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Everything posted by dwengrovitz

  1. My experience was similar to yours. After performing the restart, all seems to be working. Will monitor and post an update if any issues arise.
  2. I re-ran the update this morning and am able to login to PG3x again. I do see the issues @bmercier noted above, but everything seems to be working so I'll look forward to 3.1.34 being released to fix those items.
  3. Same - rebooted and hard restarted the device, and it didn't solve the problem.
  4. Same issues here. I updated packages but PG3x showed the same version. I restarted the system and now cannot login to PG3x at all.
  5. I also use the Yolink sensor (but I think it's actually the Smart Door and Window Sensor). I first tried using a Yolink vibration sensor attached to the bottom of the mailbox but there were too many false alerts. The Yolink sensor works really well, and my mailbox is at the end of a very long driveway (~150 yards from the house). For old times sake, I have it set so the speaker hub plays the "You've got mail" audio file (from AOL?) when the sensor is activated.
  6. I had similar issues but tried again a few minutes ago and was able to successfully update to 3.1.29.
  7. I tried updating both from within the node server (by clicking Update on the node server page) as well as by reinstalling into the same slot from the production store, but neither seemed to perform the update on my system. My installed version still indicates it is on 0.8.90.
  8. I would echo this sentiment - playing around with the Yolink devices has been a lot of fun, and the node server and developer support thus far have been great.
  9. @someguy - Just out of curiosity, what thermostats are you using? I moved into a different residence about six months ago, and put in several new Honeywell thermostats (model RTH9585WF). I ran into the same problem you did with these thermostats in that the process defined to register/associate them with the node server didn't seem to have any knowledge of their existence. I tried going through Honeywell's online chat support, emailed their developer support address at Resideo, and opened multiple support cases, none of which went anywhere. And I was just trying to get an answer to the question of whether my specific model thermostat is supported by their APIs. I finally gave up, but I check every once in a while to see if perhaps they change something on the back end. So far, no change. My prior residence used different Honeywell thermostats (model TH9320WF5003), and if I recall correctly, those seemed to work fine with the node server. But they went through a similar cycle - didn't work for a long time, then just started working one day. Unfortunately, I left them in the prior house. On the plus side, you can try using Home Assistant as an automation option. I've had good experience with that, and it seems to work fine with the thermostats mentioned above.
  10. Thanks @johnnyt. I appreciate the insight. May have to give that a try when I have a bit more time to tinker with things.
  11. @johnnyt I don't think this has been fully fixed in 5.6.0, if at all. I checked a few days ago after updating and again this evening, and the problem still seems to be there. After first opening the admin console and then looking at notifications my programs are programmed to use, I still see programs pointing to notifications that were deleted quite some time ago (maybe months) and that no longer exist on the list of email customizations that should be available. After a few minutes it seems to self resolve, and notifications the programs should be pointing to show up as expected, so that's a plus. But there still seems to be some kind of cache problem.
  12. I noticed a Ring node server appeared in the Non-production Store for PG3x a couple days ago.
  13. I also use the Yolink sensors, and I previously used the Wireless Tags. I can't really say which is more accurate, but I do like that the Yolink sensors display the temperature and they seem to have better battery life (not surprising, given their size is much larger).
  14. Ticket submitted - thanks again.
  15. DennisC - thanks for the suggestion. I tried rebooting (as was done with recent upgrades) and it has no noticeable effect. I can still easily reproduce the problem. Similarly, powering off and restarting the eisy also has no noticeable effect on this issue.
  16. I'm seeing some odd issues with IoX on eisy (5.5.9) and customized notifications (for both email and text messages). I don't think this unique to the latest version (I recall seeing odd things on prior versions) but I was able to capture screenshots to report the issue on 5.5.9. When migrating from my polisy to eisy a while back, I migrated a bunch of customized notifications over. Since then, I have cleaned up the list, wiped a bunch of the old ones out, and added a few new ones. However, I've periodically noticed that IoX on eisy seems confused and references notifications that shouldn't be available. For example, this evening I logged into the admin console and looked at a few programs that send out notifications. Under the selectable "content" options for what can be sent out via a program, I saw a bunch of options that had been deleted quite some time ago. They showed up as available to the program, but they don't show up as an available option under the master list of customized notifications. Seems like something is being cached or pulled from the wrong place. I've attached screen shots of what I'm seeing. The options available via the program content show customized notifications available for thermostats, watchdogs, and wireless tags, but I deleted those quite some time ago, and none of those options show up on the under list of customized notifications. Anyone else seeing something odd with notifications? Here's some screenshots. The first is what the program thinks is available. None of thermostat, watchdog, or wireless tag options under content should be there: Here's what shows up under my master list of custom notifications (no thermostat, watchdog, or wireless tag options are listed - they were deleted weeks ago), and I've saved and reloaded the notifications list multiple times since then. As additional info, I've cleared Java cache, and downloaded the latest version of start.jnlp. After working with IoX and eisy for a while, it does seem that eventually what should be in the list actually does appear there. But if I close the admin console and start it up again, the old list of deleted items reappears.
  17. Ahh, got it. I updated pg3x to 3.1.24 and the issue with not being able to update the node server via a restart was still there, but I was able to successfully delete and reinstall the node server to get the latest version. Thanks very much for the assistance!
  18. I tried upgrading via PG3x (by either restarting the node server, or attempting to delete and reinstall). I wasn't aware there was a way to upgrade node serves from within the AC.
  19. I am running V0.8.50 and am seeing some installation issues with trying to upgrade to the latest version (0.8.88) of the YoLink node server. If I restart the node server, it briefly reflects that the version was updated to V0.8.88, then a few seconds later it displays V0.8.50 again. I think this issue has been there for a little while, but I was able to previously get around this by deleting the old Node Server and doing a clean install of the latest version, but that no longer seems to work. If I try to delete the existing Node Server I get an error "Failed to remove Node Server YoLink from slot 60: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'filename')". Any suggestion on how to install the latest version?
  20. Thanks, Bob. I appreciate the response (and the fact that it's a big change to address). If you decide to make the node server fee-based instead of free due to the level of effort required, I would happily contribute.
  21. dwengrovitz

