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Everything posted by dwengrovitz

  1. Thanks very much for the insight on how to get readings provided other than motion sensed on this device. Querying the device when motion was detected works great. Now ... if I can only figure out how to get the sensors to stop reporting that the temperature is -24 F that would be great (it's currently around 75F outside).
  2. Just wondering ... any idea when we might see something like the Ring devices supported via the ISY device?
  3. Having access to the Ring devices via ISY would be fantastic. Can't wait to see that implemented!
  4. I've followed the steps in this forum to generate alerts via the ISY whenever my Ring products detect motion. My thanks to all who contributed here! I was wondering if anyone has done any work to control Ring products from other ISY devices or events. For example, when I installed a Ring Floodlight in my back yard, I replaced a regular old floodlight that was controlled by an Insteon switch. Since that wiring was repurposed to power the Ring Floodlight, I now have to have that on all the time or the Ring camera and its integrated floodlight do not function. Unfortunately, that means the only way to turn on the light is using the Ring app. Ideally, I'd like to use a different Insteon switch to send a signal to the Ring Floodlight (either directly or via something like IFTTT) to turn on the Ring floodlight. Has anyone done anything in this area?
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