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Everything posted by bpwwer
You're welcome! Any questions or other problems, just let me know.
Hi Mark, Thanks for the detailed report! Based on that error I'm going to guess that you have an ISY firmware version newer than 2.7.6. And that you have the official plug-in release from the HomeSeer updater. If those are both true then that's the problem. The official version of the plug-in only support ISY firmware up to 2.7.6. Please go to the HomeSeer forum and download the beta version That version should work with all ISY firmware version 2.7.0 and later, including 2.7.12. I don't believe you'll have any problem because o the missing services. If you can connect to the ISY via a web browser or the admin console from that machine, it should be fine. There's no problem running both at the same time. I have run Brad77's MediaCenter plug, my HomeSeer plug-in, my Mainlobby ISY plug-in, and the admin console all that the same time.
It does require .NET 3.0 or later. With the older .NET versions it does fail in a non-obvious way.
Hi Mark, Beta versions (which also have the same 30 day trial period) are posted to the HomeSeer website. I just finished posting the latest a couple of minutes ago. If you're using any of the recent ISY firmware versions, you'll be better off with the beta. The latest beta version is what's being targeted for the next official version. http://board.homeseer.com/forumdisplay.php?f=919 Most of the support happens via the forum above, but you can also email me directly at isyinsteon at bobsplace dot com.
This is a pretty good reference: www.elkproducts.com/pdf/ELK-Insteon-ISY99i.pdf There might have been some issues with some of the recent alpha versions of the firmware but I just followed the instructions using 2.7.11alpha without any problems. I believe all versions of the firmware between 2.7.0 and 2.7.6 should work fine too.
Hi Jackie, I saw this post before the email. The current release version of the HomeSeer ISYInsteon plug-in does not work with the 2.7.8 firmware. Some of the interface API changes cause some failures in the initial communications between the plug-in and the ISY. There is a beta version of the plug-in posted on the HomeSeer forum that does work with the 2.7.8 firmware. See http://board.homeseer.com/showthread.php?t=138709
Hi Xathros, The X10/A10 module doesn't add anything to the linking menu. After you select "New INSTEON Device", You'll find X10/A10 devices listed in the device type drop-down menu if it is installed. I believe you enter the X10 house/unit code in the address field. Once added, it should show up in the tree.
It looks like you have the basic format of the request correct, but the device address format is wrong. You need to use the ISY's address format. Best way to get that is to use the REST /rest/nodes first and look at how the device addresses are returned. I think you probably want it to look like: 4B 5A 1/cmd/DFON For the browser URL, you might have to change the spaces to '%20'.
Have you tried a different cable between the PLM and the ISY? If that doesn't work, take a look at the connector on the ISY and make sure none of the springy wires in there are stuck down do they don't make a good connection.
There should not be any issues with having the console open indefinitely. The ISY is designed to have clients that maintain a constant connection to it. Home automation software plug-ins need this capability so that they can keep device state synchronized between the automation system and the ISY. If you do see any adverse effects that seem to be caused by having the console open for extended periods of time, let us know because it would be considered a bug.
Hi deg01004, Basically, what you're doing is correct. However, you're going to need to supply the authentication information too. What I've done looks like this: GET /rest/nodes/ HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The GET line is terminated by a \r\n (carriage return, line feed) and the Authorization line is terminated by \r\n\r\n The xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is the ISY username and password base64 encoded. admin:admin => YWRtaW46YWRtaW4= There are a number of on-line base64 converters like: http://www.motobit.com/util/base64-decoder-encoder.asp I don't use the HOST header, it's optional.
I'm glad the MLISY plug-in is working well. It is in need of an update though. It's pretty easy to find something to do the base 64 encoding. This site showed up on a google search and seems to work: http://www.motobit.com/util/base64-decoder-encoder.asp However, it's up to you if want to trust entering your isy password in a on-line form. Linux systems typically have a command 'base64' that can do this. I'm sure there are similar programs for pretty much any OS.
Can the crestron controller send strings to an IP address? If so then you should be able to use the REST interface. I wrote a simple little program so that I could use the REST interface from the Linux command line. It creates a string based on command line arguments that looks like this: GET /rest/nodes/x x x x/cmd/DON HTTP/1.1\r\nAuthorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\r\n\r\n The authorization string above is admin:admin base64 encoded. The "x x x x" is the device address. My program just opens a network connection to the ISY and sends that string. So if you can format a string like that with the crestron, it should work.
