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Everything posted by binaryman

  1. Also the isy is connected to a switch before the router so link negotiation is not the issue
  2. Done that and is newest firmware. Also, isy doesn't lose net connection, and can access it just it won't resolve dns
  3. ok, I think i get it now... I guess I'll play with it a bit once it warms up see what I get. So the water defecit, lists how much was lost the day before from evapotranspiration? and irrigation requirements lists how much is needed to even that out? and I can use allowable depletion to turn on programs if irrigation requirement is off by more than that amount? Sorry, just a little fuzzy on what all these do, but think I'm getting it..
  4. It's the newest, 3.1.7 or whatever. I'm using static dns and still doesn't work. I guess I could try reservation. It's an e4200 though, wouldn't expect too many issues.
  5. so I just got the weatherbug and irrigation modules, and an ezflora .92... I know some people go crazy on here with evapotranspiration formulas, etc., but I want to just set something basic up, but not too basic that I use the irrigation and weather bug modules efficiently.. to that end have a few questions: In the climate tab, what is "water applied per irrigation cycle"? Is this how much water I want to be applied, or how much is? Because wouldn't this depend on run times, and isn't the irrigation module supposed to control and adjust run times? What is a recommended value or starting value for "water applied per irrigation cycle" if it's to be entered, as well as "allowable depletion"? I'm using the "Auto Irrigation v2" program from the wiki. How would I incorporate into this the irrigation module\weatherbug settings? Anyone have at least a rough example? I'm very quick and catching on and loving this ISY, so is someone could just help just a bit to get me going down the road would be much appreciated
  6. So, I keep having dns issues.. affects sending mail, connecting to mobillinc, time sync, etc.... I've tried using my router\gateway, I've tried putting in multiple ip addresses (google dns, etc.). Always seems to work for a while, then stops working. When it stops working I still have internet connectivity.. just the ISY can't resolve DNS. A reboot of the ISY, or change in DNS reboot always fixes it.. but then after a week or so stops working again.. Anyone have any ideas?
  7. Perfect explanation makes sense now, much thanks.
  8. Momentary a. Long day, guess I wasn't thinking. Didn't think/realize that setting controls how it responds to an 'on' command. Thought maybe when sent it on command it would maybe stay on.
  9. So I'm making a program that checks if my garage door is open at night, and closes it. I have 2 scenes setup, relay and sensor. A keypadlinc is the controller of the relay scene and is set in toggle mode. If I send an on command to the scene, will it use the keypadlinc toggle setting, or will I have to put in an off command in the program as well?
  10. great! thanks
  11. I'd like to setup my isy-99i to email me the wattage of a device using imeter, or temperature from thermostat. Is there a way to use a program etc. to set a variable to the readout of a device so I can send an email using it? The only way I can think of is to make 500 programs for each wattage, and 40 or so for each degree... i.e. if temp = 71, set variable = 71, if temp = 70 set variable = 70... seems overkill..
  12. When using the iMeter in programs, you can use anything above 500 watts. As my hot tub uses 1.2kW, it's hard to program for what I'm looking for in wattage. I would think this would be a simple programming change.. can this be done in the next release?
  13. Sorry to post to an old thread, but I just got my morninglinc and love it I would like to second the addition of the query.. The status does show in the ISY.. I realize it's a potential security risk, but it is better than nothing, and can always issue a second lock\unlock command for safety. I think the ability to at least use it in a program is a neccesity.. Even if there's a pre-requisite prompt about the security risk etc.
  14. Not sure if this has always been the case, or just an issue in this release.. I have a Morninglinc controller. The isy-99i does read the status of the controller (locked, unlocked), but I'm not able to use this status in a program?? I realize the controller status may not be accurate if the lock is manually controlled.. but I'd like to setup a program to lock the door at night if it's not already locked, but don't want the program to send a lock command continually through the night... only if the controller reports it's in an unlocked state. Can you guys assist?
  15. well, no.. that's why I need a way to be able to import the private key as well. Is there a way to do this? backdoor even? seems silly if you couldn't..
  16. Also, I cannot generate a self signed cert or request for a CA, as the cursor just sits there spinning, and it never goes anywhere...
  17. Also, I cannot generate a self signed cert or request for a CA, as the cursor just sits there spinning, and it never goes anywhere...
  18. I've upgraded to newest beta, still can't import my existing cert. I've tried joining and creating a cert on that site, but it seems hodge podged together, and sits there spinning when I try to login, and the cert login page goes to a 'page cannot be found'.... I just want to use the cert I currently have. How can I do this? How can I import the private key and cert? Web? Java? Telnet? something?? I can't be the only one that has an existing cert they want to use.
  19. and it is a txt version, 2048
  20. or do you mean 2.8.16 and above? I have 2.8.16, and when I choose that option it says: could not retrieve the private key. please redo CSR. But I don't want to generate a private key, I want to use the one I already have with the cert that was generated for it.
  21. Thanks Michael. I'm currently on the official 2.8 whatever it is.. but did download that newest beta, thinking about installing. I assume this would be the next best step? without going into detail, what is\are the biggest changes between current official and that beta? I went over the release notes, but didn't see anything HUGE except for the interface changes\additions
  22. I have a web site, NAS, etc. I run from home, all using the same private key and SSL cert which I have. Is there a way to import an exsiting SSL cert and private key into the ISY-99i? I don't want to have to buy another cert for the same domain name, when I already have one...
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