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Everything posted by stillen_i30

  1. cool, thanks. Does the X10 filter wire in at the breaker panel? I may need several of these...
  2. Installed new Hyperikon LED T8 tubes in the garage the other day and suddenly, communications have become difficult once again. Any way to filter these? There are three fixtures with 4 tubes each for the garage.
  3. ok this was the solution. thanks. even after using the ISY and insteon after this many years, I had many of my programs calling individual devices instead of the scenes I created.
  4. i have it set up to control the device itself in Alexa. Should it be set to the scene for this to work reliably? I figured the ISY should be able to pick up the state change from off to ON even though the individual device is called to turn on (and not the scene) but would still reflect on the KPL button? I will change it now and test Thanks
  5. I had a device plugged in (I think it was a TV) that was not behind a filterlinc. Then I noticed major issues thinking it was a bad PLM. So i bought a spare PLM. Before it arrived, I realized the device may require a filterlinc and sure enough, everything returned back to normal when the device was filtered. Then I realized I already have a backup PLM, so now I have two of them!
  6. Have very recent KPLs. Button LEDs are not updating when the lights are turned on from any other method other than manually pressing the button on the KPL. Example: I have a light in the backyard linked to KPL button A. It is both controller and responder in the scene for said light. When I ask alexa to turn said light on, the KPL button LED corresponding to said light does NOT turn to indicate the light is indeed on. What is the solution? Buttons are set to toggle default
  7. Thanks for your reply (as usual). I forgot about the Wiki and did just refer to it. After multiple combinations I was able to get the right one back again. The wiki (and multiple other threads) mention to use momentary A however, for my setup at both current and old place, momentary B and switching the button toggle to non-toggle (ON) (thanks for that tip) and turning all relay ON level sliders to 0% makes it behave as I want it to (KPL light ON until door closed all the way when it shuts off, press KPL once to open, press again to stop door, press again to close door).
  8. We moved to a new house and I brought my ISY with me. Have exactly the same two garage door setup as we did in the old house. At the old place, I was able to get it set up (using the Seco-larm SM-226L sensors) so that the KPL buttons for each door would be lit ON when the door(s) were open. If while the door was opening or fully open you hit the KPL button again to stop it (or get it to close), the light would stay ON until the door closed. My current setup does not function like this anymore and instead, the KPL light goes out and stays out until the door closes. The reason why I don't like this is because if I stop the door and it remains open, the sensor should still be reporting the door as open, thus keeping the KPL light ON. Now what happens is: when the door is open and the KPL light is ON, I press the KPL button and the light goes out. It doesn't turn back on until you press it again to open the door after it was fully closed. With my old setup (the combo of myriad options in my ISY is lost as it was all removed with the clean start at new place) the KPL light would stay ON until the door closed. Any ideas on how to fix this? I've tried what I thought to be all possible combos (reversing wires, options, etc). My current setup is as follows: -Sensors use red and black wires (not using the green wire...again, I went with the old Seco-Larm sensor SM-226L) -Momentary A -KPL buttons are non-toggle OFF -ON level for the scene on the relay is set for the relay to be OFF -Trigger reverse is unchecked
  9. I just sold my house which had numerous insteon devices throughout. I had an isy 994 that was non pro and quickly needed the pro version as my network grew. So the 994 was going to be useless and i left that behind for the new owners. I kept all my plug in modules. I left all my keypads and switchlincs. I left 3 inlinelincs for the motion sensing floods which were too high up to retrieve and rewire again. also left behind some outdoor modules that were high up (for those globe lights). After reducing the number of devices, the 994 non pro was able to accommodate all the devices. I wanted to take out some keypadlincs but the wiring was too complicated when I did them, esp since the original decora switches were screw type connections and the insteon ones are wire twist. So some of the neutrals and hots that had jumpers to a wire twist were gone as I had directly wired them and was too lazy to go back and undo everything. Some of my switches were pretty old, like 2011 and 2012. I left behind basic information on how to log into the ISY and wrote on there that I recommend hiring an electrician or home automation company. The new owners still would have their realtor send my realtor emails on how to do this and that long after the sale was complete. I stopped responding since I have two jobs as a busy doc and didn't have time with two little kids and dealing with our new place (much older). It isn't easy to put in a network and it's definitely hard to take it back out.