You know what would be cool? A way to temporarily disable RF signals on the access points while doing power line device programming. Even better if this could be done progmatically. Or better yet, a way to disable any device from transmitting. Send out a broadcast message that says unless you're in program mode, don't transmit. Then a another message when done that says OK to resume transmitting.
This is just an idea, I don't have any X10 motion sensors or any X10 RF devices anymore so hopefully someone else can correct anything I'm wrong about. 1) Use a V572A or W800 to move the X10 signals to the power line. 2) Create 2 programs on the ISY for each motion sensor. The first sets the second one on and then off after a delay. if X10 G1 status ON then set program motion-1 to true wait 60 set program motion-1 to false I don't think the second program has to have any code in it at all, it is just acting like a true/false variable. Then in HomeSeer, hide the first program (filter it out in the config page) and use the second (motion-1) for your motion status. You can then use HomeSeer events to trigger on motion-1 going true or false to send whatever notifications you want. It might be possible to do this with one program per motion sensor, but I'll leave that to the ISY programming experts [/code]
The PLC should still have any links in it's link database. HomeSeer should still be able to control the devices. The rest of your devices should be clear of any links. Everything should be ready for you to start setting up everything with the ISY. Now all you need is some time
Rich, The HomeSeer PLC plug-in has to have created at least one link in the PLC for each device so that it can get status change messages. It may have created a corresponding link in each device. Using the ISY, under the tools menu, there's a way to read the device link tables. Pick a device, read the table and look for links to the PLC's address. If you find any then you know. You'll have to add the device to the ISY first, and when you do this, select the option to leave existing links. This isn't the recommended selection, but by using it, you won't break your existing setup. However, this is fine for some initial testing and experimentation with the ISY. I don't think there's any good way to migrate from one system to the other. The cleanest method is to reset all the devices to factory defaults, start adding them to the ISY and then re-create any scenes using the ISY. I'm assuming you're also going to switch to my HomeSeer plug-in, in which case you fire that up next, let it import everything and then start re-creating HomeSeer events as needed. There are a few people that have done this migration. Don't know how many regularly hang out here, but take a look here http://board.homeseer.com/forumdisplay.php?f=91 there are a few posts on the subject.
Great idea! I like to see "...and more!" I think some examples/demos of actual uses would be good. Things like garage door control, irrigation, motion sensors. I know there's a lot of information on these topics in the forum, but interactive sessions where the details can be more easily explained, I think would be helpful.
So I'm seeing something similar. I do have the Brultech module so I have an electricity tab, but nothing for Open Auto DR or Flex Your Power. When I check for available modules, I see the Open Auto DR module listed as available for $49. I didn't try to purchase it since I don't think I can do anything with it. From what I can tell it only works with certain rate schedules and mine isn't one of them.
Hi MIchel, Looks like both Tim's and mine are day(s) apart so what we're seeing probably isn't an issue. Thanks for the explanations. Michel, I have these 2 errors (among others) in my log too. So I am a bit concerned that they may be caused by my plug-in. Is there any way to see what client IP address is at fault? I regularly have 3 to 4 clients connect to the ISY (1 or 2 admin consoles, MainLobby Plug-in, and HomeSeer Plug-in). I also have up to 8 computers on my network and a couple other IP enabled devices. Trying to track down what may be trying to log in with bad credentials.
Michel, I have these 2 errors (among others) in my log too. So I am a bit concerned that they may be caused by my plug-in. Is there any way to see what client IP address is at fault? I regularly have 3 to 4 clients connect to the ISY (1 or 2 admin consoles, MainLobby Plug-in, and HomeSeer Plug-in). I also have up to 8 computers on my network and a couple other IP enabled devices. Trying to track down what may be trying to log in with bad credentials.
There are a copy of examples in the GUI Enhancements sections. http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=2275 is a replacement home page http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=2295 has an example of using the data from weatherbug to create real-time charts.
This is currently an unsupported option, but the ECMServer software that's available on the BrulTech site, will allow an ECM-1220's or RS232 only ECM-1240's data to be visible on the network. The ISY energy module can connect to ECMServer and receive the same data stream it would get from an EtherPort. Of course, this requires a computer to be running 24x7 connected to the energy monitor.
Michel, Thanks for that explanation. I didn't realize that's how the ISY prioritized tasks. While I like the idea that plug-ins get a higher priority, is this something that could be made user configurable in a future version? For people that want the ISY to be the primary controller it might make sense if the priority could be switched to make programs more responsive.
It appears to be hanging on the web services GetNodesConfig call. I have the plug-in in a loop that keeps re-trying if that command fails. I currently don't have it reporting the error, but I'll work with Michael and get him a version that does if it turns out to not be a hardware issue.