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Everything posted by randyth

  1. Hmm, that all looks good to me. Because I can't see the end of the body text, all I can think of is to make sure the accessCode is correct and perhaps run your JSON through a checker to test for typos.
  2. That's it! Thanks so much @MrBill
  3. I'm attempting to keep my ISY994i running in parallel with ISY/Polisy while I slowly migrate tasks from one to the other. Both are connected to the Portal with active licenses. However, the ISY Optimized for Smart Home v3 skill for Alexa refuses to find the devices/scenes entered for my Polisy via Select Tool->Connectivity->Amazon Echo. I have made several attempts at new device/scene discovery through voice ("Alexa, discover my devices"), the app, and the https://alexa.amazon.com/spa/index.html#smart-home site with no luck. Is this a known issue (perhaps the skill can't deal with multiple ISYs)? @larryllix, how did you handle this?
  4. FYI, I can confirm that the SNI support fix in 5.2 fixed the Network Resources issues I reported earlier in this thread.
  5. SSH into your Polisy and try this: sudo service isy restart That solved the problem for me.
  6. FYI, all I had to do was a... sudo service isy restart ...and both of the above problems went away. D'oh!
  7. Good idea. Done. Though I will say, having a UUID of 00:00:00:00:00:01 is kinda cool.
  8. That closes the entire Admin Console. It could be that I'm not finding the specific "System Busy" subtask in Task Manager in order to keep the console open. Regardless, I'm afraid that won't fix my lost UUID.
  9. These instructions got the launcher recognizing my ISY/Polisy as well, but now my UUID appears zeroed out. And, I can't get past the "System Busy. Please do not power off..." dialog box after selecting the Polisy and logging in. It repeatedly -- and slowly -- counts up to 99% and then starts over at 0. I've restarted the Polisy twice now, but that doesn't appear to help.
  10. I only wish alexa.amazon.com let me edit Alexa Routines, especially since it's so much better at managing smart home devices.
  11. Similar to Mr. Bill's suggestion, if you are a developer you could also look into creating a Node Server for Kaiterra.
  12. Did you check the Use SNI box? If not, try that. Unfortunately, you cannot do this. Network Resources on ISY are for triggering events. You cannot extract data from the calls you make.
  13. Thanks so much for taking the time to help test and think this through, @MWareman. From what I see, the results support your Cloudflare idea. @Michel Kohanim, could the fact that my "failed" ISY/Polisy NRs rely on APIs running behind Cloudflare or Cloudfront (api.notifymyecho.com uses Cloudfront) be the issue? Cheers, -Randy
  14. You probably forgot to put quotes around the URL when using curl and wget. You might try this, for example: curl 'https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=SYMBOL_SEARCH&keywords =tesco&apikey=demo' That works find for me, at least -- even when called from Polisy's SSH shell. I am simply using alphavantage as a test of Polisy's ability to access public APIs. I discovered this issue with Polisy's NR system when importing the NRs from my ISY994i. Network Resources on ISY/Polisy could not access api.notifymyecho.com or api.virtualbuttons.com, even though these exact APIs work flawlessly on my ISY994i. You can read more about the origin of this issue here. I am in the same boat. I have a lot of other NRs configured that work without issue in ISY/Polisy, just not any that access an API outside my local network. Do any of your functioning ISY/Polisy Network Resources access APIs outside your local network?
  15. I did see that but find it hard to believe it's a timeout issue. Even if I increase the Timeout setting from 2 to 20 seconds (20,000 ms, the maximum setting), the "Request Failed" box appears immediately. I think Michel's interpretation of the error log is likely more indicative of the problem... ...and suspect a "cannot connect" is always accompanied by a "client timed out". My ISP's default servers (Comcast Note that Polisy can ping these public API endpoints without issue -- it's just the ISY on Polisy Network Resources system that is struggling with them. @MWareman, Are you able to access www.alphavantage.co from a Polisy NR (er, assuming you've installed ISY on Polisy and are willing to take the time to play guinea pig)? You can check out the screenshot in my previous post for how to set it up if you have the time.
