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    Denver, CO

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Community Answers

  1. The Notification Menu option on a Device's Dashboard creates a program. There is no option on the Program's Dashboard as this would create another (notification) Program which monitors the first Program, I don't think this is what is intended. If a program already exists select Edit Program, then in the Then/Else sections add a new Command which trigger a notification from Notification Plugin.
  2. They can be created in the Admin Console or UD Mobile. If following the video UD Mobile automatically creates the Notification Customizations with Variable Substitutions.
  3. The plugin is created by a 3rd party developer. The basic version is free, the paid version has additional features. The plugin works in programs like any other node, so status notifications can be customized as needed. Follow the example in the video then copy/update the program created by UD Mobile to contain your (IF) conditions. P.S. Users can also send push notifications to UDM via Network Resources, however the Plugin is much better.
  4. UD Mobile Notifications Documentation https://youtu.be/t-r1hUeDWjQ https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Notifications_Tab
  5. We ran a few tests and cannot replicate. Does this work in another browser or device.
  6. I cannot replicate this behavior, please open a ticket. Include your UUID.
  7. Please see the UDM instructions, at the bottom is occupancy setup. Video: Wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Geofencing Occupancy: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Occupancy_v2.0_Node_Server
  8. Sync has not been changed in some time so I'm not sure what would cause this error. Please open a ticket and include UUID and we can run a remote diagnostic. Also include a zipped copy of the UDM backup file so I can investigate the blank page when pressing the home button. The app now automatically shows the last selected (if you have multiple controllers) Controller's Devices and Scenes Folder. There is nothing else to show here as programs/vars/etc are now in the automations tab. If using multiple controllers they can now be switched via dropdown instead of backing out to the list of controllers. The Controller's icon can be changed in the Controller Settings click the menu next to the controller name. Users can also add their own image via the URL option. This should show a list of controllers, please include a zipped copy of the UDM backup in your ticket Programs, Variables, and network resources are now in the Automations Tab. Feedback from users showed most usually open Devices and Scenes if not using Favorites, so this removes a few button clicks. Aside from moving some Home tab items to the Automations Tab, most of the changes are settings moved into menus or dropdowns
  9. 4.x to 5.x upgrade resets username/password to admin/admin
  10. We are in the process of a revamp, so things may move around in the next few versions. It should be on Home Tab Menu for now.
  11. I think the "scene" part is a typo, but I'll will look into this next week. "Dimming" scene and setting to a specific value "Preset" are both available, just not in the same way as a Single Device. Preset at 50%: In order for this to work with all devices going to the same level at the same time the Scene (Preset) needs to be recorded on the individual devices. Create a Scene with each device as a responder, and change the on level property to 50%. /DON will cause all devices in the scene to go to 50% at the same time. Dimming Use : Depending on use case the devices can be either controllers or responders to the scene. /rest/nodes/<node>/cmd/BRT increase brightness of a device by ~3% /rest/nodes/<node>/cmd/DIM decrease brightness of a device by ~3% /rest/nodes/<node>/cmd/BMAN begin manual dimming /rest/nodes/<node>/cmd/SMAN stop manual dimming
  12. At a higher level this is likely due to the browser, operating system, and/or device not supporting the tint color of SVG/PNG images, so the original color is shown and not filled with the specified tint property. I'll try to add mappings to cover all null and non-null values, but may be some time.
  13. We do hope to implement this at some point, however it is currently not high on our priority list. While I have not looked into Apple CarPlay specifically, we did implement Android Auto. However the Android App was rejected by Google as Home Automation was not an approved use of the Android Auto APIs.
  14. There should be a switch above the icon section in Favorites Editor (Edit Favorite) which allows the same option. This is not tied to a value.
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