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Everything posted by dwengrovitz

  1. I am currently running three node servers, and they all seem to be working properly and populating in the admin console. Also, this is not a new account, it's been used for years, and was previously working successfully on the eisy (though I cannot say exactly when it stopped working on the eisy as the software there has been a bit fragile lately).
  2. Sometime since upgrading to 5.5.7, the portal integration on my eisy went offline and now continues to show as offline. I've tried rebooting, and powering on/off, with no change. My system also displays a popup stating "Some updated packages are available for your system" upon startup, but running update packages doesn't seem to remove that. Update: a few more cycles of power on/off seem to have removed the message about "Some updated packages are available ..." but the connection to the portal is still offline.
  3. I've enabled debug and will send you a copy of the log. Hopefully it will shed some light on the situation. Thanks!
  4. I purchased a handful of YoLink devices to test in various scenarios, and so far really like them as well as the YoLink Node Server. Thanks so much for the development and integration work on this. Of the devices purchased, I have a couple of temperature/humidity (TH) sensors, including both the 8003 and 8006 (X3) models, and I am running current software versions on an eisy (ISY v5.5.7, PG3x v3.1.22, and YoLink Node Server v0.8.20). While reviewing the Admin Console , I've noticed that the "Current State" for the X3 sensors regularly changes from "Connected" to "Not Connected" after about 5-10 minutes. If I query their status, they immediately update and the status changes to "Connected", but after another 5-10 minutes they drop back to show a "Not Connected" state. This doesn't happen with the 8003 sensors, and I don't think this is actually a communications problem with the device, as they immediately update when requested. It seems more like an issue with how the Node Server is detecting status or perhaps a difference in what and when the two different TH sensor models report. They both show up in the Admin Console with Device Type of "Yolink THsensor", so maybe the Node Server treats them the same when they actually behave differently? Any idea what's going on here?
  5. No rush on this end, but I am having a similar problem as @sjenkins noted. I've tried restarting eisy and PG3x multiple times, tried stopping, starting, and restarting the YoLink node server, and it just doesn't seem to fully start.
  6. I tried rebooting the eisy and restarting PG3x multiple times, and no change. When trying to stop the YoLink Node Server via the PG3x UI it says: Node Server Stop: YoLink not running. When trying to start or restart the YoLink Node Server it says: Node Server Start: Node server already starting.
  7. Upgraded again, and PG3x now seems to start as expected, but the Yolink node server doesn't appear to be operational any more. It doesn't start, and trying to start or restart it manually just exhibits the message "Node Server Restart: Node server already starting".
  8. Same problem here. I ran the update on eisy and can no longer access PG3x.
  9. Not sure if you logged out and back in (for PG3x) as part of your regular troubleshooting fixes, but I sometimes find that is needed for things to work properly after I upgrade.
  10. I've started playing around with some of the Yolink devices and have setup the associated PG3x node server. So far, it looks pretty interesting, so great job and thanks for creating it! In testing out some capabilities associated with the motion detector, I noticed this spelling error in IoX ("Motion State" is spelled "Motoion State"). Seems purely cosmetic and not worthy of an update release just to fix this, but you might want to queue up a change if you have other items to update at some point down the road.
  11. I can't remember the exact steps I went through, but I also had some issues that I think were caused because my connection to the portal wasn't active. Just out of curiosity, does your Portal Integration show as being online?
  12. This is a minor and mostly cosmetic issue, and I don't think it's new to PG3x 3.1.18, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. When restarting a node server from the PG3x dashboard, the node server status changes from "Connected" to "Disconnected" and back to "Connected" as expected. But the Uptime counter just continues to tick the time away as though nothing happened. It's not until one refreshes the browser screen that the Uptime counter resets to the time that's passed since the node server was restarted. Seems like that counter should reset without having to refresh the screen, but it doesn't (at least not for me). BTW, I'm accessing PG3x via Chrome on MacOS.
  13. @asbril beat me to it on the response, but it should look something like this when you are successfully connected to the portal. I did, however, also migrate my licenses.
  14. I had a similar issue, and approving the eisy in my Portal account helped put things on the right track. I also made sure to log out and log back in to PG3x. Not sure if that helped, but it certainly didn't hurt any in my situation.
