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Everything posted by gviliunas

  1. Upgraded successfully to IoX 5.5.6 BUT now, after the restart, Cannot connect to PG3. When attempting to connect to the PG3 web page, I get: This site canโ€™t be reached xxx.xxx.x.xx refused to connect.
  2. I upgraded to v5.5.5. No issues encountered and everything is working normally.
  3. Hmmm Chris had said that sub-1 second reporting intervals might be a problem. I would have thought that 5 sec would be okay. In any event, once Polisy is up, you can plug that multi sensor back in any your system should run fine.
  4. Hi @EJones01, I was seeing a similar problem at reboot. When polisy boots, it asks the ZMatter board for an ID string. In my case, I had several very chatty z-wave devices that were sending data at < 1 second intervals. These were somehow confusing ZMatter and it wasn't responding to Polisy correctly. I would see errors like the ones I see in your log: Tue 01/31/2023 04:40:16 PM : [ZMATTER-ZWAVE-DETECT|/dev/ttyU1] No serial dataTue 01/31/2023 04:40:16 PM : [ZMATTER-ZWAVE-DETECT|/dev/ttyU1] Is not ZMatter Z-WaveTue 01/31/2023 04:40:16 PM : [USB PORTS][ZMatterZWave] initializePort [/dev/ttyU1] - Not our portTue 01/31/2023 04:40:16 PM : [USB PORTS][ZMatterZWave] initializePort [/dev/ttyU2] seqNo=4 isRemoved=FalseTue 01/31/2023 04:40:16 PM : [ZMATTER-ZWAVE-DETECT|/dev/ttyU2] Start ZMatter Z-Wave port detection Working with UDI, Chris recommended that I unplug some of the chatty devices. I did this and was able to boot. Ths allowed me to boot but the final solution, for me once the system was up, was to change parameters to reduce the frequency that some smart plugs were reporting energy usage. After doing this, I can reboot without problems. Hopefully your problem has a similar cause. Good luck in getting your system working again.
  5. Upgraded to 5.5.4 and no problems experienced. No need for any subsequent reboots. All NS working including LiFX on PG3 (Using .yaml file) Previously, I have seen the condition where previously discovered z-wave devices have blank status in the Admin Console after restarting IoX. When this happens, in my case, if I checked the Z-Wave X-Ray, DH All Devices, there was a failure message instead of usual list of devices with their interview status. To fix this I rebooted, sometimes several times. I suspect that "chatty devices" are preventing the Z-Wave interface from starting properly sometimes. Rebooting has solved my problem. Had this not worked, I would have next unplugged any device that reports energy status and rebooted but I haven't had to do that yet. Edit: After successful 5.5.3 to 5.5.4 upgrade on Polisy.
  6. While we are at it, an IR thermometer with Z-Wave interface positioned on a range hood might be nice to prevent boil-overs. There we go, @vbphiland I have opened a new marketplace.
  7. @jhoulihan I think we need more information... 1. Can you describe your system (i994, Polisy, or Eisy), (Zooz Z-Wave, Matter Z-Wave, Insteon), (Current firmware version)? 2. Besides the Admin Console behavior, it your ISY working? i.e Does it control devices and run programs 3. If you open the event viewer, is the process hanging in one particular place?
  8. @brians Zooz Smart Plug Model ZEN06 / Intertek Model HKZW-SO03. (Identical plugs with slightly different labeling. Both of these have Intertek part number 5005292. These switches Include easily and work well but, as I discovered, they can be very chatty by default. They do have parameters that can be set to reduce the frequency or altogether stop energy reporting.
  9. @bmarshWhen your scrolling "Busy" pop-up box was active, Did the lower left corner of your Admin Console say "Initializing System?" I struggled for ~1 month with IoX not starting; being stuck in "Initializing System" with the popup-box and ever-scrolling progress bar. As IoX starts, it queries the serial ports and finds PLM and Z-Wave interfaces. Chris discovered that, in my case, I had some Z-Wave devices that were reporting every second. As IoX was trying to query the Z-Wave port, the unrelenting traffic caused by these four devices was overwriting the data that the the dongle was trying to send. As a result, the Z-Wave port was not recognized and IoX was hung. My only solution was to factory reset (via Simplicity Suite) and then rebuild the z-wave network once IoX boots. In my ~40 z-wave devices, I have 4 smart plugs. I had included the plugs without configuring their energy monitoring parameters. I never though that these were causing my problem. Unplugging them and rebooting allowed IoX to boot properly. Once up, these devices could again be plugged-in. I went one step further and configured the parameters in these plugs to disable the unused energy monitor function. I don't know if you are having the same problem but this might be something to check. I think Chris said he is working on a permanent solution that would not require disconnecting "chatty" devices but don't know when this will be released.
