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Everything posted by Jimbo.Automates

  1. https://www.thesmartesthouse.com/products/zooz-800-series-z-wave-long-range-outdoor-motion-sensor-zse70-800lr-motion-temp-lux Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  2. Sorry no idea what it wants, I'll need suggestions from @bmercier Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  3. Interesting if the developer of Rachio Plugin is not around anymore, I could look at taking it over. I have 3 rachio controllers and had it installed on my system but didn't have much need for it so I don't think I even have it installed anymore.
  4. Yes it should. For now you can just use status changes Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  5. Chris was able to recreate the issue with Control and fixed it. It will be in the next build.
  6. I've pinged Chris to open the discussion again to see if there is anything I can do in the plugin to avoid it.
  7. I will have to review my program when I get home. But there is a Bug for control that it triggers for both true & false. I reported it to @Chris Jahn a long time ago and he said it was on the list. I've tried to find the correspondence but it must have been in old PM's that I cleared out.
  8. No, that has nothing to do with Notifications. I think it's used for geolocation, but you can do that with UDM now.
  9. Did you close and restart the Admin Console after installing the Notifications plugin?
  10. Sorry, no. Make the key a short <= 8 character unique name which will be used as the node address. The instruction says: So make the Value: { "name": "HarmonyHub RomName", "host": "" } Including the curly braces and all.. I could spend time to make this a better way, but it's so rarely used it hasn't been worth the effort.
  11. Yes, it's alive. But ping packets are different than discover packets, by default some routers do not allow those across. But if you can't find a setting then it must be ok. You can try adding them manually as mentioned in the doc https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-harmony-poly?tab=readme-ov-file#manual-hub-entries Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  12. There may be a setting in the router to allow discover packets from Ethernet to WiFi? Can you ssh to the eisy and see if you can ping the Harmony? Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  13. It says 1.5HP https://www.advancedmistingsystems.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Manual-PullyDriven.pdf I emailed Insteon support and Steve Lee said: So maybe I'll try that if the Zooz doesn't work out, I may have one here at the lake or at home to bring next trip. Thanks for everyone's great info as usual, much appreciated. - Jim
  14. I ended up not going the Sensibo route, and used this which is working perfectly: https://www.totalhomesupply.com/p/airzone-azai6zwumel-aidoo-z-wave-plus-residential-wifi-adapter-for-mitsubishi-mini-splits#product_manuals_tab It was very simple to install, just remove the cover, open one flap, and plug it in. Looks like Airzone has many options for other mini splits. The one I wanted wasn't listed on Total Home Supplies site, they only had a WiFie model so I emailed their support and they added it.
  15. Thanks @larrylix but I've no idea how to install MOVs across the motor windings. I've ordered a Zooz Z-Wave Plus Power Switch ZEN15 for 110V AC Units, Sump Pumps, Humidifiers, and More https://a.co/d/0eS572it Hopefully that will handle the load. Others on reddit have said it works well for this purpose. Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  16. Thanks, I was suspecting a startup surge as well and was hoping there was something simple to help alleviate that.. The cable is 6, is that short?' I tried a filterlinc but they are only rated for 10amps so it blew quickly. Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  17. Thanks, load sensing was off, so I tried turning it on, still no power when toggling with the button, turned it back off and still nothing. I also confirmed my plugin sensor worked on another plug of the same model. Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  18. I have my mister pump plugged into a dual on/off outlet 2663-222 which was working fine, but now fails to supply power to the pump. The label on the pump says 11.9 amps, but the spec sheet says 13.5. The outlet says it's rated for 15amps so should be fine unless peak startup current is to much. The LED still turns red/green and I can hear the internal click when it turns on/off but now power. This was in the bottom plug, now I switched it to the top plug and it works fine, but I assume it will eventually blow as well. Is there anything I can do to alleviate this or must I switch to a higher rated plug?
  19. Pixel 8 Pro, Android 14 with May 5th update Same issue for me on 1.1.78 Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  20. I reported the same on my Pixel 8 Pro. Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  21. Sorry,y fault. I'll release a fix when I get a chance Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  22. Sorry, not possible, they won't send it: https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-Airthings-Consumer/issues/18
  23. Yes, I do use Google Home. That's a really long post I'll try to read later to get those details. Before I reset the device I tried to look at the links table but it just failed, and I neglected to record the actual error message. Really appreciate you looking into this. The KPL has been working fine so far.
  24. The API does send a notice when the battery is low as mentioned in this old issue https://github.com/Einstein42/udi-ecobee-poly/issues/49 It's difficult to parse the error, but I actually did start to look into it last weekend, but no progress. Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  25. As I discussed with Benoit, these have never changed, I've had plugin installed from day one on my production system, with no issues. We have no clue how this could have happened. You can see the full history of the editors file and it was never uppercase so something funky happened at some point on the PG3 side. https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-Airthings-Consumer/commits/main/profile/editor/editors.xml This was exactly why I told you a while back to delete or move to another slot. Deleting plugins is part of PG3 that I don't own, but pretty sure it will only delete the one in the slot you request to be deleted. But, as always, if you are not sure, make a backup of IoX and PG3. As for programs still working, yes they will still function. Delete the plugin from that slot, reinstall it, then reboot IoX and all programs should be fine.
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