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Everything posted by stillen_i30

  1. I have a program that prevents any of the outdoor lights from being turned on and if they were turned on, they would be shut off immediately. This program is only active until after sunset. Sometimes with cloud cover here in PHX, it gets darker earlier outside and I want to temporarily disable this program just for that one day to allow any of the outside lights to be manually turned on, but the following night, revert back to normal operation. How do I achieve something like this? Variables? If so, can an example be provided? Thanks
  2. Thanks for the tip Michel. I was able to confirm IR commands are working which helped me to realize I made a silly mistake with the timing restrictions for my IR programs as the reason for it not working.Got it up and running fine now.
  3. I have a ton of recessed can lights. All were using incandescent bulbs until I started replacing them with LED floods (BR30s from Phillips). I wrote a prior topic that my subwoofer on a different circuit was picking up a lot of buzzing noise when my KPL dimmer had 7 of these LEDs dimmed. I did installed a line filter from smarthome onto the circuit breaker for the subwoofer (ACT AF300) but that made no difference. At any rate, things were still working fine until I replaced a bunch more floods. I unscrewed a bunch of CFLs to reduce the line noise/disturbance. I already had a signalinc in the breaker panel. Since replacing two KPL dimmers to the newest versions, the line noise still continues in the subwoofer (I thought replacing the dimmer since the old ones were VERY old versions woudl fix it but it did not). At any rate, when I do scene tests in ISY, it shows multiple devices failing now and down to 0 hops left. At least half of my devices are dual band. I have a bunch of access points scattered around the house. Signalinc in place. All major electronics behind filterlincs. Any help/ideas? Scene reliability has reduced significantly. Not sure I can cast the blame on the LED bulbs entirely.
  4. Thanks for the excellent writeup and snapshots. I have a harmony ultimate and ISY 994i/IR I tried the same exact process and it is not working. I have a scene programmed to initiate with IR code 001 and when I sync it over to the remote and write the program in ISY exactly as the the write-up says to do, there is no response from the ISY. Anything I could be missing?
  5. Finally got the 994i to replace the 99i. Had some older 8 button keypads that I replaced with new ones (which is why I had to get the 994). I did the "replace with" command and clicked on my old 8 button keypad to have it replaced by the new one (also 8 button), and after going through all the motions, it reset and when reloaded admin console, its still showing my new device ID as the name and none of the scenes transposed to the new device, and the old device is now missing and I cannot just do the replacement manually. Anyone know why this is? I can restore the backup so I haven't lost the old settings (yet) but how am I supposed to really do this? Does the old switch still need to be powered on the network for this to work?
  6. I'm still trying to figure out how this is supposed to work. The instructions from Smarthome say to use momentary C. Many of the writeups say to use momentary A. I've been using C for the past few yrs. What I did was I changed the momentary to A and changed the button controlling the garage door to NON-TOGGLE (ON). This seems to make only ONE of the KPL work exactly the same way as my regular garage door opener button (you click it to open, click again to stop the door in its current half-open position, click a third time to close the door). This is the way I desire...it works perfectly, the LED on the KPL stays on when the door is open and NEVER lets you turn the light off as long as the door remains open. However, my second KPL controlling the same door no longer works when set up the same way...mainly because the ISY will not let me move the "on level" bar to 100% for the non-functioning KPL button. I can slide it and when I click on something else and click back onto it, the "on level" reverts back to 0%! The way the Smarthome instructions say to set it up is that its set to momentary C and you hit the KPL button to open the door (KPL LED now turns on), then you hit the same KPL again and the LED turns off and door stops. Then you hit KPL button a third time and nothing happens with the door but the LED simply turns back on, and then have to hit it a fourth time to get the door to close back again and the KPL light goes off. The writeup suggesting using momentary A and making the buttons Non toggle on works better but as suggested above, but only for the one KPL and not the other. Anyone know why I cannot set the "on level" to 100% for both of the KPL buttons?
  7. Got a new KPL to replace the old one and it is now not clicking and dysfunctional anymore like the old one. Moved the old one to another location where two CFLs were in the sockets, and even when off, was causing problems with the KPL. So I unscrewed the bulbs and now the KPL seems to be settling down. I have a bunch of BR30 LED floods (good brand, Phillips) on the kitchen light circuit. When dimmed, the KPL creates significant line noise that is picked up by my velodyne subwoofer nearby (but on a different circuit). I replaced this KPL with the newest available also but the problem still persists. Now I have an extra KPL!. Anyway, I also purchased a line filter so we'll see if that helps to quiet the line noise (it's huge though...hopefully I can get it to fit into my breaker panel)
  8. After further testing, if I dim the load that causes the KPL to click and have the backlights dim all the way to off (and all buttons become non functional). If I have the load on at full brightness, the KPL clicks again and all the backlights turn on (whichever scenes are active) and the KPL becomes functional again. With the 20% off at smarthome this week, anyone think its worth buying a newer KPL (are the newer ones more tolerable of dimming CFL and LED loads, or has that aspect not changed since my original version KPL?)
