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Everything posted by PurdueGuy

  1. I emailed you the screenshots. Requested ISY not online, etc. I've rebooted twice, waiting for the 2nd reboot to come back.
  2. I am on 5..0.16C. Portal shows "ISY online since 12:30:19 PDT" No reboots. Polyclot cloud shows all kinds of errors.
  3. For IFTTT, don't use the "Maker" channel now - use the "Make a web request" under "Webhooks" instead. It does involve setting up Portal API keys, etc..but it works!
  4. If you want an individual Alexa announcement per sensor, I don't think it even has to be that complicated. Just expose them in the ISY Portal as a "Motion Sensor". Then create a routine for each "sensor" in the Alexa app..
  5. Both mine (office and home) show a red circle, even though I am at home. I know it triggered though, because I got the push notification that I arrived at home.
  6. Based on this, I checked....the Amazon Cloud Cam is also supported as a trigger for routines. FINALLY some sort of automation for that!!
  7. I believe you could set up each leak sensor that way. However, for some people with a bunch of leak sensors (I have 5) that is a bunch of work in the portal & Alexa app. I hate the way the app works, so the more I can avoid it, the better. When a leak does occur, I get emails, text messages and push notifications detailing the exact location. Just having Alexa notify/warn me is sufficient for me. I can then go check my phone/computer for specifics.
  8. Awesome, I just added that!
  9. Here is my auto lock program. It will be canceled if the door is re-opened, or the lock is locked. If 'Alarm Panel / Door-Front' Zone State is Closed And 'Entry / Front Door Lock' Status is Unlocked Then Wait 30 seconds Set 'Entry / Front Door Lock' Lock Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  10. PurdueGuy


    I have a scene in the portal called "Master Bedroom" that is define as an Alexa scene. I can turn it on and off. As a test, I setup a different scene and made it a "Light" in Alexa. That seemed to work too (on/off worked as expected, setting it to anyone percentage turns it on).
  11. I'm running it on iOS 12 without any issues. I think it will only trigger when you actually cross the boundary (meaning it won't trigger "in" if you are already inside the geofence).
  12. Create a new state variable (i.e. sLeakSensorAlexa). Initialize it to 0, and in the "Leak Sensor Problem" and "Leak Sensor Activation" programs, set it to 1. You could setup the ISY Portal to expose this state variable as a motion sensor, that is "on" if the variable is 1. Then in the Alexa app, create a routine to make an announcement if the motion sensor is turned on. You could also have different announcements by using different values, expose it multiple ways in the ISY Portal, and create multiple routines.
  13. If the KPL is a dimmer and you have 3 wires going from the switch box to the fan (white, black, red) it really doesn't matter.You essentially have a choice of 2 dimmers (one in the FanLinc, one in the KPL). They are essentially identical, and appear as identical to the ISY, so it's personal preference. If you only have 2 wires from the switch box (white and black) then you must use the dimmer in the FanLinc.
  14. I'd always volunteer to test whatever, even alpha stuff. Being a computer engineer, I like being bleeding edge. And I have 2 Ring devices now!
  15. You did the Z-Wave Restore, right?
  16. Installed the new module tonight with no issues (much easier to install without flexing the case around the LED!). My Z-Wave locks and HSM200 works like normal. Healed the network (have a few devices offline due to some electrical work), but otherwise fine. I noticed I have some Z-Wave outlets. The status wasn't populated, so I hit Query. and I would get Fri 07/13/2018 12:40:28 AM : [ZWAVE-WAKEUP 17.000] Query device when awake ZW017_1 The device is set to "Always Awake -> Yes" in the Z-Wave submenu. After I turned them off/on from the AC, then query seemed to work? I think we can turn "Query all at restart" back on? That had to be off just for the initial installation of the module, right? I tried adding my VRCZ4 (Vizia RF+ Zone Controller) - it was recognized as a controller, but I can't do anything with it. I added the node details. VRCZ4_Details.txt
  17. Hoping I'm one of the lucky ones.
  18. Or create a program and call it "basement" in the ISY Portal. Turning a program "on" turns the "then" and "off" runs the Else clause.
  19. One thing I didn't see anyone mention is the possibility of hidden modules (in the ceiling or the like). Is it possible the previous owner had a switch linked to a micro on/off module installed in a fixture for some of the lights?
  20. It doesn't turn off because the program triggers, begins running, and now the device 'Dining Room Switchlinc' is now on.. So now when it hits the wait, the program is reevaluated, and it reevaluates to false ( The "Status 'Dining Room Switchlinc is Off" is not true any longer). You could have this program call another program to do what you want.
  21. With my Kwikset deadbolt, I have some Control actions. Here is my program that turns on a light: If 'Entry / Front Door Lock' is switched Alarm Unlocked by Keypad Or 'Entry / Kitchen Door Lock' is switched Alarm Unlocked by Keypad Then Run Program 'Home Lights' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') So if I wanted a time limit and light restriction, it would be: Either Door PIN code 1 Copy - [ID 00B6][Parent 0080] If ( From 7:45:00PM To 3:00:00AM (next day) And 'Downstairs / Entry1' Status is Off ) And ( 'Entry / Front Door Lock' is switched Alarm Unlocked by Keypad Or 'Entry / Kitchen Door Lock' is switched Alarm Unlocked by Keypad ) Then Run Program 'Home Lights' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  22. There was an issue with the portal a while back accidentally including test devices in everyones profile. That corrective action was doing what you did, delete all and rediscover. http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/20828-concerned-lots-of-odd-devices-added-in-the-alexa-app/?hl=test I got an email about it back in December 2016. http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/20828-concerned-lots-of-odd-devices-added-in-the-alexa-app
  23. You can use an Ecobee3 as a regular programmable without an internet connection, yes. However, there's no local API, so no integration with Nodelink, etc. That requires it to be connected to the internet/cloud. I have read that the HomeKit (iOS) connection is local, but that's unpublished, and (I bet) secure/encrypted.
  24. Remember it's Alpha firmware. http://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/108-50/ However, I've been running it for some time, and no real issues.
  25. Oh I have been running Nodelink ever since 5.0.2 or earlier. I almost never update my signature! (Edit: I just did!) However, Ecobee has no local API (aside from HomeKit), so it MUST be accessed via the cloud.
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