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Everything posted by pyrorobert

  1. Hello io_guy, I recently had my Raspberry Pi that was running Nodelink totally crash, so I decided to install Nodelink on my PC that runs my cameras. I read through your instructions but I have run into a few issues. You mentioned in some of your instructions that I need to download a zip file. I have only been able to download the JSON and DLL files. I do have NET core 3.1 installed. It seems like I am missing a few steps. Any other information you can provide would greatly be appreciated. Thank you Regards, Robert Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  2. Okay, thank you. Totally forgot about that. I will look at using a smaller size micro SD card. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  3. I read that also but I have a 64gb card in it. Not sure why that would be. I will reflash that card and then reinstall.
  4. A couple weeks ago my Raspberry Pi with Nodelink stopped communicating with my ISY. It has been running fine for the last year or two. So as I tried to log into it, it said the page was unable to be reached. I tried to reboot the Pi, but that did not work. I was still able to log in to the Pi with putty, so I tried reinstalling Nodelink. So see below the errors that I am getting. Thanks ### Updating System - this may take several minutes E: The repository 'http://download.mono-project.com/repo/debian raspbianstretch Release' does no longer have a Release file. E: The repository 'http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian stretch Release' does no longer have a Release file. E: The repository 'http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian stretch Release' does no longer have a Release file. E: The repository 'https://download.docker.com/linux/raspbian stretch Release' does no longer have a Release file. E: Write error - write (28: No space left on device) E: IO Error saving source cache E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. ### Cleaning/Creating directories mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/pi/dotnet’: No space left on device bash: line 25: cd: /home/pi/dotnet: No such file or directory ### Installing .NET 5 tar (child): dotnet-runtime-5.0.2-linux-arm.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now tar: Child returned status 2 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now ### Downloading NodeLink ### Modifying startup script sed: couldn't flush /etc/sedxYCnIv: No space left on device sed: couldn't flush /etc/sedFQAcsQ: No space left on device ### Starting NodeLink bash: line 45: dotnet: command not found ### Install complete. Login to NodeLink at http://1xx.xxx.xxx.xx:8090
  5. Hello Kewashi, I'm trying to install your HP, but when I try to use your link to add the Node.js, I receive the error below. Connecting to node-arm.herokuapp.com (node-arm.herokuapp.com)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found 2020-07-03 13:01:52 ERROR 404: Not Found. Thanks, Robert
  6. So when you set up the ISY in receive mode and Smartthings is your main controller, does this also see all of the Insteon devices in the Smartthings app? Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
  7. Try deleting the device and reinstall it. I have had that with a few of them.
  8. So my pool was built without an autofill and I was only able to fill it by manually turning on the water. I understand you need a wireless solution, but this is how I wired mine. I installed an I/Olinc and wired it to Sprinkler valve with a Waterflow sensor. The sensor only advises me when the water is running with a text message and an email every 30 minutes. If it runs over an hour then the valve is controlled to shut off. Unfortunately the only 1" Waterflow sensor that I found is not spring loaded, so I had to create a loop on the pipes to keep it in the right position. It works quite well and I automatically run it once a week for 30 minutes. See the photo attached
  9. It sounds like you may have a network issue. Maybe you keep losing your connection while backing it up and that is also why you cannot see the internet. Regards, Robert
