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Everything posted by stevehoyt

  1. about 80% sure that it was reachable...I could connect via a browser to it. Anyway no big deal. I will keep an eye on it and let you know if I figure out anything.
  2. It looks like sometime in the last day or so I started to get a failure to connect error. Restarting the node server seems to have fixed it. I had a similar problem with the flume node server a few days ago. It also said unexpected disconnection. This is an FYI as I know everything is in beta. I have a bit of the logs below. If you need more info let me know.
  3. Got the same errors Seems like a fix is on the way but included screen shot of them below as an FYI Everything updated and rebooted / restarted If additional logs are needed let me know.
  4. Just an FYI for @jimbo My flume node server stopped returning data the other day after many days. No big deal just restarted it and will keep an eye on it. Checking the log I now see an error every now and then. I thought you might like to know about it. It does not seem to affect anything, as all is working fine again. See below
  5. boy they sold out fast check eBay in a week somebody got them all
  6. Thank you. I have already upgraded to the PG3 Rainmachine version, so thats fine by me. PS as an aside when the PG3 work slows down with you @glarsen and @Jimbo I have already mentioned to Jimbo that I would like to discuss a possible new nodeserver. It could leverage the work done on your 2 node servers capabilities, to create a new one that would simplify what I am trying to do. Perhaps the merged one could just set a new value when actual usage exceeded expected, with adjustable parameters.... Hopefully you two could benefit from your work to market a new one Thanks again Steve
  7. I have a Samsung Dryer too. It detects some cycles...mainly full on. It has issues with the cycles that use less power i.e. eco dry.
  8. These look like fun. I can think of a number of uses I would like to try. I am going to buy a few to play with. When I click on your affiliate link it takes me to what looks like a news feed. How do I make sure you get the affiliate credit? Steve
  9. @Jimbo I have added 2 issues to GitHub, hopefully in the proper place. If you don't see them let me know. Thanks Steve
  10. Hi @glarsen Just following up on a post you made in my other topic, on detecting leaks using the rain machine and the flume node servers. I have both of these apps running on my Polisy using the PG3 version. I am successfully pulling the current flow from the flume side. I was wondering if you thought any more about adding the GPM flow rate by circuit to the Rainmachine side. It is the value called "total flow" that I input when defining zones. It is the last piece of info I need to get this up and running. My goal is, when I detect a circuit running, to take this value and compare it with the actual data ( after a startup delay ), that I am getting from flume. If I see consumption higher than (expected GPM from total flow plus some margin) to flag an error. I would really appreciate it you could add this. Thanks Steve
  11. Up and running. Thanks again. Watched the numbers for 10 minutes while water was running and looks spot on.
  12. THANK YOU for the quick response. I will try and test it today, after the second cup of coffee kicks in. Though I have a birthday in the house to deal with today, so I may not get it done until tomorrow. Being one who tries new things often, I have no problem running into glitches and with prerelease software. My goal is to get my project done, by the time I have to turn the sprinklers on next spring, so no pressure on you from me. The only reason I bought the Polisy is for this project and for a migration path off my serial PLM when it dies. I have a completely separate 994 still running the house, so no issues if the polisy crashes etc. I would be more than happy to be your alpha tester with the flume at my house, if it would be of value to you. I have muddled my way though ssh. Being a retired programmer/ network engineer ( think assembly language/ COBOL 50 years ago ) I can usually get things working. I am ok giving you remote access to my Polisy if that is possible/necessary. Let me know if there is anything I can do on that score. PS 2 random thoughts. 1) I would charge more for your node server. Say $15. As I think you know, Flume has now gone to a subscription service for their advanced features. 2) When things settle down with you I would like to discuss making modifications to your flume node server that would make it easier for my project. You have made some comments on my earlier posts regarding this. Perhaps maybe repackage it as a new special purpose node server. I am OK funding your effort for some reasonable amount. The cost of water out here is a killer and I can easily lose $10 to $20 each day I have a broken sprinkler circuit. Let me know your feelings on this. Thanks again Steve
  13. Yes that is the only version I installed according to the instructions in bpwwer's post. I think you are right about everyone jumping on PG3. As I am sure you have seen, there have been a number of comments about no more work being done on PG2 stuff. Hence the rush in my mind. Also the fact that the portal is open and the PG3 apps are for sale would tend to suggest things are up and ready to go for us users. My 2 cents. Maybe the powers that be should explain our options, timelines, and the risks. As you may have seen in my previous post ( in the polyglot cloud server forum and questions and answers) I have a couple questions about using the flume app that I hoped might be fixed by doing the upgrade. I am trying to create, using ISY and node servers, a way to detect excessive water usage in my sprinkler system. Log file attached. Thanks for your help Steve FlumeWater_1-10-2022_115224_AM.txt
  14. see below... I get a blank line for each time I click it. In the PG2 version, as I am sure you know, it had the required params I needed to fill in.