  9. Thanks for the replies. The KPL whose LEDs go dim when the load in question is on (four Phillips BR30 LED floods 10.5 = 65w, all rated for dimming) is wired to code with ground and is not the two-wire model. I have another similar KPL acting similarly in lit stairwell once six A19 Phillips LED dimmable 9watt bulbs were installed, but that one only flickered a few times after first installed and still works when the load is on. The display on the KPL no longer flickers/clicks. The KPL in question above does not respond at all when the load is on, only response when load is off (and LEDs light back up again when load is off) and clicks/flickers continuously. Also, I noticed today a buzzing noise coming from my subwoofer that is plugged into likely the same circuit the LED floods are on...very weird and not happy!
  10. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with some of the new LED bulbs coming out lately. I've begun slowly converting to LED. I've noticed that many of the KPLs I have (2486D KPL v.35) are older and have issues when LEDs are running on their circuit. One switch I have is a 5-way and one of these KPLs keeps flashing/clicking and the LEDs on the KPL go dim when the load is on (but it is not even the load-bearing switch). Another KPL of the same version on the same circuit (again, not load bearing) does not do this but I'm wondering why this happens? I cannot control the load when the lights are on but once the lights are off then the KPL will work. Anyone else have experience with LED bulbs and insteon devices?
  11. Have 2 garage doors in the insteon system with programs set up to notify us if they're left open every half hour. Everything has worked flawlessly for the past two plus yrs with this until the last month or two where the notifications have simply stopped (this has done a number on my confidence in reliability with this system). The programs are all still there and I'm able to successfully send test notifications. Any ideas where to start looking to get this corrected? TIA
  12. Thanks for the suggestions. I just wanted to clarify that the time should just be 9am to 9:05 the same day? Also, the idea of sending the notification was excellent, didn't think of that. This will help greatly as the two incidents with either of my thermostats (both T1700/2491T1E) caused the temperatures to be ridiculously out-of-whack (cool 15 and heat 123 for example). Your program says that when the actual temperature is >85 or <55 then you will be set the alert. However, if the current temperature in your room is 80 and the thermostat gets an erroneous command to heat to 123, you will not be immediately notified...will using "STATUS THERMOSTAT >85 (HEAT SETPOINT) OR STATUS THERMOSTAT <55 (COOL SETPOINT)" work in this regard?
  13. Hello, I need help writing a thermostat program. Our master bedroom has a separate thermostat (insteon) The behavior I desire: 1.) Between hours of 9am and 6pm, the thermostat should self-adjust itself to heat 85 cool, 60 heat (when nobody is usually in the room) 2.) Nightly, we will manually adjust the temperature ourselves 3.) If between the hours of 9am and 6pm the temperature is manually adjusted, the thermostat will allow this until the following day when it reverts back to the original rule in #1 above Any help is appreciated. Also had a few instances where random unattainable temperatures were suddenly sent to various thermostats around the house causing the equipment to run constantly wasting energy and running continuously for long hours attempting to reach such temperatures...anyone else have such a thing occur and if so, any way to protect against this?
  14. I have a keypad button that controls my MorningLinc lock. When the button A is pressed, the backlight on button A turns on and the following happen: -The door lock does nothing -The MAIN lights controlled by the KPL6's ON button turn on too! When button A is pressed again, the backlight on A turns off and the following happens: -The door finally unlocks -The MAIN lights turn off Now, my intention was for this button to be pressed once and the door unlocks all the time after just one press (is this even possible?) Also, I do NOT want the main lights turning on with this...I have checked all my scenes and programs and see NONE where the main lights turn on by pressing the KPL button A. Do I have some extraneous link in there and if so, how do I diagnose and correct this issue? Thanks
  15. I have a scene where a keypad'd "Main" button controls kitchen lights. I have several keypads whose versions are v.35 which have a button called "Kitchen Lights" which are supposed to update their backlit buttons to show if the kitchen lights are off or not off. For example, if I engage a scene which turns on the kitchen lights to 45% on level, I also want the "Kitchen Lights" buttons on all those keypads to turn on too, but despite my program, they will not turn on or off when the scene is activated. Here is a copy of my programs: If Status 'Kitchen / Kitchen Overhead Lights' is not Off Then Set 'Home Theater / Home Theater Keypad B' On 12 / Off 6 (Backlight Level) Set 'Main Hallway / Main Hallway Lights 2 KPL / Main Hallway Foyer KPL B' On 12 / Off 6 (Backlight Level) Set 'Main Hallway / Main Hallway Lights 3 KPL / Main Hallway Stairs KPL B' On 12 / Off 6 (Backlight Level) Set 'Office / Office Lights Keypad - D' On 12 / Off 6 (Backlight Level) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If Status 'Kitchen / Kitchen Overhead Lights' is Off Then Set 'Home Theater / Home Theater Keypad B' On 0 / Off 6 (Backlight Level) Set 'Main Hallway / Main Hallway Lights 2 KPL / Main Hallway Foyer KPL B' On 0 / Off 6 (Backlight Level) Set 'Main Hallway / Main Hallway Lights 3 KPL / Main Hallway Stairs KPL B' On 0 / Off 6 (Backlight Level) Set 'Office / Office Lights Keypad - D' On 0 / Off 6 (Backlight Level) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') What am I missing here?
