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Everything posted by gviliunas

  1. @MJsan, you also need to order the $26 "Serial PLM Kit" available (scroll down) on this page: https://www.universal-devices.com/store/#top-row
  2. @vbphil.....something about a watched pot......
  3. Hi @MWareman, I think I went through the same problem as you are seeing. If it's related to the recent LiFX v3.9 firmware upgrade, this may help:
  4. I was assuming that we need an upgrade to IOP in order to run the new Matter board. In a description of the board is shown a IOP configuration page where you can specify the version of Z-Wave..... Maybe this will become clear in the promised Dec 01 more information dump.
  5. Thanks @bpwwer! I re-installed from the NS Store as you recommended and re-install from there worked perfectly.
  6. How strange.... I purchased the Weatherbit NS back in July, 2022 and all seems to work correctly. I have version 2.05 installed. I saw the thread above and tried upgrade via the (Re)Install button on the Node Server Purchases page. There is an Order ID code displayed for this NS (Not a trial version) on the page. When I click (Re)Install, I get a message "Cannot find purchase Option for License Record" All of my other Purchased NS display an install NS popup. Only Weatherbit responds with this message. How do I fix this? Greg
  7. I can login to the portal but it says my ISY is offline now. [Edit] ISY is back online but the Z-Wave dongle is not responding.... Hmmm Probably unrelated...For me Z-Wave is is much bigger PIA than Insteon. Hopefully matter will resolve.
  8. After more tinkering, I discovered that the problem with using v3.9 LiFX bulbs is not PG3. The problem is with using a devlist.yml file. With previous revisions of bulb FW, the bulb MAC that the router associates with an IP and the bulb SN that the PG3 devlist contains were the same. Now, with firmware 3.9, the MAC address is different from the bulb SN. Here is how to use LiFX bulbs and a devlist if you have any bulbs with firmware version 3.90: 1. Add LiFX bulbs to your WIFI network. Find the bulb's MAC and IP in your router's status pages. Configure your router to issue a static lease to the bulb(s) so that the IPs will remain constant. Note the IPs and MAC addresses of your bulb(s). (See example screenshot) 2. Configure the LiFX Node server to NOT use a devlist. Restart the Node server and let it automatically discover all of your bulbs. You may need to click "Re-Discover Bulbs" several times. 3. In the Admin Console, look through the status pages of each bulb discovered. At the top of the page will be the bulb's name with the Node server slot-number and bulb SN listed below. (See example screenshot) 4. For each bulb, compare the SN obtained in step-4 with the MAC obtained in step-1. If the bulb firmware is 3.90, you will find that the MAC and SN differ by 1. In my example case, the MAC is d0:73:d5:3f:2a:e7 while the SN is d073d53f2ae6 5. To build a devlist.yml file that will work, for each bulb, use the IP address from step-1 (In my case and the SN (formatted with the colons: d0:73:d5:3f:2a:e6) from step-4. Install the new devlist.yml file. Be sure to add the location of the file on the Node server configuration page. Restart the Node server. All of your bulbs should now be working. Many thanks to @xKingand @einstein.42for their work in developing this very useful Node server and porting it to PG3!
  9. I agree with @Geddy The best devices for minimizing "popcorn lights" and ease of maintenance, for me, are Insteon. I have installed and forgotten my Insteon devices but my WIFI lights and Z-waver sensors have been much more problematic......I just finished rebuilding my Z-Wave side for the 3rd time and have new WIFI firmware firmware breaking a PG3 Node server. Insteon is far less "fragile" in my system. YMMV
  10. @xKing Sorry for the late reply. I was out of town this past week. FYI, I just discovered this is a PG3 issue. I brought my PG2 version of Lifx back up and v3.90 bulbs work perfectly with the PG2 version Lifx NS. They now show Online=True and can be controlled properly. I know you don't have these bulbs to test but if anyone is having this problem, a good workaround would be to use the PG2 version. Thanks for your help!
