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Everything posted by garybixler

  1. Thanks Benoit, I have worked around any delay issues without any problems. But the main problem is that some of the messages from the routines just don't come through. For example I can trigger a variable and the message usually comes back but not always. That's with waiting several minutes between triggers and not always triggering the same device So in the morning when I expect to get the message that the papers were delivered nothing happens. I know the program runs because I have the ELK send a tone first just before the Alexa message. But I can run it again a few minutes later and I receive the Alexa message. So for what ever reason the messages are not being sent 100% of the time. My voice commands are always 100%. I just did a test with another program and the message didn't come back for 3 minutes than another after that took 20 seconds. Thanks Gary
  2. Hi I have been testing the use of the Alexa routines for a week now, and can't seem to get a reliable and consistent response. I simply have several contact devices that set a variable to 1 for close and back to 0 10 seconds later for open. I did notice that Alexa doesn't toggle back to open from a close until after 1 minute but that isn't a problem. What is happening is that the spoken custom sentence isn't always being sent to the Dot that I selected for all the messages. Basically is works sometimes but not others. I have had Alexa forget all devices and rediscover sever times having then to rebuilt all the routines again. But the results don't change for reliability. However all of my Alexa voice to ISY commands work flawlessly. Also the routine response always works if it is played from the Alexa app. It seems like an Amazon problem but thought I would share my experience. ISY994i/IR PRO Version 5.0.13C Thanks Gary
  3. Same here with old in-linelincs. Had to replace 2 after they began acting very flaky. After they were removed from the ISY they couldn't be re-linked. Replaced with 2 new dual band models and now no issues. Gary
  4. When I first got the 2441V adapter it did have a much longer range but it seemed to fade throughout the years
  5. Yes i discovered it is definitely a signal issue. Unfortunately the RF repeater or AP can only be no more that 5' away. So I think it's time to retire these adapters and go with the 2441th thermostat. Thanks Gary
  6. Hi I Have tried to link an older 2441V adapter under version 5.0.13c and some earlier versions of 5.0 but I keep getting (Cannot determine device link table address). I am not sure at what version it stopped responding. Is the adapter just to old and will the Insteon thermostat 2441th work? Thanks Gary
  7. Hi I have to ask why the first program always responds to OPEN/CLOSE or ON/OFF but the second one will only respond to ON/OFF and not OPEN/CLOSE. They are both the same except for what the are controlling. First: Turn KitchenLight ON/OFF - [iD 0069][Parent 0068][Not Enabled] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set Elk Output 'Kitchen Relay' On for 2 Seconds Else Set Elk Output 'Kitchen Relay' On for 2 Seconds Used to flip kitchen light relay for 2 seconds using ELK relay. Second: Dinning Rm Curtains - [iD 006C][Parent 0068][Not Enabled] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set 'Dining Room / Drapes Open EZ4O(1)- R2' On Else Set 'Dining Room / Drapes Close EZ4O(1)- R1' On Thanks Gary Just a follow up. Just by reversing the spoken names given to Echo from the Portal caused the programs to also reverse there OPEN/CLOSE action. The name that works is (kitchen light) but names like (kitchen floods, kitchen tv, kitchen recessed) won't accept OPEN/CLOSE. ????
  8. If it is of any help I use a Bluetooth receiver that only connects when you tell Echo to connect and disconnect when desired. I do have a Russound system and had to get around the page delay with a delaying unit and use a 12v trigger prior to receiving the delayed input on page. Right now I use one zone for the Echo and when I prefer to listen to streaming music from Amazon I tell Echo to connect.
  9. Was wondering if API V2 might support a TTS feature? I have been hoping to avoid the PI Echo remote hack to achieve this. Thanks Gary
  10. After reading up on line level splitting it appears that using Y cables will slightly reduce the strength of the signal maybe 2 dB but sound quality will remain the same. So you could split several times using a multi split adapter.
  11. You could just use an audio distribution amplifier. Line in and multiple lines out. Usually requires 12v power. Shinybow 1x4 distribution amp. $81.00.
  12. That is odd because I need to say 'turn on/off the bedroom light' for Alexa to understand. The differences I have found is that numbers need to be spelled out now. Also all words with different meanings need to be included. Like 2, too, two, to. And the word 'sound' no longer works. Must be reserved for something else. I did notice that the firmware is now 3386. Been upgraded since I had checked a few weeks ago. I had done a forget all and rediscover all devices at some point. I wouldn't say that might help however.