  10. @asbril, I'm sorry, I misread. As one of the early eisy users, I thought you were writing the Wiki migration steps with proposed edits. ๐Ÿ˜ณ
  11. @asbrilYour instructions look GREAT! For the insteon folks, one more thing I would add is to, at a "quiet time" when insteon traffic is low, I would click through each Insteon device and do a "Restore Device." Over the years, I've been surprised to find that several times the device link table of one or more devices has had one or two corrupted entries. For me, this is easy as I have a folder of All OFF scenes and can open this up and just click down through the devices. Not urgent or essential but maybe a good thing to do as we move onto this "spiffy new" era of ISY. P.S. You are off the hook as far as coming to Vancouver to help rebuild my z-wave. Chris found the problem was 4 overly-chatty Z-Wave socket energy reporting.
  12. Some Notes on upgrading from 5.5.0 to 5.5.2 while using ZMatter for z-wave: 1. Many have noticed that after the upgrade, your Z-Wave devices don't work. As a first step, you can select the node and do "Synchronize with Interview." If this doesn't work, exclude than re-include the device. Remember to wake-up battery-powered devices as you try the Synchronize. If Synchronize works then all scenes and programs using the device will work. If you need to re-include then you will need to rebuild affected scenes and programs. 2. If you try and run a Synchronize with Interview" with some devices, (e.g. Aeontec Wallmote ) the Scene node(s) will be deleted. These are the only nodes that will trigger programs. To bring them back, exclude and then re-include the device. 3. As Chris mentioned, "chatty devices" with ~1-second update frequency will currently stop IoX from booting properly. IoX will be stuck in "Initializing System" and no programs will run. If you unplug these devices (hopefully your battery devices are not reporting with this frequency ) and restart IoX, it will startup properly. You can then plug-in the chatty devices. Chris stated that a permanent fix is coming for this but still, you may want to review your devices and make sure they aren't causing unneeded z-wave traffic. In my case I have ~40 devices and my system was being hung by 4 Intertek smart plugs wanting to report energy use information every second. In my case, I don't care about the energy use and turned this off via device parameters. I can now restart IoX 5.5.2 without needing to unplug these devices.
  13. @Chris JahnHere is my Java Console as the AS starts and runs. It is interesting that in the Z-Wave Backup Options section (below), it says ZMatter Connected = false This is strange, it was connected and working with v5.5.0 just prior to the upgrade. Maybe this is only related to backup Java Web Start 11.351.2.10 Using JRE version 1.8.0_351-b10 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM JRE expiration date: 2/18/23 12:00 AM console.user.home = C:\Users\gviliunas ---------------------------------------------------- ๐Ÿ˜„ clear console window f: finalize objects on finalization queue g: garbage collect h: display this help message m: print memory usage o: trigger logging p: reload proxy configuration q: hide console r: reload policy configuration s: dump system and deployment properties t: dump thread list v: dump thread stack 0-5: set trace level to <n> ---------------------------------------------------- Z-Wave event: control=[_25] action=[7.1] -- Extended Info -- <eventInfo> <options> <files ZMATTER="true"/> <dongle ZMATTER="false" ZWAVEOTHER="false"/> </options> </eventInfo> -- Z-Wave Backup Options: - zmatterFile= true - 500SeriesFile=false - zmatter connected=false - other connected=false
  14. @Chris Jahn, No no Java errors. I also cleared Java cache and ISY About claims both my Firmware and UI are IoX v.5.5.2 ( 2022-12-29-14:36:09). I included the debug.log with my ticket For me, I opened the AC and clicked to upgrade. During the upgrade, I received a popup stating that the UI and Firmware were different (5.5.1 vs 5.5.2) . I clicked Yes to upgrade the firmware but this didn't work, I still could not enter via the normal AC. I went back to the loader and entered via the cloud AC. Once there I clicked to upgrade packages again. I then cleared Java cache and got back in via the normal AC. Now, my system is in constant "Initializing System" mode. I tried to be careful and forced a reboot via shutdown -r now and then a full power-cycle after a shutdown now. No Joy Finally, I tried a restoring a previous v5.5.0 backup. Again, No Joy I think the above is pretty close to exact.
  15. Thanks @briansIn that case, I just submitted a ticket and also mentioned @tazmanas having the same problem.
  16. Watch it Asbril, as an expert Z-Waver, I'm going to need to put you to work!
  17. Ha...I need a beer to cry in also. All my NS were working well. I just had a few nonessential Z-Wave devices that weren't including properly. I don't want to try a factory reset just yet having rebuilt my 43 z-wave devices 5 times now. Hopefully this will be an easy fix tomorrow for the UDI-Team. Now, how to I get all these lights turned off for the night???
  18. Thanks @tazmanIn addition to a restore, I also tried a reboot via shutdown -r now and also a full power cycle after a shutdown now. No Joy.
  19. Oooops Maybe it would have been better to wait for official announcement....I didn't need to migrate and my ZMatter already had most Z-Wave devices configured. I tried upgrading from 5.5.0 to 5.5.2 via the Admin Console. Now I'm stuck in an "Initializing System" loop with the Event Viewer stopped at Refreshing views.