  10. Could you describe the process you developed and went through to isolate each device you discovered was an Insteon offender? Did you follow the same process for each device? How did you end up filtering the devices (like the instant hot water?). Has anyone noticed that coupling the two phases both close to and as far from the circuit breaker made things worse? If so, how did you overcome this and reliable bolster your network communications?
  11. Where the PLM is located (near sound bar, TV etc), they're all plugged into one power strip which is then plugged into the filter and then the wall. The PLM is on its own plug next to it. I did change the times by 30 mins of the recessed outdoor lights. I did not change the times on the programs for the landscape lights. I rebuild the program for the lights and deleted the old one. This morning, all lights were off as they should be. I will continue to monitor and update. I have always found my insteon system to be finicky. I always attributed it to my old house having 3 separate panels (two main house panels and a third panel for all my pool equipment that was piggybacked off one of the main panels). The more devices I added (and there were quite a bit), the more problems I would experience. I am experiencing that same thing in my new place, which is much simpler (much older home). I have much fewer devices but as I've been adding more slowly, I feel I am getting more communications issues. Anyone else have this same experience with their network?
  12. I have not tried to move the PLM around yet. I will try that next. Other items on that same circuit are basically plenty of electronics (my ISY is currently in the family room with the TV and sound bar, amazon firestick, NAS server, switch, router, etc...this is an older house without wired ethernet all over so I am limited on where I can place the PLM). However, all of those items are on separate plug with filter. Most TVs in the house are on a filter, although I admit I was not able to place all of them on filters. I will try that next. I did install two hot water recirculation pumps (the grundfos ones) that could also be the culprit...they're both on appliancelinc modules. I am not sure I can add a filter to them since they are too high powered to do so (filterlink is 10A and these are 15A i think)
  13. Every time I log into my admin console now, I randomly get a "Cannot communicate with XXX" message and a red "!" by the device, which if I just send an "on" or "off" command to via the admin console, the red "!" disappears. Never had this issue before.
  14. Oh ok, yeah I know about the four tap method...i used that to set up my access points and I have those confirmed they're on opposite legs. I was thinking you had some other method that I didn't know about!
  15. Makes sense...i will try the varying times. I will note however that some of the programs that are supposed to turn off in the middle of the night are not turning off at various times (ex, lamp set to turn off at 1:30am but doesn't, also outdoor light switch supposed to turn off at 5am but doesn't). I am pretty sure my legs are both communicating but how can I make sure?
  16. All bulbs are LED (they were all the same LEDs in my old place...took them out and using them in the new place). Some are plug in modules, one is outdoor on/off module, and some regular dimmer switches. When you mention changing the on/off times, do you mean for both devices or for one device (keeping the other the same). What are you thinking as the culprit? PLM or ISY?
  17. Sure. This program is simple and has worked fine for several months before last week All Landscape Lights - [ID 0004][Parent 0003] If From Sunset + 15 minutes To 1:30:00AM (next day) Then Set 'Outside Lights / Front Landscape Lights' On Set 'Outside Lights / Back Landscape Lights' On Else Set 'Outside Lights / Front Landscape Lights' Off Set 'Outside Lights / Back Landscape Lights' Off
  18. Hello, Moved to a new home about 6 mos ago. Have a much smaller network than in my previous place but it is slowly getting larger once again. I have one panel and both phases are linked with APs in the house. Everything has worked great until this past week when I noticed random devices that are supposed to be either turned on or off by a program will not work. Random lights are on in the morning (whereas their associated devices may be off) or certain lights (landscape lights for example) are barely ever turning on now in the evening. However, once I use mobilinc or admin console to manually turn them on/off it works. Scene test shows success for all devices in scenes. I have not had any communication issues previously. No new devices lately. My PLM is virtually new (it was a backup PLM in my previous home but I never had to use it before moving out) and it is the "improved" type that's not "supposed" to burn out Any ideas on what I should be focusing on for diagnosing the issue?
  19. Definitely something to consider and yes, very easy to do. Do you have any info on i/olinc vs zwave solutions as far as longevity in garage?
