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Everything posted by ScottAvery

  1. I was going to suggest the same. I had some devices orphaned from PLM after a replacement that could be operated fine but did not report status because the PLM link was missing in both the ISY and the device, so restore did not rebuild the reference to the PLM. They had to be removed and re-added after reset rather than restored. You might be able to save programming and whatnot be temporarily "replacing" the switch with another, then swapping back, but that might erase the new PLM link again.
  2. Stu explained in #13 how to schedule with an ISY. It is all done with programs in the admin console. Create a folder for it if you want to keep it neat and easy to read. Seasonal folders with a date condition would be even better.
  3. What is being unlinked and relinked here?
  4. Thank you very much, Benoit, that worked. Removing the link did solve the double entries! I had been on v1 prior to this upgrade as my ISY had been in a box for over a year awaiting time to install in my new house. Are others out there using v3 without removing that connection? I had removed it from both ends and reconnected during troubleshooting. I realize now I had not stated the reconnection I'd made, but you had me pegged! Is it something I should have Amazon support address or should I just leave it?
  5. Have you ever been watching the device at 30 minutes to sunset or are you just seeing that it is off when you get home? You still have not posted your off program. I am curious about the conditionals and else statement because it is not uncommon for new users to put unnecessary conditions like "if device status is on" in their programs, not knowing that this will cause the program to reevaluate conditions on status changes and execute at the wrong time.
  6. I have unlinked my amazon account both on portal and at amazon, deleted all spokens in portal, disabled the skill, forgetten all, multiple times... I add a new device that has never been on the portal and it is found as two, one with the device name, one with the address. WTF?
  7. I am having the same trouble GMD99 did. In switching to V3 I deleted the old skill and all devices at alexa.amazon.com as well as cleared devices in my portal account (new install). I did a few discoveries to make sure it came up empty, then out of curiosity added one device and discovered devices before installing V3. It discovered the one device I had reentered into the portal, and it worked. upon enabling v3 and clearing/discovering, it is now discovering duplicates that are as GMD99 described. What should I be seeing? I have forgotten all, wiped the portal and tried again, still getting duplicates.
  8. Also, OP, could you show the content of your Off programs? The If conditional there should be identical to the conditional in the On, just at another time.
  9. I've always done my timers as From XX to XX with the on in Then and the Off in Else. Is there a good reaosn to separate them?
  10. Funny, I also have noticed an issue with my Christmas Lights not following their schedule. I used a new dual band On/Off module this year vs the older appliancelinc I have used in the past. (My wife plugged a vacuum cleaner into one of them!) I'll probably double up the commands in the timer programs.
  11. I think you should change your approach, Stu. I have to admit, my harmony hub has been in a box for a couple of years now, unopened, but I did use harmony extensively in the past when it was IR only. What I think you may want to consider is that you should be able add any arbitrary device to the "Watch a movie" activity in Harmony eco system and that device's remote can have a button coded with a command for the ISY that you call out. If the arbitrary device option isn't available any more, you might even add the command to one of your actual devices in the activity. You don't have to put the action on a universal button unless you want it always there. You should be able to code any random IR command for any random button on any device and have ISY respond to it. You don't have to use the preconfigured 40 codes in Harmony, if those are even still there. I intend to avoid IR if I can integrate over the network directly.
  12. As stated above, this is simply not possible as the internal memory cannot be accessed remotely. For common usage with the ISY this is not in fact a problem as you don't want the thermostat itself to be the primary controller when you have a much more powerful controller available, with access to more sensor data and capability for complex decision making. The most compelling reasons to use an Insteon thermostat are: 1) that you DO have direct control of the device from ISY without third party tools or cloud access, 2) the device sends insteon signals that can be used in scenes directly, such as to turn on fans when it calls for cool, and 3) it can also directly link wireless thermostats for additional control points. There are plenty of Zwave and wifi thermostats with better internal features, but you will have to do more work to integrate them with the rest of your home. Ecobee seems popular in that regard. Is the ISY going to be in another home or will you have an ISY local to the thermostat?
  13. I would have done it this way, too, but wanted to reset the Zwave device counter as well, which just increments continuously.