  11. My system uses several LIFX Mini (C and W) bulbs. These bulbs are all V3.60 firmware. All of these work properly with the PG3 LIFX NS. I tried to add several new bulbs. These have v3.90 firmware. These new bulbs add properly to the network and can be properly controlled by the LIFX cell phone app. The PG3 LIFX NS discovers the bulbs and adds them to the IOP Admin console device tree. On the Admin Console page for these bulbs, all are listed as offline and cannot be controlled via PG3 Restarting the NS, PG3, IOP, and Polisy does not fix the problem. Added @xKingto this as he is the author of the PG3 NS Has anyone else seen this? Edit: I learned a little more about this issue. After a firmware upgrade, the MAC address of the bulb is changed. (Usually incremented or decremented by 1). I tried manually deleting the old node on the NS Nodes page and modified my devlist.yaml to reflect the new MAC and IP. IOP shows the node as found but still lists it as being offline. Lifx_Bulb_debug.log
  12. Hi @asbril. I went here: https://www.silabs.com/developers/simplicity-studio , created an account, and then downloaded Simplicity Studio. It takes awhile for the full package to install. Once you start Simplicity Studio, you will see a Tools button. Click on that for the Tools Menu. Click on Z-Wave PC controller from the Tools Menu. Once the tool is open, click on the "gear" icon and select the port that your PC has found for your plugged-in dongle. Click okay and then click Network Management on the tool's main page and you will see data related to your system. From there, you can fine a Backup / Restore button as well as a Reset Button (Be careful, this clears everything). You can also send basic on/off commands to your devices from here.
  13. @asbrilYou may or may not have a problem similar to mine but......You still may want to ensure that your 700 dongle is backed-up via the Silicon Labs tool. My system was having trouble starting. The NS would all work but programs wouldn't work. Restarting and playing with the NS would somehow result in things working. Mitchel had correctly suspected that some NS or device was not responding. Eventually, the 700 stopped responding. I finally needed to do a factory reset on the dongle via the Silicon Labs tool. Now I need to carefully include-back all of my Z-wave devices being very careful to include them in the exact order that IOP originally had them. I am now about 50% done with this. With over 40 devices, I am kicking myself for not having a good backup of the dongle. Good Luck!!
  14. Thanks @tazman and @tlightne for your feedback! I missed the fact that only part of tlightne's z-wave devices weren't working. Yes, definitely a different problem. Maybe time for me to try re-imaging to rule out the hardware.
  15. @tlightneI think I am having the same root problem. I initially didn't recognize this as a Z-wave not working problem as I have only one Z-wave switch but many Z-Wave sensors (that I didn't notice as not working). For me, I noticed that none of my programs would run after a reboot. Initially this was intermittent and "playing" with PG3 NS start-stop would fix the issue and IOP would take-off and run. In an initial ticket to UD, Michel wrote that my programs were hung because IOP could not communicate with a device(s). Now, I noticed that when programs hang after a reboot, if I unplug the 700 dongle, IOP immediately queries the Insteon devices, runs programs and and all NS data seems to be displayed properly. All PG3 NS are enabled and seem to always disconnect / connect properly with each reboot. Hmmm seems to be related to the Z-Wave to IOP interface and not so much to PG3 (but I don't know for sure). Unfortunately IOP does not support hot-plugging the 700 dongle so I didn't expect Z-wave to begin working after plugging the dongle back in. I tried replacing the 700 dongle (with power off) with another good 700 dongle and restoring a previous backup with no change in symptoms. I am able to control my one light switch via the original dongle connected to my PC using the Silicon Labs tool so I don't think that the 700 dongles are the problem. The Polisy FreeBSD usbconfig command shows a "Silicon Labs Zooz ZST10700 Z-Wave Stick) connect so I don't think it's a usb problem. I have updated my original ticket and am awaiting UD's analysis. One way to possibly confirm if we are seeing the same problem is to ask if your programs will run when you have problems with your Z-wave? I created a simple Turn on light, Wait 5 sec, Turn off light program. In my case, when I do a Run Then, The icon turns green (forever) but no light on or off.
  16. Early on I also tried disabling all NS (in 3 polyglots) but this didn't seem to do anything. I only made progress when I went to the top node of the Wireless Tag NS in the admin console and toggled Monitor Tag off and on then Reboot Tag Manager, then Discover. I am not sure if one of these or the combination caused the Please Wait pop-up to appear from the admin console and everything began to work.
  17. @tazmanJust to close the loop. My programs were still not working after 24Hr so I submitted a ticket. Michel responded in his usual amazingly short time: "Programs will start running only after the initial query. So, I suspect that you have node servers (or devices) that could not be queried after the reboot." This led me to look at my PG3 Wireless Tag NS log where I found a string of interface errors. From the Admin console top node of the Wireless Tag NS, I toggled monitor tags off and on, clicked "Discover", and then clicked Reboot Tag Manager. ISY then popped-up a progress bar and began its query. After this, my programs, and system, were all running normally. Can't beat UDI Support!!!
