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Everything posted by bpwwer

  1. The WeatherLink node server is now available in the node server store.
  2. Just pushed a new version that moves the indoor conditions to a separate node. Also, it will only create the indoor node if indoor data exists. I added processing for soil conditions too and again, will only create a node for those if the data exists. It looks like yours doesn't send any soil conditions (probably needs additional sensors or something). If everything looks good after you've had a chance to test a bit, I'll submit it to the Polyglot store so others can use it too.
  3. I updated rain to be inches instead of counts and pushed the change. I'm thinking of moving the indoor temp/humidity to a separate node. Then I can add the other indoor values there as well, That will de-clutter the main node some. I can also add the soil readings in a separate node.
  4. I have something wrong with wind speed, I had it working at one point, but then broke something. I'm not sure why the indoor readings aren't showing, everything looks correct there, I'll double check that. The daily rainfall value is in something called 'counts'. I'm not sure what that really means. Maybe it's the tipping bucket count? If I knew what one count equated to in inches or mm I can do the math and report an actual value. Any clue?
  5. Gary, I pushed a new version that includes more data and should fix the problem with it crashing. To update it 1. stop the WeatherLink node server from the polyglot dashboard 2. from your PI terminal window do the 'git pull origin master' 3. start the WeatherLink node server 4. from the admin console, click the 'update profile' button for the WeatherLink node 5. restart the admin console Some of the things you list above aren't available, at least not in the sample data I have. If you can post/attach the log showing the results of the query, that would help. It should look something like: 2019-07-30 16:07:15,003 [NodeServer] [DEBUG] {'error': None, 'data': {'ts': 1531 754005, 'did': '001D0A700002', 'conditions': [{'rainfall_monthly': 63, 'wind_dir _at_hi_speed_last_2_min': 0.0, 'wind_speed_avg_last_2_min': 42606, 'rain_storm_l ast': None, 'lsid': 48308, 'rain_storm': None, 'heat_index': 5.5, 'wind_chill': 6.0, 'rainfall_last_60_min': None, 'temp': 62.7, 'trans_battery_flag': 0, 'rain_ storm_start_at': None, 'wind_speed_hi_last_10_min': 8, 'rainfall_last_15_min': N one, 'rx_state': 2, 'wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_1_min': 15, 'rain_size': 2, 'wind_ speed_avg_last_1_min': 4, 'rainfall_last_24_hr': None, 'dew_point': -0.3, 'data_ structure_type': 1, 'rain_storm_last_end_at': None, 'txid': 1, 'wind_speed_last' : 2, 'wind_dir_last': None, 'wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_2_min': 170.7, 'rain_rate_ hi_last_15_min': 0, 'rainfall_year': 63, 'solar_rad': 747, 'rainfall_daily': 63, 'hum': 1.1, 'rain_storm_last_start_at': None, 'uv_index': 5.5, 'wind_dir_scalar _avg_last_10_min': 4822.5, 'wind_speed_hi_last_2_min': 8, 'rain_rate_hi': None, 'thsw_index': 5.5, 'wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min': 0.0, 'wind_speed_avg_last _10_min': 42606, 'thw_index': 5.5, 'rain_rate_last': 0, 'wet_bulb': None}, {'moi st_soil_2': None, 'data_structure_type': 2, 'moist_soil_4': None, 'txid': 3, 'ls id': 3187671188, 'wet_leaf_1': None, 'temp_4': None, 'wet_leaf_2': None, 'moist_ soil_1': None, 'temp_1': None, 'temp_3': None, 'rx_state': None, 'trans_battery_ flag': None, 'moist_soil_3': None, 'temp_2': None}, {'data_structure_type': 4, ' lsid': 48307, 'temp_in': 78.0, 'heat_index_in': 8.4, 'dew_point_in': 7.8, 'hum_i n': 41.1}, {'data_structure_type': 3, 'bar_trend': None, 'lsid': 48306, 'bar_abs olute': 30.008, 'bar_sea_level': 30.008}]}}
  6. Can you be more specific about what is not updating? Did you get the 'git pull origin master' command to work? Is it it the field labels that still aren't right? Is it not updating the data on the ISY? Is that log current or just what's there from the first time you started it? From what's shown there, the IP address of the WeatherLink device hasn't been set, but the screen shot you had from before seemed correct.