  14. Also note this thread below. Apparently there are new issues with running Java apps as browser support is disappearing. https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/22991-cannot-load-admin-console/
  15. Is the ISY turned on and receiving a signal from your router? Do you know the IP address of your ISY? You can get to the web console (just an HTTP interface) by typing in the IP in your browser. You may have to check the client list in your router. If you can get that far, you can reinstall the current java admin console from within the web console. Trying to run the admin console directly from the web page will result in the same java 2 error, but selecting the install option will get everything in synch. It has been a long time, but as I recall there are specific instructions to follow for setting up the portal account that you have to execute inside the admin console, so you will have to resolve that first.
  16. I agree it doesn't make sense for scene behavior to vary based on what executes it. We need a better definition of "they all get out of sync."
  17. But there is nothing scene related that pulling the power from one device is going to fix. Either a device is damaged or his devices and/or scenes are not set up correctly. Given the multiple attempts made and potentially wrong instructions for factory reset, he could have orphaned links in the devices. Perhaps some screenshots of the scene configuration and link table comparisons would help us rule that out.
  18. My guess is the original issue was due to leaving the default setting of "erase all links" when one or more of the devices were added to the ISY after being manually linked. Hopefully that is water under the bridge now that you have rebuilt the links using ISY. Hopefully correctly. As to the second issue of Alexa scene call, while I suspect you need to wipe all your devices and start over to have a consistent state, it is worth pointing out that every physical controller (marked as red controller in ISY) has it's own on-level settings in a scene, but that system calls to a scene, like from Portal to ISY, will use the default scene settings. When you create scenes within the ISY admin console you can see all the levels for each controller by clicking on them. When you manually set up them up, it stores the current state as the on level, and you may very well have had one of the other devices off. Is everything wired correctly, for sure? Only one switch has the load connected?
  19. All variables are global, so there is no passing. If you really want to get a sense of how the ISY thinks, read some of the old programming guides from before variables were implemented. Treating every action as a nested program with state machine logic is fascinating. I still have not figured out the practical use of some things like conditional logic on folders.
  20. I'm not looking at the console now, but this reads as though it is on the Set Device menu in the program interface. First choose set. then select the device, then choose Write. Note that this is what you want to do for long term sanity, but to get you through today's exercise, you can just go manually trigger them and run back to write while the icons are active. This is not likely the source of your main issue, by the way, so just get the updates written so you can move on to pinpointing whether or not there are any real communications problems.
  21. Pro definitely gives delayed write option for wired devices but I thought toggling for battery operated devices was standard. The delay on wired devices is invaluable as your device pool gets larger. The issue here isn't about options in the admin console, anyway. The battery operated devices have to be woken up manually by pushing the set button or triggering their input.
  22. Non-expert's opinion: This doesn't have to be complicated for the test case you have presented Based on your previous posts I am assuming the data is in a state variable loaded from one or more external sensors that would trigger evaluation of programs on any change. Correct? 1) Program for each temp range, only need a Then to turn on scene if temp in range 2) Scene for each temp range with all three buttons as responders: 100 0 0 || 0 100 0 || 0 0 100 guarantees only one button will be on 3) May need a program to initialize on reboot, depending on how variable is fed 4) May need a program to respond to any physical button presses that will run the if clause of the three temp programs so that the LEDs will reset if someone meddles.
  23. I just reset everything myself before Thanksgiving. I found that the instructions were not descriptive enough as to tones, beeps and blinks to expect. The blinking noted in the ISY reset takes a little longer, and then the whole process recycles if you miss it, so you may have to do it twice to see what you are looking for. As noted by Paul and Stu, you seem to have gotten in an inconsistent state and need to do it again from the top. Reset the ISY and PLM while not attached to each other, then unplug both, connect them, plug in PLM first, wait for it to light up, then plug in ISY. Default login is admin/admin. You will likely have to search your router for the IP it was assigned. I think the correct procedure for Factory resetting plugin devices as noted above is also off as you aren't waiting for it to beep, per se, but to stop beeping after about 10 seconds of continuous tone. When it stops, you release and then it chirps to let you know it has reset.
  24. The motion sensors need to be awake to be programmed. Somewhere around here are instructions for a program to watch for activity on battery operated devices and then force updates, so they can be written the next time they naturally are activated, versus running around to wake them up and running back to write. What is the device "driveway-opened"? You have a heartbeat so I assume it is something battery operated like a wireless window sensor? If so, same thing applies as the motion sensors - must be awake to write.
  25. Compare link tables? May still be tied to old PLM.
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