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Everything posted by smokegrub

  1. That is the feedback I expected. Thanks.
  2. When I have a button controlling a scene, how can I get the button to report the status of only one of the devices in the scene?
  3. Thanks.
  4. Will I need a second admin console or can both devices be managed using a single console?
  5. All the programs are simple on/off commands. So, given the foregoing feedback, I can expect the ISY to resume its control functions following power outages??
  6. I am considering replacing a SmartLinc 2412n at a remote location with an ISY994i. That location has frequent power outages with some as long as a couple of days. I am interested in knowing how well the ISY powers up without intervention following such outages. Any feedback will be appreciated.,
  7. Thanks, That is what I was hoping to hear.
  8. I have an ISY994i IR Pro in my primary residence. It is controlled using a Mac running Maverick's. I would like to change out the SmartLinc 2412n in a second home at a remote location and control it using the same Mac and an ISY994i. Are there any special challenges with this setup?
  9. I just got the definitive answer to my question at the Insteon forum: "The 'software' is actually firmware built into the camera accessible via a browser." Thought I would pass it along here for others. My thanks for the help from everyone.
  10. Purdueguy: You say you use the standard camera webpage. Are you able to access that web page without an Insteon controller (Hub or 2412n) at the location of the cameras? If I can do that, then I can eliminate the 2412n and switch to the ISY994i.
  11. Thanks, Purdueguy. That's headed in the right direction. How do you manage the camera settings, e.g., presets, etc. found under Device Management in the Insteon camera software? Does that software remain available for the camera after the ISY is installed in place of the Insteon controller. That is, I guess, my bottom line?
  12. The 2412n is the predecessor to the Hub. MobiLinc can control the position of the camera using presets and receives audio but that's about all. I was hoping that someone on here uses the ISY and these cameras and would fill me in. I love the ISY here at my home and would love to switch at the away location but managing the cameras is of paramount importance there.
  13. I have two Insteon cameras at a remote location along with several insteon devices and a 2412n. The cameras are set up to send motion-activated snapshots. I can access them with my Mac and with my iPhone using MobiLinc Pro. I would like to switch the controller at that location to an ISY 994i but I have been unable to find specific information as to what happens with the cameras following installation of the ISY and removal of the 2412n. It is critical that I be able to control the cameras and get live video and motion-activated snapshots. Does the software that currently manages the cameras reside on the 2412n? Is it transferred to the ISY? If I lose camera control as I currently have it, I will be forced to stay with the 2412n. Thanks.
  14. Took a ticket and Steve Lee quickly resolved the backup issue. Turned out that for some bizarre reason the folder the backup was being directed to by default was the problem. Simply changing the location where the backup was directed resolved the issue. He also quickly set me up to use my external IP when away from home. My thanks to all of you who have tried to help me with these issues. Onward to tackling the next problem that I will surely need help with!!!
  15. I have the icon on my desktop but when I attempt a backup of the admin console I get a message that Safari can't create the ZIP file.
  16. Despite numerous efforts I have been unable to get Safari to make backups of my ISY994i. It has been suggested I switch to Firefox. I have installed Firefox. How do I get the Admin Console JAVA app to use it instead of Safari? I am using a MacBook Pro running Mavericks.
  17. I tried that by turning off wi-fi and it could not find the ISY finder so I assume I must do this while on another network. Is that correct? If that is true, I will have to wait a little over a week to test it.
  18. How do I do that?
  19. I have a MacBook Pro running Mavericks. My router is an Airport Extreme. The router can be configured using Airport Extreme 6.3.2. I want to configure the ISY994 to allow access by both the local IP and the external IP. I can already access the ISY remotely using MobiLinc Pro which shows a local port (80), a Secure https (the external port of the router), a Secure Port (443), a Connect Method (Auto (HTTP) and the UUID of the ISY. How/where do I set up the ISY to allow access in the same manner?
  20. Reprogrammed the light and fan speeds and all is well now.
  21. I wrote Smarthome inquiring about my inability to get audio from my Insteon camera and their software running on a Mac. Here is their reply: Thank you for contacting Smarthome. The cameras audio works on windows computers through Active X, There was an older version of the VLC plugin that supported it for mac, however I do not believe that the current version does. Beware of this deficiency if you have a Mac and plan to use this camera and expect audio.
  22. They are incandescent. As I posted earlier, the strange thing is that I can turn the light on/off without fail using either the admin console or MobiLinc. The KPL fails occasionally but will begin working if I manage the light for one cycle on/off using the admin console or MobiLinc.
  23. Allow me to re-phrase the question about programming: The FanLinc shows up as two devices on the ISY, FanLinc Light and FanLinc Motor. To get the light to work I created a scene with the KPL "On" button as the controller and FanLinc Light as the responder. Is that the proper way set up the KPL button?
  24. Each switch LED flickers when activated. Note that the fan buttons work as programmed all the time. Only the light is presenting a problem. Are there instructions as to how to properly program the scene for the light?
  25. The On/Off button (6 button KPL) for the light on a ceiling fan (FanLinc controlled) flickers when pressed On/Off and occasionally works. The fan speeds consistently work from the keypad. When accessed from the app or from MobiLinc On/Off works consistently. When pressed at the KPL and it fails to work, using the app or MobiLinc to turn it on or off results in the switch on the KPL working again for a while but flickering when it does so. I am stumped. ISY994
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