  16. I have two large LED strip light sets. For one, I recently hooked it up to a lamplinc dimmer module (only one I had sitting around) in my office. When the office main light is turned on, this LED set also turns on. It will not dim up or down due to presence of brick transformer. I have not seen one that dims from the power source. My lamplinc is set to "fast on" for the LED set.
  17. ok I rechecked everything and now it is working fine...don't know why it was different last night. At any rate, if upon entry into the bathroom someone were to manually turn the fan on and then forget to turn it off, would the above programs still turn it off automatically?
  18. Thanks for the suggestion...tried the above and the following problem occurs: -When the lights switch is turned on, the fan remains off, however, once I turn OFF the lights switch the fan turns on??
  19. Hello, I have a bathroom light controlled by one switchlinc and an exhaust fan by another switchlinc. I'm not the best with variables and could not yet get a good footing on how to use them... What I would like to do is: -If someone turns on the bathroom light to use the toilet under 5 mins, only the light will turn on/off manually (by the person) -If someone is going to take a shower and turns on the light, after 5 mins the fan will turn on and run for 30 mins then turn off I know I can do this with programs alone, but can someone show me how I could write a simple program using variables (and whether its state or integer)? Thanks
  20. I have 3 keypadlincs controlling two garage doors. Both garage doors have the I/Olinc garage door package installed and otherwise working fine. However, I have a small issue I was wondering someone could help me figure out: If I want to open the garagedoor using one of my KPLs, I simply press the button ONCE and the corresponding KPL button light turns on on the KPL and the door opens. HOWEVER, my other 2 KPLs require TWO presses before the same garage door opens. On both of those, one press turns the KPL button light on (but the door doesn't open yet). It requires a SECOND press of the same button, which turns the light off and THEN the door opens, which turns the KPL light back on to show the door is open. Why the difference and how to get it set up where one press turns the light on AND opens the door?
  21. I had issues with my morninglinc and lock (one lock) a year ago. The lock behaved similarly to what you described, and my morninglinc was seemingly unresponsive. I think it even showed up in the ISY console as not responding. At any rate, I think I rectified the problem by having smarthome send a new unit (morninglinc only). I believe I reset the entire thing (destroyed old link between lock and ML and re-establish with new ML). It has now worked. I believe the ML they sent me was also updated compared to the prior one I had (version-wise). My morning lockset isn't very durable...the keypad has already glazed over from the afternoon sun exposure of one summer. To unlock (or lock, can't remember which), you have to enter the code and press the button twice to get it to respond. Other than this it has been ok...but honestly not impressed with this lock solution as it is extremely flaky and I hate replacing the batteries every few months.
  22. ok, tried to monitor the event viewer at level 3. Turning certain light switches on/off did not even make an event pop up its address on the viewer. I also noticed today that only certain switches are working, others are not showing their updated changes in the admin console (some switches showing updated on/off but others not). However, if I turn a device on or off using the console or mobilinc from my smart phone, THEN only does the device status change in sync with what the lights are doing. Local changes are not effecting status changes in the console. I had this problem before in the past when I relocated my PLM and when plugging it into a tight spot, the "set" button must have inadvertently pressed down and this same behavior where the console and ISY were no longer recognizing device statuses anymore occurred. I think I ended up re-linking everything to eventually get it to work but that was a painstaking process at that time, now that I have tons of devices that would be unthinkable. I don't know if there would be an easier solution to this problem? BTW, ISY was fully backed up today just in case.
  23. yes the statuses update properly in the console which is why I'm so baffled
  24. yes, I did forget to mention that the time-triggered programs ( turn flood light on at 9pm) seem to be working, but the ones that depend on other devices are suddenly not. an example is a switch I use to turn on the shower lights trigger the switch that turns on the bathroom fan for 30 mins is not working ( shower lights manually turn on but fan doesn't start ).
  25. My ISY and PLM have been working near-perfectly for the past two yrs. Today, I logged in to add a new device (in-line linc). It had been a while and I accidentally clicked "start linking" instead of "add new insteon device." at any rate, the new device never seemed to link (forgot the exact error message). At any rate, I logged out and logged back in and subsequently kept getting messages that my ISY is now running in Safe Mode and to check my PLM. No commands could be sent from the console or MobiLinc to any of the devices. The green light on the PLM was out and I unplugged/plugged it and ISY back in numerous times until suddenly once when plugging in the PLM the green light came on solid and it made its typical beep. When I logged back into ISY it synced up for about 5 mins again and appeared to be working again. Well, now the device statuses are showing up again in the console, and I can send on/off commands, however, none of my programs are working now. Statuses still showing up. Any idea of what this is all about?
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