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Everything posted by gviliunas

  1. What have we come to with all of our technology??? ..... As my wife reads over my Will, she discovers the line, "When our house ceases to function, contact Michel Kohanim." Who is Michel Kohanim? ?
  2. I would be nervous installing a flapper or sail switch in the vent pipe. There is a great deal of lint that gets past the filter that I don't want clogging the pipe at the flapper. I don't want to make a fire hazard or something I am going to need to clean later. In the end, I installed three relays in my washer/dryer that trip two open/close sensors. I needed two relays for the washer as the different cycles energized different paths of the circuit. (I made a 2-input 115V OR gate) Not too elegant but it is reliable and I can get the notification a few seconds after the actual cycle ends. Fortunately, my 16-year old "beast" is like an old V8 - Easy to work on and modify, reliable, and surprisingly easy to find parts for.
  3. At some point in the future, the ISY code will be migrated to the Polisy hardware platform and you won't need your 994i anymore.
  4. Hi @bmercier Thanks for the procedure to implement heartbeat monitoring on the UDI Portal. I followed your instructions to create and call the Network Resource and it works. I was just checking my ISY error log and see strings of entries related to this monitoring. I searched the web for Module Rule 43, Error 6 but couldn't find any information. Should I be concerned about these: Sat 2020/03/14 23:05:07 System -170001 [UDSockets] Net Module Rul:43 error:6 Sat 2020/03/14 23:55:10 System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -1/-140002, Net Module Rule: 1 Sun 2020/03/15 00:00:07 System -170001 [UDSockets] Net Module Rul:43 error:6 Sun 2020/03/15 01:03:12 System -5012 0 Sun 2020/03/15 01:03:17 System -140000 sub.isy.io Sun 2020/03/15 01:03:17 System -5013 0 Sun 2020/03/15 01:03:24 System -140000 my.isy.io Sun 2020/03/15 01:03:59 System -140000 my.isy.io Sun 2020/03/15 01:50:07 System -170001 [UDSockets] Net Module Rul:43 error:6 Sun 2020/03/15 01:55:07 System -170001 [UDSockets] Net Module Rul:43 error:6 Sun 2020/03/15 02:00:07 System -170001 [UDSockets] Net Module Rul:43 error:6 Sun 2020/03/15 02:45:07 System -170001 [UDSockets] Net Module Rul:43 error:6 Sun 2020/03/15 03:11:34 System -170001 [UDSockets] Net Module Rul:43 error:6 Sun 2020/03/15 04:01:25 System -170001 [UDSockets] Net Module Rul:43 error:6 Sun 2020/03/15 05:11:24 System -170001 [UDSockets] Net Module Rul:43 error:6 Sun 2020/03/15 07:45:02 System -170001 [UDSockets] Net Module Rul:43 error:6 Sun 2020/03/15 08:50:02 System -170001 [UDSockets] Net Module Rul:43 error:6 This is NOT a high priority as my system appears to be running normally. Thanks for your help.
  5. I received one also...
  6. Currently, I think that only Presence-Poly is using BT but it only works on an rpi. One nice feature is that Presence-Poly can be configured on several rpis in the same home to give you a very granular personal locations for all of the inhabitants .... for those of you in your 10,000 sqft mansions. (You know who you are. ) As I tell my wife...."I think today I'll be in the East Wing but check Presence-Poly to accurately locate me before walking a mile" .... LOL Currently, this poly doesn't work on Polisy but rpis are cheap...
  7. I have 5 day-to-day uses for the Wireless Tags: 1. Monitor outside light levels to turn on some auto-lighting in the house. This was my first use. 2. As an alternate temperature monitoring source for my family room. The TV is mounted just in front of the thermostat. When the TV is on, the thermostat sees the warmth and the room gets cooler and cooler. To prevent this, I sense when the TV is on and shift the monitoring of room temperature to the wireless tag. If the tag is too cold, set the thermostat to 28 degrees C. If too hot, set thermostat to 18 degrees C. 3. As a backup to bathroom occupancy. If the lights time out and wife is still in the shower, one touch to the shower curtain jiggles the wireless tag triggering motion and turns the lights back on. This saved my hobby once or twice 4. To monitor the freezer temperature. Yes, the batteries deplete quickly but this did help me discover how horribly inaccurate a GE freezer thermostat is. Hopefully this will catch a failing freezer or door blocked open before food is spoiled. 5. As a backup entryway PIR sensor. This one trigger Alexa to speak several messages. For these use-cases, the tags are reliable.
