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Everything posted by stevehoyt

  1. As nothing had changed in my configuration except upgrading to windows 7 32 bit version, I had been suspecting this might be causing my issue. I read the Nov 29 post regarding logfiles and did some further testing this AM. It appears my suspicion was correct. As nearly as I can tell the file UDReport in the directory c:\users\myname\appdata\locallow\ is the cause of the problem. It appears it can not be overwritten, hence every time I opened it in Excel I saw a 3 month old log. If I save the log file to a local file and open it with Excel I can see the log was cleared and all current events. For now I can get around the problem but thought you developers would like to know and maybe can fix it... I saw the comments about upgrading to 2.7.7 from 2.7.0 and am not sure if that might resolve it? Also I have never tried to upgrade the ISY remotely and am not sure if it can be done. I have no access to the ISY until April so have fears of doing that
  2. I tried to clear it again this AM. I get no error messages. Also it appears the event viewer is having problems. When I open it to look for messages the event viewer window opens but is empty even if I change message level to 3. Also if I save the log file and event file to my PC the files are created the log file has the header only and the event file is empty. Hope this helps... Thanks Steve
  3. I have been running version 2.7.0 on my ISY 99i for many months and have not had any problem reading the log in excel or clearing it. I recently had to replace my modem and as the house is 500 miles away had not had access for about 4 months. I now have reestablished my remote connection and all is working as before except I no longer can clear the log file. I have searched the topics database and saw the one suggesting to clear my Java cache, which I have done, in addition to rebooting the ISY. Neither has helped. Also in the period when I was without a remote connection I upgraded to Win 7 from Vista. Anyone have any other suggestions as to the cause of the problem? Thanks
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