  15. I just installed the PG3 version of the Flume node server. I had been running the PG2 version before. With the PG2 version there were fields required to get to my flume: client_id, client_secret....etc. These are not available in the PG3 version. So no way to define my flume. I uninstalled it and reinstalled with no change. Any ideas on what to do? See screen cap from the PG3 config screen. Thanks Steve
  16. I am embarrassed. I did not realize that many years ago set mine to SF CA and the default is LA. Problem solved sorry to waste your time.
  17. I currently run 2 versions of isy. One on a polisy and one on a 994. Both have sunset scenes. I noticed the polisy sunset scene was coming on at a different time than the one on the Polisy. I checked both sunrise and sunset through the admin console for each copy. They are different with the time on the ISY on the 994 being correct. @Michel Kohanim I thought you might want to know. Sunrise Sunset ISY on 994 7:24:xx 5:08:xx isy on Polisy 6:58:xx 5:00:xx
  18. That is my problem. If you go to Forums Polyglot v3 Nodeservers (PG3), it says area for future discussion and you are not allowed to post there. I am not a developer but rather a customer so am not in the Slack discussions.
  19. I have installed PG3 and installed my first node server. I have a question, as the configuration parameters that were available in the PG2 version are not there in the PG3 version. I see that we are not permitted to post questions in the PG3 forum yet. That is understandable, as it is not yet released. Where should we post questions for node servers that we have purchased? Thanks
  20. disregard this Rebooting polisy fixed the issue
  21. THANK YOU very much for the info and the quick reply. That did the trick. PG3 is up and running and connected to my Polisy. Steve
  22. I recently upgraded the ISY version on my polisy to 5.3.0 with no problems. I just logged in to my polisy admin screen and noticed that it still shows 5.2.0. Everything seems to be running fine. Has anyone else seen this? Thanks See below
  23. I would like to install PG3 on my polisy. I have seen the post on how to do this, but can't seem to login via ssh anymore. I am using the terminal window. I did it one time successfully. When I try now, I see the prompt from the policy followed by an icon that looks like a key. If I enter the password it rejects it. After 3 times I get permission denied message. See the login session below. I have looked in my apple keychain and see a polisy certificate. I tried deleting it but it made no difference except I could not login to my polisy via Safari. I know nothing about certificates etc so am at a loss as what to do. Can someone on a MAC suggest what to do next. All polisy updates are installed. Thanks
  24. I would echo @randyth comments above. I have had one for over 3 years now and also basically ignore it. How well it works depends a lot on your house. My house has a lot of variable speed motors...furnace, AC, pool pump. It has not discovered them. It frequently gets things wrong as to what is running. With the addition of batteries to my solar system, due to the wiring solar no longer works correctly. I ended up using power monitoring devices also too, to figure out usage. If you have as simple house with just on/off devices, it seems to work well. Anything big or more complex, my feeling is that it is of marginal value.
  25. @Bumbershoot I will give it a try Thanks for the tip on names. I wondered how to do it. @glarsen@npavel Just found out how to get your attention via an ampersand. Please see my notes above to you both. Thanks
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