  8. Notice: A-Team elves on vacation beginning 12/26. B-Team is in-charge now
  9. @larryllix Are you asking for the command line to upgrade Polisy via a Putty ssh session? if so, sudo pkg update && sudo pkg upgrade After entering this, you will be prompted for the admin password. It is "admin"
  10. @larryllix I discovered long ago that reliable tracking ends at the border...... but then every package becomes a surprise Christmas present
  11. It would be nice but this is for Smarthome to offer, not ISY....
  12. FWIW, I have five 2421 Triggerlincs (v.43) and running 5.0.16B. I have not had any false open triggers. There must be something different in the way ISY handles 2843 vs 2421 sensors. Edit: As Simplextech noticed, I too do see random long delays of reporting "on"
  13. Yes, I think the answer is "no." The outletlinc doesn't have the ability to wait for ISY to determine what state it should be in upon power being re-applied. The question should be directed to Smarthome as a future feature request that devices be made to power-up in a specific state (on, off, or last state before power loss). Currently, the manual states that the the unit will return to last state before power loss. Another alternative may be to check into the ZOOZ S2 POWER STRIP. This device claims "Complete Control:" Complete Control Disable manual control if you don't want your cat messing with the fish tank gear when you're not watching. Decide if your Power Strip should restore status after power failure, keep the devices off, or force them to come on. Note: I haven't tried these strips myself nor do I know if they work well with ISY. You should check the Forums here before purchasing. Good Luck
  14. Okay, now I am into the Polisy Configuration Page. The Network data shown appears to be correct. I tried to change the timezone but had a problem. Selected to change to Vancouver -8 and received a confirmation popup and a green "success" bar but the timezone was still listed as LA. Restarted Polisy via the new System Menu selection. The timezone was still listed as LA. Changed this again to Vancouver and it worked this time. All appears to be working now!!
  15. I think I got it. sudo install mongo-c-driver Got a beep then 2 beeps from Polisy and I can now see the configuration page.
  16. I tried installing libbson in the udx log I get repeating: [admin@polisy /var/udx/logs]$ sudo tail -f debug.log ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libmongoc-1.0.so.1" not found, required by "udx-freebsd-x64" ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libmongoc-1.0.so.1" not found, required by "udx-freebsd-x64"
  17. If I try to re-install udx, I get: The most recent versions of packages are already installed
  18. I do not heat any beeps. Do I need to issue a command to start udx? I used Top and can't see a separate task for udx. I tailed -f the Polyglot log and nothing happens when I select Polisy Configuration form the Settings menu.
  19. This is exactly what I did: sudo pkg update && sudo pkg upgrade (restart Polisy with sudo shutdown -r +1) first. Then install udx (and then another restart Polisy with sudo shutdown -r +1) After ~5 minutes, still waiting with this displayed: Please wait, getting configuration...
  20. In 2.2.8, the System Menu selections appear to work but the new Polisy Configuration selection (under Settings) appears to hang when getting configuration... (Yes, I installed the udx package first and restarted Polisy)s to
  21. @mmb I am sorry, I was moving too quickly and forgot to mention that I had set all of the variables used in my test to precision = 1. All of my temperature devices report to 0.1 degree precision so that is what I used in my test.
  22. I just tried this under v5.0.16 and it works:
  23. The communication between ISY and PLM follows the old serial RS232 device standard. RS-232 had a cable limit of 25'. The communication speed between ISY and PLM is 19.2K baud so I am surprised that your system is working as well as it is with a 60+' cable.
  24. With great thanks to @xKing I can now install Node Servers from the Node Server Store Partial Migration Process Solved: In some cases (e.g. Presence-Poly) node servers will not currently run on the new Polisy hardware. When you use the Backup / Restore method to migrate to Polisy, all of your node servers are copied to Polisy. To keep the unsupported node servers running, you can leave them on your old RPi. The problem is that, after the migration both RPI and Polisy think they are each running all of your node servers as "Connected" devices. I discovered that unfortunately each Polyglot still has some control over ISY. I don't know if having both Polisy and RPi running with the same node servers will cause a problem. To be safe, I thought to just try to delete the now-migrated and running node servers from my RPi. This turned out to be a very BAD MOVE as this deleted the nodes in ISY. ? Correct Procedure for Partial Migration: 1. Perform Backup of your Polyglot settings from your RPi Polyglot 2. Restore these settings on your new Polisy Polyglot 3. On ISY, in Node Servers / Configure section, check each slot entry to ensure each slot has the correct IP and port number which specifies which Polyglot (Polisy or RPi) should be hosting the particular node server. 3a. If using the HarmonyHub NS, copy config.yaml and hubs.json from your RPi to Polisy 3b. If using LiFX NS, and using "devlist.yml" copy this from your RPi to Polisy 4. Open an ssh session on your RPi and remove any NS that you don't want running on your RPi by using this command: mongo polyglot --eval "db.nodeservers.remove({'name': 'NameofNodeServertoDelete'})" <---Edit to have the actual name of the node server to delete from RPi 5. Restart Polyglot on the RPi 6. Open an ssh session on your Polisy and remove any NS that you don't want running on Polisy by using this command: mongo polyglot --eval "db.nodeservers.remove({'name': 'NameofNodeServertoDelete'})" <---Edit to have the actual name of the node server to delete from Polisy 7. Restart Polyglot on the Polisy 8. Now, when you check your Polisy and RPi Polyglot Dashboard web pages, you should see the correct node servers connected to the appropriate hardware and "Unmanaged" on the other
  25. I think this has to do with SmartLabs' architecture of the KPL
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