  18. Thanks @tazman I thought that I had the same problem last week and yes, it did clear on its own. I will wait and be patient. Maybe there is some queue that the system needs to work through???
  19. Something strange is going on with my IOP 5.4.4 Yesterday I rebooted Polisy. After this, I noticed that no programs were running. Manual control of lights and scenes from the Main page of the Admin Console works normally. Today I began investigating further. Here is what I am seeing: 1. I verified that There are no Folder Permissions blocking. I added and removed a permission criteria just to be sure. I also tried re-saving many programs. 2. After ISY reboot, the summary page is showing that "Run at Startup" programs were never run. 3. I created a simple Turn on light, Wait 10 seconds, Turn off light program. If I Run Then, the Last Run Time is logged on the summary page, The activity shows "Running Then", The light never lights, and, 23 minutes later, the program is still shown as running. 4. Strange observation. After rebooting ISY, all of my programs were in Idle state. I created the test program above and did the Run Then of this program at 5:58:30. While I was watching, another program that I have set to trigger every hour (0. Announce the hour trigger) automatically changed state to "Running Then" at 06:01:10. This simple program now shows running, did NOT perform its task, and it is also not showing as completing. It appears that the scheduling part of ISY programs appears to be working but the actual engine that executes the code is stopped. Is anyone else seeing this type of behavior? I looked for some type of error log in Polisy but didn't find any that seemed to log program execution.
  20. “ISY made me do it…” I have been a long-time user (>10yr) of ISY. Along the way I added Z-Wave, 10 Node Servers, 800 hundred programs, (8) Alexa, and Polisy to the fold. I have had my Polisy since the beta-group release and during that time, it has hosted my 10 node servers without issue. I installed IoP when it became available but was holding off migrating due to the need to manually migrate Z-Wave devices. Up until last Monday, ISY (> 10-year-old) was running the main show. Sometime in the dark rainy night, ISY died with a flashing red error LED. I thought this was just a simple sd-card change time but after 3 sd-cards and a continued persistent flashing red LED I took it as a “sign” to move to ISY on Polisy. Thanks to @dbwarner5 and many other members here for posting their tips, tricks, procedures, and advice. With these, my migration was absolutely uneventful. Insteon nodes, scenes, and programs all migrated without any issues. My only cost was the hour or two excluding and including all of the Z-wave nodes and fixing Z-wave scenes and program entries. This was also a good time to review some old programs. I don’t have any objective evidence but can say that with IoP, my system seems much faster and response to events seems crisper. I especially like the speedy opening of the Admin Console. ? I am very happy that I took the plunge and upgraded to IoP. Many of us have come to rely on our ISY home automation as an essential piece of modern life. Thanks to UD technical team and the contributors to this forum for making such an easy and painless upgrade solution possible.
  21. @briansAt this point I have just be dabbling with IoP. The previous z-wave settings didn't matter to me so I just started over with the new stick. I am waiting for the migration to be able to move Z-Wave devices and for some node servers (Lifx) to migrate to PG3 before beginning a full-blown move from ISY. I also purchased my stick from Amazon.ca. I think that Zooz's Canadian distributor is Home Tech Solution on ON. Thanks for the link to 7.17.2. I just followed the link and was successfully able to upgrade to 7.17.2
  22. @mmb, FYI: I experienced the same firmware upgrade issue as you. Finally, I contacted ZOOZ tech support. They had a few ideas to try but could not resolve the issue. Finally offered to replace the stick under warranty. I just received the replacement stick yesterday and was now able to successfully upgrade the firmware to v7.17. In the process, Silicon Labs tech support suggested that the problem might be that encryption keys might not have been written to the device during initial factory programming. I was not able to verify this an opted for the RMA instead.
  23. @RPerrault, My devices were all added long ago, well before 5.4.3
  24. I was curious and so gave it a try. I think it works. I have a Homeseer (I think the model is HS-200 - Older model with the multi-color lights). I added to scene as responder . The controller is an Aeontec Multisensor 6. I added the motion sensor node to the scene. The, I selected the MS6 (Not the scene itself) and see responder table. From here I selected the Homeseer switch in the table. At the bottom of the page, the link-type drop-down now includes "Z-Wave Basic" The MS6 now seems to control the switch in a "snappy fashion"
  25. @Techman, My experience was slightly different After the upgrade, I noticed that the center LED was flashing rapidly. After a Polisy power cycle, now the left LED is blinking rapidly. Also, after the power cycle and a trial reboot polisy, the musical tunes are now gone. Policy is silent.....BUT EVERYTHING seems to work normally.
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