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Everything posted by binaryman

  1. Done. Keep in mind it errors with "cannot retrieve file /conf/2" and "cannot create zip". It does however create a .zip which I sent
  2. 2.und does not exist but just 2 does. Is there a command to rename this file?
  3. Yeah tried that and didn't see it. Will re-adding it replace that file? I see the file there with ls command and says -1 next to it (if that means anything).
  4. I've only upgraded this new isy twice and never gotten into the file system. Don't remember seeing this error before. It was restored from a 99i (to 994i). Any backup I may have that may contain this would be very old, if I could find it, and several versions ago.. Any other options? Suggestions?
  5. I have 3 imeters connected to my isy, and historically have all worked great. I'm not sure when it started, but went into my console today and one is not reporting any data. Tried restore, write updates, and can query fine, just lists all 0s for data used and instantaneous. Ideas?
  6. So I have two issues.. for the first, I updated to the newest stable version 3.31? going into the admin console, I see my 8 button keypad is missing a button, and that button has dropped from the scenes it was in (was used for the garage door). I decided to try to update to the 4.03 beta, and it's still missing.. any ideas? Also, during this upgrading I tried to do a backup. It always fails with file /conf/2 (I think it's supposed to be /conf/2.und?). I read on another post for different file to telnet in and run rf command on this file, but it errors out as well. Ideas?
  7. I have a similar issue with /conf/2. I've tried using the rf command, and it says "*error: cannot delete file: /conf/2". Ideas?
  8. Any plans for the ISY-994i to support the "smartenit 5010T ZBPCM" to retrieve power usage information from the "Blue Line PowerCost Monitor and Energy Meter II"?
  9. I upgraded to 3.2.6 from last stable version, and now all my programs are gone. They're still running, so they exists... just can't see them in java console. I've tried on a mac, and a pc. deleted java cache, etc. still no luck. anyone have any ideas??
  10. Yes I'm using a ur19 as well. Probably not a way to get them to send once or have the ezx10rf send once huh. Any idea if home link will send more than once after learning as well?
  11. Ok, set up a couple test programs and see that now. Weird though.. The "unlock door turn lights program" that turns off lights and locks if pushed again uses a variable to determine what state it's in. Found I have to put a 5 second pause before setting that variable now, as the ezx10rf sends the command twice and without the pause just unlocks and then relocks the door right away.. Is it supposed to send commands twice do you know? Also been able to look at the event log and see what you mean by the other commands, so got that all set.
  12. binaryman