  13. I think I need to relearn again. Getting harder to remember latest words with having to change things every few months.
  14. Ok this is different. Saying 'turn off living room lamp 2' doesn't work with the response 'I couldn't find a device or group named living room lamp 2 in my profile'. This has always worked saying 'turn off' first. But just tried it by saying 'turn living room lamp 2 off' and that works. So saying 'turn on living room lamp 2' works but saying 'turn off living room lamp 2. doesn't work. saying 'turn living room lamp 2 on' works and saying turn living room lamp 2 off' works. However on another device via network saying 'turn off kitchen sound' no longer works. response is 'not quite sure how to help you with that'. Saying 'turn kitchen sound off' doesn't work either. Response is 'couldn't fine kitchen in my profile' with the word sound missing. In this case I think Echo hijacked the word 'sound'. Will have to check with another word. It gets harder and harder to find words to use anymore. Update: They did indeed take the word sound.
  15. I was describing the scene not including it. My spoken is 'turn on living room lamp 1. This works. The spoken 'turn OFF living room lamp 2' doesn't work. These have worked just fine for months up until today. the spoken 'Turn OFF kitchen sound' no longer works.
  16. I don't know if this is a Portal, Echo or some other issue but today I found some scenes not responding to turn off. Turn on scene name seems to work fine. Other commands like turn ON/OFF kitchen sound via network resource no longer works. Was sound removed from Echo's vocabulary? Also the command turn ON scene living room lamp 2 works but the OFF command doesn't. The responses are 'I don't know how to help you with than or the name is not in my profile' but clearly shows up there. Rebooted ISY Relearned Echo devices. Thanks for any thoughts Gary
  17. Monday I did call about my group name suddenly not working and after all the normal trouble shooting he said that he would pass the information on. I found another word that allowed it to work again. But since than other device command words have stopped working one by one. Today I did send a feedback complaining about this issue.
  18. I have a strange one. The voice command 'turn on floods' works but the command 'turn off floods' doesn't work. However the 'turn on/off' commands work on other devices.
  19. Same issue here. My group name was no longer recognized or any name with day in it. I did inform Amazon.
  20. Thanks Benoit, I have seen the remote hack but was hoping for something a little simpler. And I would have to hack an Echo to get an audio output for the page system. Right now I am using an old XP running event ghost but it's the old XP voice quality. I have the CastleOS hub and they say their new software version will have the capability of triggering an event from an http request. They have TTS in there event actions using Zira. So I think that is the direction I'll go. Gary
  21. Hi, I have one question. Will it be possible to send a TTS to echo via a program. Sort of like the Simon says feature? Thanks Gary
  22. Thanks Techman, I will be checking it out.
  23. Techman I have just bought the Grace GDI-IRDT200. Although your post was over a year ago I was wondering if you had any luck finding their APIs. Thanks Gary
  24. Hi stusviews I found this on a search. It would appear that the hold off is for delaying sending an Insteon message. - Trigger Threshold is in Watts, from (0 Watts) to (1800 Watts). - Hold off is in approx 0.067 second increments, from (0 seconds) to (approx 17 seconds). Messages will transmit immediately once the holdoff time has passed. - Hysteresis is in Watts, from (0 Watts) to (255 Watts). This is the change that must occur before checking to trigger SyncroLinc. If hold off is the maximum time allowed for the device being listened to change when would the timer actually start. I would think that turning a device on would be the change so I don't see where the timer would be of any use. Anyway I am trying to monitor my washer and instead I am using a program to make the necessary delay between the short off periods between changing cycles. So I set the SynchroLinc to: Trigger Thershold 4 Holdoff 3 Hysteresis 0 This way even the low current for the electric water valves keep the SynchroLinc status ON during fill cycles. Now on to the dryer. Just confused about the Hold off timer. Thanks Gary
  25. Hi I just receives a SynchroLinc and was trying to set the options specifically the Holdoff timer. I set the following: Trigger Threshold 25 Holdoff 10.05 Hystersis 10 Although the settings seem to be correct as they are read back when the option button is clicked again I am not seeing the Holdoff timer have any effect. The current state always changes within a second no matter what the timer is set for. The Trigger setting works as it should. Any suggestions or insights appreciated. ISY 994i IR PRO version 4.2.30 Thanks Gary
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