    Roomba i8+?

    Has anyone had any luck using the Roomba Node Server on PG3x with a Roomba i8+? I gave it a try, but it seems the process for enabling the node server to communicate with the Roomba is different on this model than some of the older ones? Pressing and holding the home button doesn't make the wi-fi light flash on this model, and the node server starts password discovery but never gets a response from the device.
  22. Things have been pretty stable since the update, and I don't think the X3 has lost connection since. I think it looks pretty safe to say this one has been solved. Thanks again for the assistance!
  23. I installed v0.8.41, but noticed an odd issue with installation of the node server update. My assumption is that restarting a node server when there's an update available should automatically install the new version, correct? After restarting my YoLink node server, it looked like an update was applied, and the version number increments to 0.8.41, but shortly after (a few seconds) it displays the old version number like the update didn't fully complete. I think I saw something similar in behavior with the last version update, and the only way I could get around it was to uninstall and reinstall the node server and that seemed to address the problem. After trying that with this update, the running version displayed shows 0.8.41 as expected and it sticks. That said, I'll test out the new function and will report back on how the X3 looks. So far, it shows up as connected, and data seems to be flowing.
  24. You're correct - and thanks again for your comments. Intervention was indeed needed, but in this case, I think it's all on my end. I did some more digging, and noticed that for some reason my firewall started blocking requests to proxy.isy.io and proxy2.isy.io. After adding a rule to allow that, connection to the portal as been restored.
  25. Thanks for the suggestions, it's been pretty reliably used here for years as well. I can login to the UD portal via browser, and it shows my portal license is good through mid-2024, so I don't think this is a trial issue. I'll let it go a bit more and will put in a ticket if it doesn't resolve.
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