  15. Yes, I can access and control all of the thermostats via the Resideo app.
  16. I recently moved into a new residence and updated a good bit of the old technology in the house (e.g., thermostats, smoke/co2 detectors, etc.). The HoneywellHome Node server was working in my prior residence where I had TH9320WF5003 thermostats installed and was using PG2, but the thermostats (RTH9585WF) installed in the new residence do not show up when I go through the process to CONNECT devices via the Honeywell Home site (see attached screenshot) using PG3. I tried chatting with their thermostat support folks online, but they didn't really have any insight or information on API access. I also tried emailing developerinfo@resideo.com (on 12/19) to see if they could provide some insight or indication of when this device might be supported for API access, but either they are somewhat non-responsive or perhaps they took a lot of time off around the holidays. If the situation changes or I ever get a response from their developers I'll post an update, but if you are looking to integrate RTH9585WF thermostats via the HoneywellHome Node Server beware. Interestingly, there's been a pretty big push on selling this model lately, including attractive prices as well as rebates from the regional energy company.
  17. I recently moved to a new house in a more rural area than I used to live in, and the new residence is only serviced by Comcast/Xfinity. My prior residence had Verizon FIOS and the house was wired internally for Ethernet, but the new place is older and only wired with COAX. I've deployed MOCA adapters throughout the house so I can use the existing COAX for wired network connectivity. I use Motorola MM1025 MOCA adapters, and have six installed. It's taken me a while to get everything working reliably and I've learned a few lessons along the say, such as having good quality splitters, limiting the number of them used, and making sure the cables, connectors, and even the wall plate connections are in good shape. Service to the house is rated at 1.2 Gbps, and Comcast/Xfinity typically over-provisions a bit. I have my own cable modem, and speed tests from the router to the outside world regularly get 1380+ Mbps download and 40+ Mbps upload. Internally, the network uses Unifi equipment and is rated for gigabit speed, and I reliably get 900+ Mbps download and 40 Mbps upload from wired endpoint devices to the Internet. I also have several wireless access points attached. Speed from wireless devices varies significantly by device, but being able to use MOCA and COAX as a back haul for the access points on the network works great. My iPhone gets ~300 Mbps download and 37 Mbps upload throughout the house.
  18. Got it - thanks for providing!
  19. Somehow I missed the pre-order announcement. Is that available online somewhere?
  20. I might be interested in your wall switches. I'll message you for more information.
  21. Same - if there's more than can go to one person, I would also be willing to take some. Dave
  22. I ran update packages again and restarted with 3.1.8. Previously, both the Kasa and Wirelesstag Node Servers went offline about 30 seconds after they started. It's now been almost ten minutes and both still seem to be alive, so it looks like your update may have taken care of it. If they go offline again I will let you know and send the log, but otherwise, it seems to be working now.
  23. I may have had a trial license at one point but it's been so long I can't say for sure. I restarted PG3 and grabbed the log for about 3 minutes, starting with the restart and ending shortly after the Kasa and Wirelesstag Node Servers go offline. What's the best way to get you the log file?
  24. I updated PG3 to the latest version (3.1.6) and am seeing an issue with the Kasa Node Server (3.0.11) as well as the WirelessTag Node Server (3.1.6). After restarting PG3, both of these node servers show "1 New Message" next to "Details" on the Dashboard, and both Node Servers remain disconnected. Upon viewing the details, they both show a notice that says "The subscription for this node server has expired". My list of Node Server Purchases shows both of these node servers have been purchased and "Never Expire". If I restart them, the message goes away, they restart and connect to IoP, but after about 30 seconds they disconnect again. Seems like something is off with the subscription status for these Node Servers on the new release of PG3. I am happy to provide log files if that would help with further diagnosis.
  25. Thanks for the info @dbwarner5. I tried messing around for a few hours last weekend with having my Ring Doorbell set an ISY variable via an Alexa routine and it just wasn't working as expected. Everything looked right in the setup, and it ran when I manually triggered the routine via the Alexa app, but it just wouldn't set the variable automatically when motion was actually detected. It wasn't until I disabled and re-enabled the Alexa skill that things starting working automatically, so thanks for mentioning that.
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