  7. Yeah, you just manually installed it the same way the store does. The 'cd udi<tab>' should work there. To update a non-store based node server (or even one installed by the store) manually. You get into the directory for the node server and use the 'git pull origin master' command. That the same thing that will be run when you update from the store. You can check if you're in the right place with the 'pwd' command. Here's what it looks like for me: $ pwd /home/pi/.polyglot/nodeservers/udi-wll-poly $ git pull origin master From github.com:bpaauwe/udi-wll-poly * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up-to-date.
  8. It should be the same directory that was created when you did the git clone initially. So if you haven't tried anything else yet, your command window should still be in the nodeservers directory. the 'ls' command will show everything there and you can skip the whole path and just 'cd udi-wll-poly'. Another trick is that you can usually use the <tab> key to do auto completion. So typing 'cd udi<tab>' may fill it out automatically. If not, <tab><tab> should show all the possible matches for what you started to type. Yes, currently it's polling for the current conditions. If I'm reading the docs correctly, the live streaming of data is only wind and rain and can only be run for fixed lengths of time. If you have some documentation that says otherwise, can you point me to it?
  9. So it worked. Looks like I didn't update the profile files so that's why the data field names don't match/make sense. To get the update: cd ~/.polygot/nodeservers/udi-wll-poly 'git pull origin master' It should grab the latest code from the repository Then from the admin console press the "Update Profile" button and it should update the field names. You might have to restart the admin console before it will see the changes.
  10. What you typed above looks like there's an extra '/' character at the end but that shouldn't matter, it works for me both with and without that. Can open it with your browser? The error means bad request, but I don't see anything bad about it. It's the same command used by Polyglot so if you've been able to install any node servers it should just work. I'm sure you entered it correctly, but can you cut-n-paste the command or is that not something you can easily do with your configuration?
  11. Does that mean you can't actually query it unless it's on Wi-Fi and the app is running? If so that's a strange bug. Have you actually tried pointing a browser at it? The docs I have say it should return current condition data at http://<it's ip address>/v1/current_conditions If you get data there, the the node server should work. You can install the node server with the following steps on your RPi. 1. cd ~/.polyglot/nodeservers 2. git clone https://github.com/bpaauwe/udi-wll-poly 3. from the polyglot web interface -> NodeServers -> Add NodeServer 4. select "WeatherLink" from the list of available node servers and add it. The only configuration is to add the IP address in the custom parameters. Once that is entered and saved, it should start doing queries every minute to get the current conditions. Log information will be in ~/.polyglot/nodeservers/udi-wll-poly/logs/debug.log
  12. @garybixler I have a test version running using some sample data I was able find on-line so let me know when you get the hardware setup and I'll get you started on it. Right now it's just grabbing some of the current condition data and I've not tried to access the 2.5 second UDP data. Also, there are a lot of different wind / rain values available, I'm just pulling the basics so you'll have review them and see if there's anything else that would be useful. The node servers also have to be written properly to work this way too. I'm not sure all of mine are. But even so, some of the weather data, especially when it is coming from a local station, can vary slightly with every update. So something like 2.5 second wind speed/direction readings are very likely to change a lot unless it's a very calm day.
  13. I see two different ways to access the data. 1) is by connecting locally to the a WLL device. With this method, current conditions can be polled fairly frequently (10 seconds) and it can also be set up to broadcast some data (wind and rain) every 2.5 seconds over UDP. This is what I was looking at using. With the initial version just polling for current conditions (probably at something more like 1 minute intervals just to not overwhelm the ISY). Setting it up to get the UDP broadcast would be dependent on use case requirements (I.E. do you see a need for that data at that interval?). It sounds like this is what you're looking for too. 2) is to connect to the WeatherLink server over the internet. The polling interval for this is much longer (15 minutes?). This also has a dependency on the internet. However, it could also be run from a cloud base Polyglot. Based on what I found, it sounds like they are updating the API for this method with the new API expected later this year. I'd rather postpone any work related to this until after the new API is releases, if something like this is desired. Do you have a local Polyglot set up? And if so, are you comfortable installing a node server from the command line?
  14. Hi Gary, I don't believe anyone has created one yet, but from what I found searching on-line, it seems like it would be pretty similar to the WeatherFlow node server that I wrote. I don't think it would be too hard, but without direct access to a WL device, it can be a bit time consuming to debug issues getting getting it working. If you're willing to spend the time testing and providing feedback, I'll be happy to create one.