  10. Oh I see what I did wrong. Thank you for the assistance. Make sense now.
  11. Yes, I am. I have a Micro module in each one of the scenes.
  12. So I set up 2 Micro on/off modules for controlling my Pool's Variable Speed pump. With this set up, it allows me to adjust the pump speed according to the timers or if we are swimming and I don't want the heater to shut off according to the speed of the pump. Micro 1 controls Pump 1 Speed and this is in the morning to the afternoon and is set at a higher speed for running the vacuum in the pool. Pool Timer 1 - [iD 007C][Parent 0021] If From 10:00:00AM To 3:00:00PM (same day) Then In Scene 'Pool Timer 1' Set 'Pool / Pool Pump 1' 100% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Pool Timer 1' Set 'Pool / Pool Pump 1' 0% (On Level) Micro 2 controls Pump 2 Speed which runs at a lower speed just for cycling the water for the rest of the night, but because of the slower speed the heater thinks there isn't enough flow to stay on. Pool Timer 2 - [iD 007D][Parent 0021] If From 3:00:00PM To 10:00:00PM (same day) Then In Scene 'Pool Timer 2' Set 'Pool / Pool Pump 2' 100% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Pool Timer 2' Set 'Pool / Pool Pump 2' 0% (On Level) I then set up a button on a 8 button switch that activates another program to override both programs and disables the scenes that controls the pump. This way the pump works at a faster speed for the heater. Pool Swim Mode - [iD 007E][Parent 0021] If Control 'Backyard Light / Pool Swimming - E' is switched On And Control 'Backyard Light / Pool Swimming - E' is not switched Off Then Set 'Pool / Pool Pump 1' On Set 'Pool / Pool Pump 2' On Disable Program 'Pool Timer 1' Disable Program 'Pool Timer 2' Else Set 'Pool / Pool Pump 1' Off Set 'Pool / Pool Pump 2' Off Enable Program 'Pool Timer 1' Enable Program 'Pool Timer 2' The issue I am having is that the scene for Pump 1 and 2 show that they are on, but it does not turn on the actual Micro module for either scene. Is there something wrong with my program that you may see? If I go directly to the pump micro module, and remove the scene, the Micro modules turn on when scheduled but then there is no way to override or disable the scheduled programs. Any assistance is great appreciated Regards, Robert
  13. My apologies if I'm hijacking your post, but I was curious of how these door locks work if a door needs to apply a little pressure to lock? Do the deadbolts have to be smooth to lock? I wanted to add one to a door that needs slight pressure to lock, but nothing too difficult. Regards, Robert
  14. I'm just curious, instead of modifying the Micro module, why not add an isolation Relay that would be controlled by the Micro module. It would be safer as they are meant to handle any load depending on the rating of the relay, plus you have Form C contacts on them. Robert
  15. Is there any development in the works to see the temperature from the external thermostat sensor other than walking up to it. I have it installed in an enclosed terminal can. The main temperature is monitoring my water temperature as the external sensor is just sensing outside temperature. It would be nice just to be able to see from my phone or tablet the local temperature it is sensing. Regards, Robert
  16. Ok, I will make each button control their own program instead of combining the two buttons.
  17. Well, the above program in place, it actually didn't turn on anything. The heater or the spa pump.
  18. When I ran the Run Then, it worked fine and the program greened up as it should. So I then removed the statement you mentioned. I pressed the Heater button and the heater turned on, but when I pressed the Spa button the spa pump turns on and it shut off the heater.
  19. Well, the above program in place, it actually didn't turn on anything. The heater or the spa pump.
  20. Ok, great! That actually worked. But now it somehow doesn't allow my spa setting to work. This is the program to the spa as I modified it to match the pool settings. Pool N Spa Heater If Control 'Backyard Light / Pool Heater- H' is switched On And Control 'Backyard Light / Pool Heater- H' is not switched Off And Control 'Backyard Light / Spa Pump - G' is switched On And Status 'Pool Temperature - Main' < 95° (Temperature) Then Set 'Pool Spa Pump' On Set 'Pool Heater' On Else Set 'Pool Heater' Off
  21. Ok, so this is the program I have now, but when i switched off the keypad button it did not shut off the heater. Pool Heater If Control 'Backyard Light / Pool Heater- H' is switched On And Status 'Backyard Light / Spa Pump - G' is Off And Status 'Pool Temperature - Main' < 87° (Temperature) Then Set 'Pool Heater' On Else Set 'Pool Heater' Off
  22. Alright, I will give that a try. Doing the similar program for the Spa should work the same, correct? Thank you and I appreciate your help. Robert
  23. I can consolidate the two programs, but I was assuming that if one of the IF statements was not true, then it would shut off the heater. I would like it to constantly change status so if the pool temperature reaches its peak, it would shut off the heater, but if it drops, to turn the heater back on. Should I redo the programs a different way to be able to accomplish this?
  24. Ok, I tried that, but it did not work.
  25. So I have a Wireless thermostat monitoring the pool temperature and I wrote a few programs to control 2 different temperatures for the pool or the spa. The first one seems to work to turn on, but it didn't turn off when I released the button on the keypad. Also if I turn on the spa pump after the heater is on, it shuts off the pool heater. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. I have two buttons at a 8 button keypad, one is for the heater and the other is for the spa pump. These are the programs that were added. Pool Heater If Control 'Backyard Light / Pool Heater- H' is switched On And Control 'Backyard Light / Spa Pump - G' is not switched On Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Pool Temperature If Program 'Pool Heater' is True And Status 'Pool Temperature - Main' < 87° (Temperature) Then Set 'Pool Heater' On Else Set 'Pool Heater' Off Pool N Spa Heater If Control 'Backyard Light / Pool Heater- H' is switched On And Control 'Backyard Light / Spa Pump - G' is switched On Then Set 'Pool Spa Pump' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Spa Temperature If Program 'Pool N Spa Heater' is True And Status 'Pool Temperature - Main' < 95° (Temperature) Then Set 'Pool Heater' On Else Set 'Pool Heater' Off Regards, Robert
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