  16. Interesting. My Polisy is connected to the same router (ethernet, not Wi-Fi) as my ISY994i and other equipment. Additionally, I can ping the URL successfully from Polisy using SSH: Another test I just did was to use the www.alphavantage.co API instead of api.notifymyecho.com. Again, the Network Resource calling www.alphavantage.co works on my ISY994i but not ISY on Polisy: This alphavantage NR results in another -1 error when called by my ISY on Polisy. Time User Code Message Mon 1900/01/01 12:00:00 AM System -170001 <s:Envelope><s:Body><u:TestNetResource xmlns:u="urn:udi-com:service:X_Polisy_Service:1"><id>1</id><flag>1</flag></u:TestNetResource></s:Body></s:Envelope> Mon 2021/11/15 09:38:53 AM 0 -170001 [TCP-Conn] -1/-140002, Net Module Rule: 1 Mon 2021/11/15 09:38:53 AM 0 -170001 <s:Envelope><s:Body><u:GetLastError xmlns:u="urn:udi-com:service:X_Polisy_Service:1"></u:GetLastError></s:Body></s:Envelope> Mon 2021/11/15 09:38:53 AM 0 -170001 <s:Envelope><s:Body><u:ClearLastError xmlns:u="urn:udi-com:service:X_Polisy_Service:1"></u:ClearLastError></s:Body></s:Envelope> -Randy
  17. Here's what's in the error log: Time User Code Message Mon 1900/01/01 12:00:00 AM System -170001 <s:Envelope><s:Body><u:TestNetResource xmlns:u="urn:udi-com:service:X_Polisy_Service:1"><id>21</id><flag>1</flag></u:TestNetResource></s:Body></s:Envelope> Thu 2021/11/11 08:13:39 AM 0 -170001 [TCP-Conn] -1/-140002, Net Module Rule: 21 Thu 2021/11/11 08:13:39 AM 0 -170001 <s:Envelope><s:Body><u:GetLastError xmlns:u="urn:udi-com:service:X_Polisy_Service:1"></u:GetLastError></s:Body></s:Envelope> Thu 2021/11/11 08:13:39 AM 0 -170001 <s:Envelope><s:Body><u:ClearLastError xmlns:u="urn:udi-com:service:X_Polisy_Service:1"></u:ClearLastError></s:Body></s:Envelope>
  18. @Michel Kohanim Well, I can successfully call httpbin.org's GET method using a NR on Polisy, so it sounds like something about the api.notifymyecho.com endpoint. Could this be a TLS protocol issue? (How do you change the TLS version on Polisy?)
  19. It does work with curl. The same API call also works fine on my old ISY which I exported it from to get it onto ISY on Polisy. I'm going to try a different external API or two to see if it's something funky with api.notifymyecho.com or not.
  20. Use SNI is definitely checked, and I've upped the timeout to as high as 10 seconds (10,000 ms) and still get a Request Failed error.
  21. Sadly, that did not help. I still get "Request Failed" when calling external https APIs.
  22. I recently imported all the Network Resources from my ISY994i to my ISY on Polisy to test things out. The Polisy successfully calls local APIs for devices such as Shelly Relays, but not external secure (https) APIs such as api.notifymyecho.com. I get a Request Failed error. Is this a known issue with ISY on Polisy or am I missing something? Here is an example of a Network Resource that fails:
  23. Hey, that's my dating app profile!
  24. Oh, I didn't consider this complication yet. I have a ton of scenes/programs/devices exposed to Alexa. This project is clearly going to be an adventure no matter how I attack it.
  25. Once ISY/Polisy comes to life and takes over the home automation world (or at least our little corner of it) and you have all your Insteon, ZWave, and myriad Polyglot-enabled devices controlled by the new shiny blue box from UD, what are you going to do with your old 994i?
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