    EZx10RF help

    So, got the ezx10rf today and got it linked to the ISY for A1, A2, and A3 using an rf x10 remote. I'm using this for homelink btw... I have programs that run when it receives a 'x10 a1 on' command (opens garage door, turns on light, shuts garage door after wait and some lights off a bit later for when arriving at house), 'x10 a2 on' command (shuts garage, turns off lights, etc. for leaving house), and an 'x10 a3 on' command (unlocks door, turns light on. if received again within an hour, turns lights off and locks door. use this for pulling in at lunch). These three command are programmed to the homelink system. I got this EZx10RF to replace the tm752 POS. issue is, is that the ezx10rf only detects 'on' or 'off', none of the other x10 commands (all on, all off, etc)? Also, since my programs rely on the 'on' command being "received", I need a way to set the ezx10rf back to off, which looks like can't be done without sending RF x10 off command (tried insteon set command, tried x10 off command). Funny thing is looking at the event viewer I see insteon traffic when sending the 'on' key a second time, or even 'all on', 'all off', etc. But looks like ISY is probably ignoring these subsequent ons? also, is it ignoring these other x10 commands or do they map to "fast on, fast off, bright, dim, etc.". You may say run arriving program with 'on', leaving with 'off' etc... but there's a chance the 'on' command may be received twice before an 'off' command (if I come home, then my wife comes home not thinking but wants lights on etc.). Is this a limitiation of the ezx10rf, or the way it integrates into ISY? or is there a solution for this? if it's an ISY limitiaion, what's preventind UD from integrating more deeply with the ezx10rf?
  13. just to verify cause it makes this make sense... If I have a scene with 2 controllers... the scene (isy plm) is a controller for the 2 'responders' which have links as responders... as well as 'controller 1' has responder links for 'controller 2' and vice versa. so kind of 3 controllers, 2 responders...
  14. hmm I guess part of my confusion. All is starting to click now... would have made more sense if in pic1 they had put "for controller" "set responder" instead of "in scene" "set"... just for me anyways.. Also, as you see in pic 2, doesn't look like yours.. when selecting the scene only see the switchlinc? maybe part of my confusion as well. and when I select the switchlinc as controller under scene, only see "applied locally" instead of responder as well (pic3), though technically I guess you can't set the ramp rates of keypadlincs so wouldn't matter anyways? would be nice\cool if could ramp up\set brightness of that little led behind the button via scene but not a big deal... And again I'm confused why you can set the applied rates locally via ISY selecting on device, or by choosing the device as both controller\responder in set scene (even if only device in scene), but can't just say "set insteon ramp rate ...." etc.
  15. Lee I read what you wrote here and makes more sense now: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=7423 But now just a bit confused.. When I select a controller below the scene and adjust the rate there you say that's only for the responders when that controller is pushed, and that the applied locally affects only locally at that switch. But when I select a device below the scene the only thing shows is applied locally even though it's a controller for other devices. Why is this? Is this affecting the local rate then or the responders/link rate? Or both? Is there a way to change one or the other separately? And if you can change the ramp rate locally if a device is in a scene, still don't understand why you can't if it's not in a scene.. Sorry if this makes perfect sense to you and I'm in left field
  16. Apologies figured id break all my questions out. If the responders are controllers also though, I don't want to set the "applied locally" rate of the controller, just the scene. If I select a responder (controller) it seems to set this applied locally rate and I don't want that. Just want the scene rate adjusted. Any way to do this?
  17. So I set the on level for a switchlinc to 23%.. but seems if you hold the dimmerswitch you can dim up to 100%.. is this by design and any way around it?
  18. I have 2 controllers in a scene, realize that the levels of each controller is how the other controllers (or responders in that case) react.. and know can change these in a program.. Question is, how to adjust the scene's ramp rate and level itself for when a program turns a scene on\off and there ARE two controllers such as in this case? If can't do this, why? Seems it'd be advantageous to have the local controller level set to one thing all the time, and then adjust scene settings for when programs run it and have different settings based on time of day etc.
  19. also why cant you adjust scene ramp rates\levels with a program??
  20. seems really weird they'd allow you to change ramp rate locally, and via scene, but can't send a command to change it directly on the device... out of curiousity, does that mean when the ISY is dimming a device using a ramp rate it is sending a ton of different dim commands, or any idea how it does this without telling the device what the ramp rate should be? anyways, so if I have two devices as controllers in a scene, what is the purpose\effect of the scene levels, vs keypadlinc levels, vs switchlinc levels? And if I want to write a program that dims the light slowly over 6 minutes then goes back to normal ramp rates etc... how do I do that?
  21. And why does a device need to be in a scene to adjust the ramp rate etc. why can't you do it directly?
  22. Hmm.. Still confused.. So what is the scene ramp rate/level in the isy for? And if their both controllers, how do I accomplish what I want to do? What does adjusting ramp rate on the keypadlinc do?
  23. so.. help me to understand... I have a scene with a switchlinc and keypadlinc. I'm confused as to what the ramp rate on the switchling, versus the keypadlnc, versus the scene do.... also doesn't seem to be a way to adjust a scene ramp rate with isy, only a device in a scene.. why is this? Help me understand this interaction? Also, what brought up this question... I want to have a program that runs at night, sets the ramp rate for a bedroom light to 6 minutes, dims it to off over this time, then switches the ramp rate back to normal for the next day (light to help my son go to sleep). This is my program and doesn't work, so I'm not understanding something...: If Time is 9:30:00PM Then In Scene 'Landon's Room' Set 'Landon's Room' 6.0 Min (Ramp Rate) Set Scene 'Landon's Room' Off Wait 6 minutes and 5 seconds In Scene 'Landon's Room' Set 'Landon's Room' 0.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  24. I have an outdoor appliancelinc connected to my hot tub to turn it on and off. I do this because it's an old hot tub, and if I run it all the time it uses $150 in electricity a month... My problem is this. I have several of the following programs, but it doesn't seem to shut it off after the wait period is over: If Module 'Climate' Temperature < 36 °F And Module 'Climate' Temperature >= 27 °F And ( Time is 2:00:00PM Or Time is 9:00:00PM Or Time is 3:00:00AM Or Time is 7:00:00AM ) Then Set 'Hot Tub - Outdoors' On Wait 1 hour Set 'Hot Tub - Outdoors' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If I shut it off manually it works fine, don't think it's an insteon communication thing at all that I know of... but anybody have any ideas?
  25. Ok, makes more sense. So water applied per irrigation cycle is water applied per minute? What if this amount is different per zone? Is there an easy way to run the sprinklers long enough each time to make up the irrigation requirement versus just saying 'if it's greater than x run the sprinklers 10 minutes'?
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