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Everything posted by smokegrub

  1. Will this variation of your suggestion work? if status KPLD is on then set device C on set device B on wait 2 minutes set device C off set scene with KPLD off else nothing
  2. oberkc: That is precisely what I am trying to do but I cannot find the KPL Off command. Where is it located?
  3. I am trying to write a program that does the following: If KPL button D is on, turn devices B and C on. Wait 2 minutes and turn device C off. I am able to program that successfully but after device C turns off I would like to program KPL button D to go to its off state. Is that possible? If so, how?
  4. Problem solved. Thank you, LeeG.
  5. I have a folder that contains several programs on my ISY94i. The folder is assigned to a button on a KPL and runs fine when the button is activated. However, I can find no way to activate the button using MobiLinc Pro. Suggestions?
  6. The factory reset worked. I am left wondering' however, what the root problem is. Thanks for the help.
  7. I tried two separate circuits and neither helped. I hate to do a factory reset of the device because of the ripple effect in various scenes. Do you think I should try that? It seems my last option.
  8. Great idea. The simplest tests often elude me!
  9. Nothing has changed but there is a power strip near where the ISY is located. That strip may be on the same circuit as the subject device. The modem, router and a printer are plugged into it. Do you think I should plug all the aforementioned devices directly into an outlet and remove the strip altogether?
  10. I wrote updates as directed with no change in status. I also tried to relink it on the 3-way circuit using the ISY. It would not link. It has been working well for several days prior to this incident.
  11. I have a device that now has a green logo of some sort next to it and the subject message. It also says to "Please check communications". I tried restoring the device and that did not work. What do I need to do that will not mess up all the places where this device is used in a scene?
  12. Thanks. Other than being a nuisance, it works. That is more than I had.
  13. The desktop icon.
  14. It works, once. Then I must empty the Java cache and download a new app for it to work again.
  15. Thanks, Lee.
  16. When I switch to Status for the KPL button, there is no ON option available. There is Responding, OFF and a percentage range of options. Why is the ON option not available?
  17. I did use a different scene for each button. Each button is a controller for that scene and each os the remaining buttons is a responder. The FanLinc Motor is the node. My problem is setting the On/Off status of the responder buttons.
  18. I have run into a problem in setting the status of some buttons when programing fan speeds. The first button is easy because I can use the scene to set it status. After that how do I change the status of a button when it shows up in the scene in the wrong state?
  19. Xathros: I followed your instructions and problem resolved. Your help was very much appreciated!
  20. I am running Mavericks on a MacBook Pro. I have the ISY Admin Console icon in my Applications folder and an alias of that application on my desktop. The UI of that application is 4.0.5; the firmware UI is also 4.0.5. I have gone to http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.1.2 and loaded the app as directed. I checked its UI and it is 4.1.2. When I attempt to backup from that app I get the same message about not being able to open the zip file. Also, I don’t understand how to get 4.1.2 into the Applications folder to replace the the 4.0.5 Application already there and to give me the ability to place an alias on the desktop or into the dock. I have already had to redo almost all my work twice, losing hours and causing a lot of frustration. I have 21 Insteon devices and use 15 X-10 devices at Christmas. I am not an experienced JAVA user so I don’t know how to clear the cache. I need help.
  21. When I attempt to backup I get the message Cannot Read the ZIP File. I searched for suggestions to address this and followed precisely the instructions to set JAVA to run in unsafe mode. I get the same message. Any suggestions? I lost a bunch of stuff this morning and had to reinstall it. I don't want to do that again.
  22. Me, too.
  23. I got the ISY back but I had to a hard rest on my KPLs.
  24. I removed the power from the ISY and from the PLM. The problem remains. I have lights now that I can'y turn off.
  25. smokegrub

    Big Problem!

    I was working deleting and restoring a device and somehow the admin console is now in a loop with system busy deleting. Even a shutdown will not stop it. Need help badly.
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