  20. I wouldn't know for sure...haven't researched it yet but just speculating...kinda like trying pepsi, finding out you dont like it so assuming your other best option is coke. But you're right, i may have worse luck with zwave. However, living in AZ, even with an insulated garage, temps would rise to 120+ in there. Plus, with my i/olinc being on the ceiling (where the opener plug was), the hottest likely point of the garage in the summer. Those I/Olincs wouldn't last more than 2 yrs. I went thru five of them total for 2 doors. As I mentioned in a previous post, the one and only miLocks I used was also terrible...would chew up batteries and so I want more options with Zwave. I will try them out...anyone have any suggestions for a good kit for the garage door and for lock control?
  21. Hello, I posted before about a dilemma I was having...whether or not to continue using insteon in my new home. Already have an ISY 994iPRO and decided to continue using Insteon for light control, but I want to use notification and lock control using Zwave. Planning to get the zwave module (thanks to those who responded in my other thread about this). I want to use Insteon primarily to control the lights (indoor/outdoor) but I want to use Zwave for garage door control and notifications (whether garage door is left open or not) and for door locks. I had both of these controlled by insteon in my old place and found it extremely unreliable (said garage door was open numerous times when it wasn't...too many false alarms). My question is whether I can have both Zwave and insteon devices be part of the same program, for example: -I would like to have zwave controlled sensors sense the position of my garage door (which here in Arizona, my I/Olincs would burn out every year from the heat) and use this status of open or closed to control my garage overhead lights (which are insteon switches)...all in the same program? Thanks!
  22. Ok nevermind, I saw the link with the zwave module. Is this the only way to simultaneously have both technologies controlled by one isy?
  23. Thanks for the suggestions. How do I simultaneously have my Insteon plm and zwave control modules hooked up to the isy?
  24. I have been an ISY and insteon user for several years. I had a pretty extensive network. My old home had three service panels and despite multiple phase couplers (hardwired and plugin), my network communication went to crap despite everything I tried. At any rate, we sold the home and all of the wire-in modules stayed with the house, but I did take my 994i pro (left behind a 994i for new owner) and all my plug in modules. I have been tempted to use a different technology but am most familiar with my isy and insteon. My biggest question is whether or not we can use the same 994i with insteon AND zwave/zigbee products at the same time? My main concern was the door locks...the MiLocks were terrible on battery life and despite warranty replacements, batteries died on a weekly basis for all 4 of my locks. I want to use a different brand now and wondered if I can still get status updates and control (via mobilink) to other brands of locks?
  25. Thanks for the information. I ordered a new switch. Kinda bummed to have to replace something that stopped working just because of turning off the power (With the intent to actually make it work better). Anyhow, I have severe communications issues in various rooms of the house that have not been solved by adding a second hard wired phase coupler. I have 5 access points and all TVs and computers on filterlincs (4500 sq ft house). It seems my issues are only worsening the more devices I add (~80 devices total). My christmas tree is plugged into an ICON appliance plug-in module. It worked fine until before turning off the main power to install the phase coupler. Here is event log of me turning on, off then back on again this module, whats the issue here? The unit frequently has a red "!" sometimes and other times not. Wed 12/02/2015 09:56:03 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 18 EC C8 0F 13 00 Wed 12/02/2015 09:56:03 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 18.EC.C8 0F 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00) Wed 12/02/2015 09:56:04 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 18.EC.C8 34.E8.89 2B 13 00 LTOFFRR(00) Wed 12/02/2015 09:56:04 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 18.EC.C8-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Wed 12/02/2015 09:56:04 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [18 EC C8 1] [sT] [0] uom=0 prec=-1 Wed 12/02/2015 09:56:04 PM : [ 18 EC C8 1] ST 0 Wed 12/02/2015 09:56:06 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 18 EC C8 0F 11 FF Wed 12/02/2015 09:56:06 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 18.EC.C8 0F 11 FF 06 LTONRR (FF) Wed 12/02/2015 09:56:07 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 18.EC.C8 34.E8.89 2B 11 FF LTONRR (FF) Wed 12/02/2015 09:56:07 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 18.EC.C8-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Wed 12/02/2015 09:56:07 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [18 EC C8 1] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1 Wed 12/02/2015 09:56:07 PM : [ 18 EC C8 1] ST 255 Wed 12/02/2015 09:56:12 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 18 EC C8 0F 13 00 Wed 12/02/2015 09:56:12 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 18.EC.C8 0F 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00) Wed 12/02/2015 09:56:16 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [18 EC C8 1] [ERR] [1] uom=0 prec=-1 Wed 12/02/2015 09:56:16 PM : [ 18 EC C8 1] ERR 1
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