  20. I'm not sure I'd upgrade...... I upgraded my Zooz 700 to 7.17 and then 7.18 on 2 different sticks (One came with 7.18). Actually, there were 3 sticks. The very first would not upgrade and was replaced under warranty by Zooz. For the 2nd and 3rd sticks, the system worked well until I re-booted... Unfortunately, my system would then lock-up upon each reboot. The main symptom is that no ISY programs would run. Apparently, an ISY device query needs to kick-off before programs are allowed to run and this would not happen. At that point, I would need to remove the Zooz, factory reset it via Simplicity Studio and then reboot IoX and re-Include all of my Z-Wave devices. This was a thoroughly "PIA" experience. I remember seeing in the ISY log a line mentioning that 7.17 and then 7.18 was unknown or unapproved (can't remember the exact verbiage). Another user in the forum had the same problem. Don't know if this firmware issue was related to both of our issues. I struggled with this issue for >1 month and rebuilt my system >4 times. (43 Z-Wave devices-Some requiring acrobatic techniques) I had several tickets open due to the varying symptoms. In the end, Michell told me that there was a problem with the ZOOz boot loader - a Zooz issue. He suggested waiting for ZMatter. Since ZMatter was so close to release, I waited for that and could not be happier. Zwave is now working properly with ZMatter and all device persist through Policy reboots. I don't know the root cause of the problem but it involved 2 different Z00z 700 sticks both with firmware above 7.15. I don't know how or when Simplicity Studio upgrades or affects the boot loader. I don't know if ISY v5.5.0 would fix the problem that I saw with the Zooz 700. If it were me now, in retrospect, I would be very leary about upgrading using Simplicity Studio unless I was planning to move to ZMatter as a backup plan.
  21. @Chris Jahnyes, seems to be device-specific. I have both Aeontec Multisensor 6 and Door/Window sensor 6 and an older, version 2 Energy Sensor. All say they completed the interview and all have new ISY nodes showing. 1. For the multisensor 6: I can successfully set parameters. If I want to use a "control" in programs, the motion sensor node will trigger it. If I want to use "status" in programs, I need to use the Home Security Alarm node. 2. For the Door/Window sensor: It does not respond to parameter set or query commands. The battery level and the Wakeup and Keep Awake seem to work but the sensor will not provide any useful control or status to programs. EDIT: For the door/window sensor - If I include the device securely (press the button 2x quickly when including, the device does respond to parameter query and change BUT, it will still not trigger programs or show status changes in the AC. 3. For the V2 Energy Meter: It seems to accept query and change parameter requests but the values displayed on the 2 nodes always contain the same values: Total Energy, Current Power, Current Voltage, Current Current. The status of these values does seem to trigger programs properly. You stated that the strict library that you are using is being mandated by your Z-Wave Plus certification requirements. Does this mean that we should plan on replacing all of the old non-conforming Z-Wave devices or will there be some type of future switch allowing us to run these non-conforming devices?
  22. @Chris JahnI can gather the data that you want but I can't get to that point. The system does not come back after I click the IoX Restart button. When I try to login after a restart, I get the two errors below. After that, ISY finder will not find the Polisy until I reboot Polisy via shutdown -r (or power cycle) Edit: Instead of clicking IoX Restart, I did a service isy restart from the command line. After the 2nd issuance of the command, I was able to get it. At the end of the log, I excluded and then included the same Multisensor 6 2 times. mylog.zip
  23. Hi Chris, @Chris Jahn, Yes, happens with every device. I've been resetting and retrying without any change in symptoms. in this last case, Node 2 was a Homeseer WD200+ switch and Node 3 was a Aeon Multisensor 6 with wired-in power. In each case, exclusion is speedy and as expected. Upon inclusion, Matter sees the event quickly but takes a much longer for the pop-up to disappear. After this, no nodes are added to the device tree. If I try doing a sync (without interview) I get this message for both nodes in the log: Wed 12/14/2022 22:04:21 : [Device 2] No completed device interview available, ignoring Sync request Wed 12/14/2022 22:04:21 : [Device 3] No completed device interview available, ignoring Sync request Matter Inclusion Result.zip
  24. @mbkingYes, it took several minutes but ABout shows both Firmware and UI at IoX v.5.5.0
  25. Trying to Include Matter Z-Wave devices but no nodes ever appear in the device tree. 1. "Remove a Z-Wave Device - See a pop-up progress bar that disappears when I click the wall switch. 2. Add a Z-Wave device - See a pop-up that it is interviewing the device......Takes much longer than with the old 700 dongle. 3. Run Synchronize New and Deleted with Interview... Again, takes a long time but no nodes are ever added to the device tree. I try with several (wired devices) and see the device number incrementing but no nodes are added to the tree. Z-Wave X-Ray "DH all devices" shows "Interview Not done" for each device that I tried to include. The log shoes: Wed 12/14/2022 20:29:29 : [Device 2] Interview not complete: numCC=15 numCCDone=0 numCCAttempted=1 Am I missing something?
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