  15. The standalone node server has been updated to version so that it doesn't throw an error with WeatherFlow firmware 114.
  16. Sorry, I meant to reply to the sooner but forgot. WeatherFlow make a small change in the 114 firmware that was released recently. It causes the node server to fail when processing the device status messages. These are the messages that report information about the sensor health only. It doesn't effect the actual weather data. I need to make a small change to the node server to fix this and will try to get that done in next few days.
  17. Deleting and re-installing and then restarting the admin console is typically how I try to fix anything that's not right in the admin console.
  18. It needs the following custom parameters set. And the name (key) needs to be exact, including the upper/lower case. The APIXU node server has the following user configuration parameters: APIkey : Your API ID, needed to authorize connection to the APIXU API. Location : Specify location using one of the following: - latitude and longitude in decimal degrees. I.E. 48.85,2.35 - city name - US zip code - UK postcode - Canada postal code - meta: I.E. metar:EGLL - 3 digit airport code I.E. iata:DXB Units : 'metric' or 'imperial' request data in this units format. Elevation : The elevation, in meters, of the location. Plant Type: Used as part of the ETo calculation to compensate or different types of ground cover. Default is 0.23 If you still have problems, look at the real-time log. It should have some clues as to what the problem is.
  19. It may be that the profile didn't get fully loaded. the MB editor ID is in the file so the only reason I can think of for it not being found would be if it didn't get all the profile files copied to the ISY correctly. I'd try un-installing and re-installing the node server.
  20. It looks like there's an extra space after the location and before the '?' that would cause an error like what your seeing. I never tried setting a state variable with a value so I'm not sure what's happening them. I'm travelling and my RPI that runs Polyglot has corrupted it's SD card so I can't remote test anything. Try restarting (not reloading) the node server and also re-load the admin console to make sure it's using the current node definition. It kind of looks like the node definition is for metric but the data is being sent to the node server as non-metric.
  21. An update to version 1.1.0 of the DarkSky node server should show up in the Polyglot store shortly. This version adds daily evapotranspiration forecasts to each of the daily forecast nodes. The calculation wasn't quite a scary as I originally thought. There's a paper published that describes the calculations in a step-by-step format and that's what the code is based on. The numbers I'm getting seem to roughly correspond to the values reported by digital.weather.gov. Currently it only provides them in mm/day as the ISY doesn't have a inches/day unit of measure defined. For the evapotranspiration calculations to work, they need some additional site information. You'll need to enter your locations elevation above sea level, in meters and there's a coefficient value that maps to the type of vegetation. The default, reference crop (Plant Type), coefficient is 0.23. - APIkey : Your API ID, needed to authorize connection to the DarkSky API. - Location : latitude and longitude of the location to query the data for. ex: 42.3601,-71.0589 - Units : 'si' or 'us' request data in this units format. - Elevation : The elevation, in meters, of the location. - Plant Type: Used as part of the ETo calculation to compensate for different types of ground cover. Default is 0.23 I'm curious to know if this is useful and specifically, how helpful is it in determining irrigation requirements.
  22. Formal announcement of the availability of the udi-darksky-poly node server. This node server will pull data from the DarkSky (www.darksky.net) weather service. You must register with them to use the service. The DarkSky node server pulls the current condition data along with the 7 day forecast. To configure set the following custom parameters: - APIkey : Your API ID, needed to authorize connection to the DarkSky API. - Location : latitude and longitude of the location to query the data for. ex: 42.3601,-71.0589 - Units : 'si' or 'us' request data in this units format. The node server will work on either a local Polyglot installation or the Polyglot Cloud.
  23. I believe that's what Meteobrige reports as "Total Rainfall". I've added the name and pushed a new version with that change. Thanks for reporting it.
  24. I had problems too getting node servers to uninstall. I believe the proper sequence should be: 1) Stop the node server, make sure it is not connected and running. 2) Delete the node server using the dashboard entry "delete" button. This should remove the node server from the ISY and from the dashboard 3) Uninstall from the store. All this should do at this point is remove the node server files from the system. If step 3 fails, you can remove the files from the terminal. The files are located in ~/.polyglot/nodeservers/AmbientPoly. Removing that directory removes everything which is what the uninstall button is supposed to do. I think you have to restart Polyglot after a manual remove before you can re-install.
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