brightness and side light near garbage cans turns off completely. 2.) If it's any time after 11pm, then the both front coach lights AND side light near garbage cans both go off if manually done within 8 mins by pressing the KPL "C" button to off or if 8 mins passes on its own. If From Sunset To Sunrise And Control "Main hallway Keypad C" is switched on Then Set Scene "Garbage Night" On Wait 8 mins Run program "Landscape Lights" (Else Path) Else -No actions- My "Landscape Lights" program basically has the front landscape lights on AND front coach lights at half-brightness between sunset and 11pm, otherwise they're off. This is why I linked to that program's else section which says to just turn those lights all off. So the program works to turn on when "C" is pressed, but the lights never shut off (this was tested past 11pm, so I expected all the lights to shut completely off after 8 mins as per running the Landscape Lights program Else path. What am I missing? Thanks in advance.
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